Eduardo Zegarra on Canal N: political and productive measures in the face of the agricultural crisis
“About 500,000 small and medium-sized producers use fertilizers more intensively. The hardest hit of this crisis is concentrated on them and policies should focus on them. In the approach that is being made there there is a first mistake, because it is being said that this is a program to alleviate poverty, when we are […]
Who will suffer more with the inflation?, by Hugo Ñopo
“The good and services which the poor consume are those whose prices have been rising the most. The most recent INEI report states that between June 2021 and May 2022, food prices in Peru rose 14 %; housing prices, 12 %; and transportation prices, 11%. These items represent 4/5 of the consumption basket of poor households in the […]
Fertilizer acquisition process was unclaimed. Opinion of Eduardo Zegarra RPP News
“The crisis that could be generated is much more serious because for the first time an international price crisis would be joining a deep agrarian crisis, due to the lack of fertilizers. It is of extreme concern. The government has to take urgent measures and extraordinary”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, analyzes in RPP Noticias the […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on food insecurity in Peru for a UK project
“The main vacuum in the Peruvian case is that we do not have an official measurement of food insecurity. It is almost impossible to organize policies if you do not have a clear understanding of what is happening and the factors behind the issue. Peru has a long tradition of measuring poverty and other social […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “Many people are buying less quality and quantity (of food), especially in the poorest strata”
“The increase in annualized food inflation is around 15%. This data is very strong because it is a year in which Peruvian families have seen their income stagnant or falling. People have a little less income and now they have to go to buy food that is more expensive. Many people are buying less quality […]
Eduardo Zegarra on TV Peru: falling prices of avocados and mangoes
“In both markets, there is a saturation due to an offer that has been increasing year after year. On the other hand, exporting is now more expensive, because there are serious difficulties with containers and marketing processes. This is having a strong impact, above all, in medium and small producers. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, discussed on […]
Curso online Formación a docentes en metodologías de investigación 2022-II
Las y los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el miércoles 13 de julio de 2022 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 18 de julio de 2022 y durará 8 semanas. Descarga el BROCHURE del curso aquí. El artículo […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion in Ojo Público on the risk of a food crisis in Peru
According to Eduardo Zegarra, the food crisis is an issue that exceeds the powers of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, so its solution should include more than one portfolio. Our Senior Researcher spoke of the possibility of organizing an emergency food commission: “The dimension of the problem has long since gone far beyond the […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Canal N: “It is urgent to have a food crisis committee”
“In the first place, we must have a food crisis committee with various ministries, civil society and agrarian associations. Second, we must put together a strong and serious program to buy fertilizers worldwide with diplomatic deployment and commercial attaches. In the short term , we need at least 300,000 tons of nitrogenous fertilizers to cover […]
Hugo Ñopo’s opinion in El País on Latin America’s measures to alleviate the effects of inflation
“In Peru, only 25% of employees are formal and business informality is also very large”. According to Hugo Ñopo, the increase in the cost of credit due to the rise in the benchmark interest rate of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru does not have such a direct impact on the level of activity. Thus, […]