Ricardo Fort: What agriculture expects from the next government. An interview by Agro Peru Informa
“The key is to help the country come out of the economic crisis as quickly as possible and that is done through the engine of public investment. It is necessary to continue with small projects that help the continuity in the demand for local labor in rural areas, cleaning roads and irrigation canals, construction of […]
Perú Debate: Miguel Jaramillo talked with Gustavo Yamada about employment and labor informality
“Going towards a system where companies contract formally and can live in formality in a simpler way is clearly the route to follow. In addition, social protection is an element that the population is demanding and that would allow, under a scheme less burdened towards the labor market, that companies have a higher level of […]
Santiago Cueto is a member of the driving group of the National Network for Research on Disability
Our Executive Director and Senior Researcher, Santiago Cueto, is part of the driving group of the National Network for Research on Disability (RENID), promoted by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (Conadis) of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The aim of RENID is to promote the generation, discussion, dissemination and […]
Hugo Ñopo joined a Perú Debate and RPP podcast on educational policies
Education is one of the most relevant matters of any goverment. In this chapter, Sandra Carrillo (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos) and Hugo Ñopo (GRADE) talk about the policy paper “Policies for an equitative and inclusive education”. A podcast from “Perú Debate 2021: proposals for a better goverment” Project and RPP Noticias.
Curso online Fundamentos para el diseño y evaluación de programas sociales 2021
Los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el jueves 15 de julio de 2021 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 19 de julio de 2021 y durará 10 semanas. Descarga el PÓSTER con la información básica del curso aquí. […]
Ricardo Fort’s opinion in América Economía on the economic challenges of the next Peruvian goverment
“There is very little criteria for territorial planning and distribution of public investment. The investment system that dates back to the 90s looks at project by project and not the whole. They carry out isolated projects that are not connected to each other. There is no connection between the sectors. and between the levels of government. […]
GRADE and Southern Voice join the CORE Initiative COVID-19 Responses for Equity
GRADE join CORE COVID-19 Responses for Equity, an initiative gathering 21 projects from 42 countries that seeks to understand the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, improve existing responses, and generate better policy options for recovery. Together with Southern Voice, our centre takes part with a project that focuses on how to achieve sustainable and gender inclusive improvements in food […]
Why have we had such poor health results in the face of COVID-19 ?, by Miguel Jaramillo and Kristian López
“The most lethal error of the first months of the pandemic was one made up of economics and epidemiology: the poor determination of the social value of the massification of diagnostic tests and contact tracing.” Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, and Kristian López, director of LEEPS Laboratory, characterize the poor performance of the COVID ー […]
International Potato Day: Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion on the 2020 agrarian poverty figures reported by INEI
Regarding the agrarian poverty figures reported by the National Household Survey (ENAHO) 2020 of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, explains the problem of overproduction and dependence on industry food importation of inputs. Article of Convoca on the sidelines of the International Potato Day.
What to change and what to keep ?, by Hugo Ñopo
Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, gathered the opinion of 23 Peruvian economists on what should and should not change in the country’s economy in the next five years. Topics such as social protection, taxation, labor formality, macroeconomic management, free trade, private investment, social programs, educational policies, among others, were addressed. Read his new article in […]