Patricia Arregui has been appointed as CNE vice president for the period 2020-2023
Patricia Arregui, senior researcher at GRADE and member of the project Growing with the Rural Multigrade Schools in Peru (CREER), was appointed as vice president of the National Council of Education (CNE) for the period 2020-2023. Along with Patricia, the other members of the Board of Directors are: María Amelia Palacios, as president, and Grimaldo Rengifo, Sandro […]
Come On, Guys: It’s Time Men Got More Involved at Home, by Hugo Ñopo
“One of the biggest hurdles women face when it comes to professional opportunities lies at home. We — husbands, fathers, sons and brothers — are largely responsible for the inequality that stems from our own behavior in the household. And we do this to the people we love!”. Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, writes in Americas Quaterly […]
Young, rural and low-income women lost more their jobs during the pandemic
“The research calculated that 34% of female heads of households lost their jobs compared to 28% of their male counterparts, as this problem is much more profound in Peru, El Salvador, Honduras and Bolivia. More than half of the women female heads of households who are in charge of children under 6 have seen their […]
When the “good” neighborhoods ruin the “bad” ones, by Wilson Hernández
“When an adolescent lives in a vulnerable neighborhood, his propensity to commit a crime is greater when there are people with less vulnerability in the surroundings neighborhoods. But, according to the aforementioned study, this is not the case when the surroundings neighborhoods are also vulnerable”. Our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández highlighted the findings of a […]
Miguel Jaramillo in RPP Noticias: impact of the pandemic on employment
“If you look at the evolution of employment in Metropolitan Lima, you see that informal employment is growing faster than formal employment. Informal employment, particularly self-employment, fell a lot with restrictions on mobility, but now it is growing very fast, because the independent worker has no social protection mechanism”. Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, spoke […]
María Balarin in La República: closure of private schools due to the pandemic
If the majority of schools that close are those considered low-cost, it would be an interesting effect of the pandemic, according to María Balarin, senior researcher at GRADE. “It was politically very complicated. The pandemic has generated a migration to public schools and that is positive in the midst of a complex and challenging situation.” Read the […]
Minedu, UNIR and GRADE will give a Training Course for University Professors in Online Didactics
The Ministry of Education (Minedu), the University of La Rioja (UNIR), in collaboration with GRADE, organize a course to train public university professors in an online environment. The aim is for the participants to acquire the necessary knowledge about education in online mode, criteria and pedagogical recommendations for teaching in online didactics. All those professors from […]
El Comercio highlights findings by Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort on the consequences of a law that fosters property titles to irregularly occupied land
Today, Monday 19, is the deadline for President Martín Vizcarra to observe the law that expands the titling of irregularly occupied land. Regarding the dire consequences of this measure, El Comercio highlights the recent findings of our researchers Alvaro Espinoza and Ricardo Fort: the 43 largest cities in Peru have expanded their urban land by […]
Más allá de los transgénicos: tecnología e innovación para una nueva revolución verde en el Perú, por Ricardo Fort
Hoy el Congreso debate la moratoria al ingreso y producción de productos transgénicos. Si bien los organismos modificados han generado debate por la posibilidad de tener efectos negativos sobre la biodiversidad y la salud, así como por la concentración de patentes, existen otros avances tecnológicos que podrían mejorar los cultivos y las condiciones de los […]
Teenage childbearing as inequality, by Wilson Hernández
“Teenage mothers are concentrated in certain areas of Lima. Not only that. In addition, living in a neighborhood where there is a pregnant adolescent increases the probability of becoming such. This would be a kind of ‘social contagion’ in an environment that also normalizes motherhood when it is not very high in the neighborhood. ” […]