Half of the investment in vulnerable neighbourhoods goes to low quality projects
El diario La República destaca los hallazgos del estudio de Álvaro Espinoza y Ricardo Fort sobre la calidad de la inversión pública urbana sin planificación territorial. Los autores identificaron que casi la mitad de la inversión destinada a la infraestructura en barrios vulnerables de Lima se destina a obras de baja prioridad, dejando de lado […]
A web of digital journalism highlighted the participation of Hugo Ñopo at the Why poverty and inequality persist in Mexico? International Forum
The Mexican web of digital journalism Sin embargo (However) highlighted the participation of Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, at the Why poverty and inequality persist in Mexico? International Forum, held by Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla, on March 28 and 29, 2017. Hugo was part of the panel on international experiences in the reduction of poverty and inequality. In the […]
The cost of cheap water. An IPE article highlights Eduardo Zegarra’s opinion
The Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE) gathers, on El Comercio newspaper, the recommendations of our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, to identify adequate water tariffs that guarantee its supply and efficient human consumption. According to Zegarra, “agricultural tariffs should multiply 3.5 times to cover the costs of operation and mainteance”. In the case of Sedapal, “the average tariff in […]
Se discutieron estrategias de apoyo a la pequeña agricultura peruana, en conversatorio de AGRORURAL, GRADE y el Banco Mundial
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On institutions, social norms and speed bumps
What does the proliferation of speed bumps in Lima tell us about our institutionality? We share and article authored by Miguel Jaramillo, Executive Director at GRADE, published by América Economía Perú magazine, as part of its special issue on the Annual Conference of Business Executives 2016.
Santiago Cueto is part of a special report on the state of education in Peru, broadcasted by TV Peru Noticias
“Peruvian education in the last decades has seen many improvements, for example the rates of enrolment are high and still growing. In primary education are above 90% and in early and secondary education are around 80%. What remains is to enhance the quality of the educational services and to improve equity, regarding the different opportunties […]
CONVOCATORIA CERRADA. GRADE dictará curso de evaluación de impacto de programas de desarrollo
CONVOCATORIA CERRADA. Los interesados podrán inscribirse del miércoles 15 de marzo de 2017 al miércoles 12 de abril de 2017 enviando su formulario de inscripción, copia de DNI y voucher de pago al correo electrónico del coordinador del curso. El curso iniciará el martes 9 de mayo de 2017 y durará 10 semanas. DESCARGA el […]
Ideas and evidence to enhance public policy in Peru
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Interview to Manuel Glave on land tenure and pastoral societies in Caylloma, Arequipa, on the sidelines of ELLA Programme
“Despite all factors undermining the condominum regime, or collective action to pasture access, this shows a great resilience, and it is recreated, reproduced and continued […] The main restriction the alpaca breeders are going to face in the next forty or fifty years is water stress”. Read the interview to our senior researcher Manuel Glave by Leisa Revista de Agroecología on […]
Ideas for better policies. Miguel Jaramillo’s op-ed in On Think Tanks Annual Report 2016
“We believe that pluralism is an essential atribute of the community of think tanks in democratic societies. However, developing countries typically lack strong communities of this sort”. Read our executive director, Miguel Jaramillo‘s op-ed in On Think Tanks annual report 2016, an initiative focused on the development of policy research institutes or think tanks.