María Balarin in La República: closure of private schools due to the pandemic
If the majority of schools that close are those considered low-cost, it would be an interesting effect of the pandemic, according to María Balarin, senior researcher at GRADE. “It was politically very complicated. The pandemic has generated a migration to public schools and that is positive in the midst of a complex and challenging situation.” Read the […]
Minedu, UNIR and GRADE will give a Training Course for University Professors in Online Didactics
The Ministry of Education (Minedu), the University of La Rioja (UNIR), in collaboration with GRADE, organize a course to train public university professors in an online environment. The aim is for the participants to acquire the necessary knowledge about education in online mode, criteria and pedagogical recommendations for teaching in online didactics. All those professors from […]
El Comercio highlights findings by Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort on the consequences of a law that fosters property titles to irregularly occupied land
Today, Monday 19, is the deadline for President Martín Vizcarra to observe the law that expands the titling of irregularly occupied land. Regarding the dire consequences of this measure, El Comercio highlights the recent findings of our researchers Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort: the 43 largest cities in Peru have expanded their urban land by […]
Más allá de los transgénicos: tecnología e innovación para una nueva revolución verde en el Perú, por Ricardo Fort
Hoy el Congreso debate la moratoria al ingreso y producción de productos transgénicos. Si bien los organismos modificados han generado debate por la posibilidad de tener efectos negativos sobre la biodiversidad y la salud, así como por la concentración de patentes, existen otros avances tecnológicos que podrían mejorar los cultivos y las condiciones de los […]
Teenage childbearing as inequality, by Wilson Hernández
“Teenage mothers are concentrated in certain areas of Lima. Not only that. In addition, living in a neighborhood where there is a pregnant adolescent increases the probability of becoming such. This would be a kind of ‘social contagion’ in an environment that also normalizes motherhood when it is not very high in the neighborhood. ” […]
Labor market in pandemic, when the procession goes inside (from home), by Hugo Ñopo
“The component of informality that has increased the most is that of unpaid family workers. These are workers who, although from their condition they reduce the unemployment rate, they increase the informality rate. […] This is a subtle form of job insecurity, inside the home “. Read the new op-ed by Hugo Ñopo, GRADE’s senior researcher, […]
ConectaIdeas: We learn math in a fun way. A digital program that responds and strengthens distance education
La decisión de implementar la educación a distancia, como medida preventiva a la pandemia COVID-19, presenta un reto importante en el desarrollo de aprendizajes en los estudiantes. Como respuesta a esta situación, GRADE viene implementando ConectaIdeas Perú, un programa dirigido a estudiantes y docentes de 4º y 5º de primaria de 44 instituciones educativas públicas. El […]
The failed and farcical start of FAE-Agro, now what?, by Eduardo Zegarra
“The Executive and Congress have the word (and the ability to act). Peruvian agriculture cannot continue to be mistreated in this way, with the sight and patience of all of us. It is not possible that we continue to pay our farmers like this, who with their effort and dedication feed us every day.” In the […]
“Such things don’t happen to a young lady”, by Wilson Hernández
“Machismo is a headless monster. It is everywhere and nowhere. School and family are pointed out as spaces to change the way we conceive women and men. But what roles should the media play? of communication before comments to their news that blame the victims of the aggressions they suffer? “. In his new op-ed for […]
Miguel Jaramillo has been appointed as member of the Inter-Institutional Technical Committee on Labor Market Indicators,
Our Senior Researcher, Miguel Jaramillo, has been appointed as member of the 2020 Inter-Institutional Technical Committee on Labor Market Indicators, installed by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics. The committee will analyze employment indicators and the development of new indicators, in order to strengthen the country’s labor statistics, given the strong impact on the Peruvian economy […]