Eduardo Zegarra’s interview with EESP Pukllasunchis on the threats and opportunities of transgenics
“The ancestral knowledge of producers comes from many generations of trial and error: managing crops so that they adapt adequately to the climate, to the fertility and capacities of the soil, or to the availability of water. This knowledge is often more useful in generating a portfolio of crops that are more protective against climate […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in a Spanish TV channel laSexta reportage on the jam in Panama Canal
“Panama is a country where rainfall is very intense, it is tropical climate country and they are going through a rain scarcity, a drought that has been going on for two or three years”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, joined a Spanish news channel laSexta reportage about the ship traffic jam in Panama Canal.
Espinoza and Fort’s study on urban expansion of the last 20 years in Peru is quoted in Somos Periodismo PUCP
“For those with scarce resources, the option is to invade a plot of land or buy it in the illegal market. According to a study conducted by GRADE, 93% of the country’s urban expansion is developed informally”. Somos Periodismo PUCP quoted the study by our researchers Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort on the internal dynamics […]
Eduardo Zegarra discusses in El País the drought affecting Panama Canal
According to Eduardo Zegarra, climate change is the main cause of the problems in the Panama Canal, but it is not the only one: “There is a serious problem with the very inefficient use of water for human consumption in Panama City. The rates paid by the population are quite low. They do not even […]
Food prices are going up: why? Interview with Eduardo Zegarra in LR+ Economía de La República
“We are facing an agricultural crisis that we have not seen for a long time. In no year in the last decade has agricultural production fallen to this extent. A key explanatory factor is the drought in the Peruvian highlinds between August and December last year”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra talks to Rumi Cevallos of LR+ Economía about the fall […]
Curso Evaluación de Impacto de Programas Sociales
Los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el jueves 05 de octubre de 2023 completando el formulario de inscripción, realizando el test de autoevaluación y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo de la coordinación de cursos. El curso iniciará el lunes 09 de octubre de 2023 y durará 6 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE con la información […]
The right to a decent housing. An Infobae article cited study by Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort
“Annually, 127 thousand new homes are built, 84 thousand of which are built informally; therefore, there is still a housing deficit that is growing every year”. Lawyer Giancarlo Vega highlights the findings of the study by our researchers Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort, “Towards a new housing policy in Peru: problems and possibilities (“Hacia una […]
Eduardo Zegarra comments on measures to face a water crisis in the newscast La Encerrona
The central measure is to generate a different institutional scheme to face these phenomena. There should be contingency reserves explicitly assigned to regional and local governments that are automatically activated once a state of emergency is declared. […] Help farmers with specific support: seeds, veterinary kits. Also direct economic support that will allow them to […]
Planning sustainable infrastructure. GRADE Conversa 21 featuring Manuel Glave and Karla Vergara
Although the relevance of infrastructure investment for Peru’s sustainable development is recognized, progress still needs to be made in the development of plans and tools to guarantee it. In this context, the consortium formed by Wildlife Conservation Society, The Nature Conservancy and GRADE, with support from Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, is about to finish a project that aims […]
Santiago Cueto and other experts write on the challenges for leveraging the potential of digital technologies in education in Latin America
According to Santiago Cueto, teachers cannot shoulder the responsibility alone for ensuring that education systems keep up with the dizzying evolution of technology. Improving their skills takes time and requires training, guidance and resources. Together with Dante Castillo and Florencia Ripani, our senior researcher reflects on the issues that prevent the region from harnessing the […]