Public policies, economic recovery and structural weaknesses, by Miguel Jaramillo
“A first conclusion of this analysis is that, although public investment can be key to reviving economic growth, it does not go very far when it comes to addressing the structural challenges that arise in the country. In contrast, public spending on health and other social sectors can do it. ” Read the new op-ed […]
Hugo Ñopo in La República about going back to school in 2022: We should take risks
We have lacked the conviction of knowing where the important thing is and this is in our children, in the future of the country, what we are doing to be a more prosperous nation. And when I say that I do not only mean economically. Of course, the economy matters, but there are things that […]
In defense of the University Reform. Martín Benavides in La Mula
“Sunedu appears so that more students are not scammed as were those from universities with a denied license. There is evidence of professional underemployment, that these students were not able to recover their investments. Faced with this problem, the regulator appears to put things in place in such a way that there are no more […]
Migrate to survive. Ojo Público’s reportage gathers GRADE findings
Between March and December 2020, approximately 248.311 Peruvians returned to their rural areas of origin from the cities. According to the study from our researchers Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, and Alvaro Espinoza for the Inter-American Development Bank, this is the first mass return process in the history of Peru. Read OjoPúblico’s reportage. DOWNLOAD THE STUDY here.
Hugo Ñopo: To insist with the ANR is to retake what we know does not work
“We did not get to this situation so ‘very poor’ of university quality overnight. It took several decades to get there. With the same coin, getting out of this is going to take several decades. With only five years of operation of the Sunedu is not going to reverse the situation of the system.” Hugo […]
Martín Benavides: “Using young people to say that Sunedu has throw 200 thousand students out on the street is playing with their aspirations”
“To use young people to say that Sunedu has throw 200 thousand students out on the street is to play with their aspirations again. Of those young people who studied at the denied universities, 70% already have a continuity route. About 30 % continue in the universities, because care was taken that the decision is not […]
Mauricio Espinoza share his thoughts in Ojo Público on the crisis of milk producers in Peru
According to Mauricio Espinoza, Adjunct Researcher at GRADE, the main issue for the crisis of milk producers is the oligopsony of the livestock sector. A reportage from Ojo Público.
Curso online Formación a docentes en metodologías de investigación 2022-I
Las y los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 19 de enero de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 24 de enero de 2022 y durará 8 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE del curso aquí. La nueva regulación […]
Miguel Jaramillo shared his thoughts in Forbes Peru about the increase in the minimum wage announced by Pedro Castillo
“The recovery of employment has basically been due to the informalization of labor relations. Formal employment is stagnant. Raising the minimum wage is not understanding what the problem in the economy is”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, shared his opinion at Forbes Peru about the economic effects of President Castillo’s announcement.
Hugo Ñopo in TV Peru: A balance of the first 100 days of government
What has been achieved and what is pending in the economy in the first 100 days of government? According to Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researche at GRADE, although in the macro and in health we are doing well, in education, “it should be enormously alarming that today our students are not returning to the classroom in a majority number”. […]