Entrevista a Wilson Hernández en La Encerrona sobre la evolución de la historia de la inseguridad en Trujillo
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Eduardo Zegarra opina sobre la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Perú
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International Day of the Girl: selection of recent free access titles
Las experiencias de las niñas en sus propias vidas muestran la importancia de proporcionar entornos seguros, no violentos, inclusivos y eficaces hacia un futuro en el que puedan desarrollar todo su potencial. En el Día Internacional de la Niña, compartimos algunos títulos recientes de nuestras investigadores e investigadores. Varios de estos estudios muestran que, a […]
Ojo Público reports Wilson Hernández’s thoughts on the insecurity crisis on the streets
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Wilson Hernandez shares his opinion on the urban terrorism bill. Via Epicentro TV
“Between the extreme measures there is a large gray space where we can move with more clever proposals. It is there where police intelligence has a much better chance of being able to identify groups linked to extortion and dismantle them”. Our Adjunct Researcher Wilson Hernández talked to journalist Daniel Yovera of Epicentro TV about […]
Wilson Hernandez shares his thoughts on the new state of emergency declared by the government
Once the emergency measure ends, “crime returns to normal”, according to Wilson Hernandez, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, regarding the new state of emergency declared by the government to address citizen insecurity. Wilson is one of the authors of the study ¿A costa de qué?: Impacto de corto y mediano plazo de los estados de emergencia […]
Multidimensional poverty: more important than the label is the content, by Javier Herrera and Javier Escobal
“The indicator that Midis would adopt combines only indicators that can be collected in the same survey, ignoring key elements like those related to malnutrition and anemia, indicators of quality of education and quality of access to public services, as well as indicators linked to violence and citizen security”. Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, and Javier […]
Carmela Chávez comments on the suspension of the licensing of Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana
“Within Sunedu’s Regulation of Infractions and Sanctions, there is no figure of suspension. But in an administrative process, a sanction is a provisional measure, while deciding what sanction to impose”. Carmela Chávez, Associated Researcher at GRADE, talked with SEMANAeconómica about the suspension of the licensing of the Universidad Privada Peruano Alemana. An article available for subscribers here.
Escobal and Herrera: Decree that Goverment wants to aprove puts statistical system under threat, why?
“By transferring INEI’s own functions to Midis, the Supreme Decree proposed by the Government is a threat to the credibility of non-monetary poverty indicators”. Javier Escobal, Senior Researcher at GRADE, and Javier Herrera, Visiting Professor at PUCP, both members of the Consultative Commission on Poverty Measurment. write about the implications of a proposed Supreme Decree that questions the […]
Off days: Second jobs and informality in Peru, by Miguel Jaramillo
“From the perspective of our regulation, the high rate of second jobs is paradoxical, given the preference for the full-time contract over indefinite time, which leads our jurisconsultants to consider fixed-term labor contracts as “atypical”, when in reality it is the most frequent form of contracting”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, writes about second jobs […]