COVID-19 y violencias contra las mujeres: ¿Qué están haciendo otros países y qué podemos hacer en el Perú?
Por: Wilson Hernández Breña. Ya sabemos que la pandemia incrementa el riesgo de violencia contra las mujeres. Antes de que sea tarde, saquemos lecciones de lo que otros países están haciendo para contener y prevenir la violencia, porque este problema no acaba con la cuarentena. Foto: Proyecto CREER. Las violencias contra las mujeres suelen aumentar […]
Propuesta de medidas para reducir aglomeraciones y contagios en los mercados de abastos
Por: Ricardo Fort y Alvaro Espinoza. Hace casi un mes, nuestro artículo sobre focos de contagio en Lima advirtió e identificó los principales mercados que podían convertirse en focos de contagio del COVID-19. Hoy sabemos que más del 20% de los comerciantes en el Mercado Caqueta están infectados con el virus. Aquí presentamos una lista de […]
The urgent need to distribute the universal bonus, by Eduardo Zegarra
“The bonus must be comprehensive and cater to all families in urban and rural areas. In the current circumstances, it is necessary to integrate all the initially announced vouchers (social, independent, rural) into a single universal voucher that reaches all families without a member in payroll regardless of their economic activity and / or poverty […]
Por un Modelo Peruano: capital social para enfrentar la crisis
El esfuerzo inicial del gobierno para enfrentar la crisis por la pandemia —cuarentena y asistencia social— va llegando inevitablemente a su fin. Sin embargo, el Perú no es ajeno a experiencias que han combinado muerte y recesión económica a gran escala. Nuestras respuestas ante estas crisis han construido un “Modelo Peruano” caracterizado por la organización […]
Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo write new UNDP document on the effects of the economic shock caused by the pandemic on Peruvian households
The new document from the Series of Public Policy Documents: Covid 19 of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Latin America and the Caribbean has been prepared by our senior researchers Miguel Jaramillo and Hugo Ñopo. The note analyzes the situation of Peruvian households facing the pandemic, exploring their vulnerabilities through an analysis of […]
La República recoge opinión de Hugo Ñopo sobre el mito de que la educación privada
“Already the senior researcher at GRADE, Hugo Ñopo, has been explaining that, in Peru, the myth that private education exceeds public education is not always the case. For example, he explained that in the poor districts of Lima, the Public schools have better quality than private schools, both in infrastructure and in teaching staff and […]
Google data: general restriction at Easter decreased walkouts by 95%, by Hugo Ñopo and Nelly Luna
Did the walkout strategy by gender work? Read the second article on Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, and Nelly Luna, general editor of Ojo Público, analysis of the user mobility data in Peru and other Latin American countries reported by Google. You may read the first article here.
“The public school could be important again for the formation of democratic and healthy citizenships”, by Verónica Villarán via La Mula
“The economic crisis could generate migration from the private to the public school, which will be available. The public school could once again be of importance for the formation of democratic and healthy citizenships, so that we can all meet again in the public school. That would be an advantage, a gain in the midst […]
The other victims: Covid-19 expone la desigualdad, por Lorena Alcázar vía Ojo Público
More than a month after the quarantine started, the situation is uncertain and worrying for thousands of families. The impact of measures to tackle the pandemic is not the same for everyone. Women have a greater presence in the sectors hardest hit by the crisis: commerce (26% versus 13% of men) and services (44% versus […]
Miguel Jaramillo joined the fourth CADEx “New work framework in health emergency”
IPAE held the fourth CADEx “A new labor framework on the sidelines of a health emergency”. Our senior researcher, Miguel Jaramillo, was a panelist together with Juan Carlos Requejo, vice-Minister of Labor at the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, and Diego Macera, general general at the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE).