RPP Noticias: Eduardo Zegarra on the reduction of the entry of fertilizers to Peru
RPP Noticias highlighted the opinion of our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra in the newspaper Gestión on the current shortage of fertilizers and its impact on the agricultural sector. “Per month the producers require at least 40,000 tons and they were only entering 5,000 tons per month and now it is zero, everything has stopped. Future […]
TV Perú: Eduardo Zegarra’s on the VAT exemption for five foods
“It is a measure with problems. One is that the reduction will not necessarily go to the final consumer. It is also quite regressive, because it favors those with greater purchasing power. It is better to make a program of direct economic support to families in poverty or in vulnerability, more or less 50% of […]
Miguel Jaramillo in Bloomberg Línea: “The probability of a young person getting a formal job would be even more difficult”
“The probability of a young person getting a formal job, which is already ridiculously low, would be even more difficult. If the labor policy announcements are oriented towards the fact that it will cost more to fire, that temporary contracts are limited, how do you want firms hire more? If the government really wants to […]
Curso online Fundamentos para el diseño y evaluación de programas sociales 2022
Los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 18 de mayo de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 23 de mayo de 2022 y durará 10 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE con la información detallada del curso aquí. […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in RPP Noticias about food items that would be exempt from VAT
“The most serious thing has not been to include the pheasant or some other elements that are quite ridiculous, but to extend the rule until December 31 and include a VAT and tax credit refund mechanism that could involve very complicated tax fraud problems” . Listen to the opinion of our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra on […]
Is the increase in the minimum wage an impromptu decision? Miguel Jaramillo’s opinion
Is the increase in the minimum wage an impromptu decision? According to Miguel Jaramillo, principal investigator at GRADE, “it is very difficult to justify this type of measure in the current context of depressed formal employment and growing informal employment. The decision is opportunistic, not technical.” Read his full comment in La República.
Eduardo Zegarra: Two urgent actions against the food crisis
“The first (action) is to promote fertilizer imports, especially urea. There is already a deficit of more than 180,000 tons of fertilizers that could not be imported. If there is no more fertilizer in the coming weeks, Peruvian agriculture, especially commercial, is going to face a very serious crisis. Secondly, an immediate measure is needed […]
Let’s put informality in lockers, by Hugo Ñopo
“When we say that informality in the country reaches 72% of workers, we are adding everyone, putting very different realities in the same bag. One part of this informality is fought with inspection, another part (in fact, the vast majority), no. Making the distinctions is important for designing better policies.” Read the latest article by […]
Hugo Ñopo in Forbes Peru: the main gender gaps in the Peruvian labor market
The entry of women into “flexible” or part-time jobs occurs because they still mostly attend to domestic duties or within their homes. “The National Time Use Survey reveals that in a typical week, women have two fewer days to work. This implies a huge inequality of opportunity.” Read the comments of Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE […]
Minimum wage: an ineffective instrument to redistribute income, by Miguel Jaramillo
“As an instrument to redistribute income to the least favored, the Minimum Vital Remuneration is not a potentially effective policy.” In this article from the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE), our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo shares evidence on the operation and effects of minimum wage policies in Peru.