Privatización de la educación y segregación escolar: algunas ideas de estudios de GRADE
El actual debate sobre el impacto del sistema de vouchers educativos ha reanudado la necesidad de una discusión sobre la privatización de la educación basada en evidencia. Compartimos algunas ideas basadas en estudios recientes de GRADE sobre el funcionamiento del mercado de la educación y la segregación escolar en el Perú. El mercado educativo peruano […]
Privatización de la educación y segregación escolar: una selección de estudios de GRADE
El reciente debate sobre la privatización de la educación hace resurgir diversas investigaciones sobre el funcionamiento del mercado de la educación en el Perú. En los últimos años, en GRADE hemos estudiado las formas y efectos de la participación del sector privado en la educación, así como las tendencias de segregación escolar por nivel socioeconómico, […]
Podcast CIES: Pathways to inclusive rural development in Peru, with Ricardo Fort
“We need a much broader view of the country and the territory to understand how we can create other opportunities in rural areas, in intermediate cities or in larger cities so that people who are currently trying to survive in rural areas have more possibilities to get ahead”. Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, spoke […]
#8M La Mirada: Women workers, in the crisis and after, by Miguel Jaramillo
“Women have more self-employment and less salaried work, figure less among business employers and more among unpaid family workers.” Miguel Jaramillo, senior researcher at GRADE, writes about the impact of the pandemic and the policies implemented in that context on the participation of women workers in economic activity. Read the full op-ed in El Comercio […]
Partnership for Economic Policy highlights the contributions of Martín Valdivia as the founding director of its Latin American office
Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) highlights the contributions of Martín Valdivia, Senior Researcher at GRADE, whose leadership as the founding director of its Latin American office in Peru helped expand PEP initiatives and reputation in the region. Learn more about Martín Valdivia’s work and contributions to PEP here.
#8M: Publicaciones de Acceso Abierto
En la sociedad peruana aún operan diversos mecanismos que han perpetuado inequidades sociales basadas en las diferencias de género y expresadas en las desiguales oportunidades de desarrollo que tienen hombres y mujeres en nuestro país. Esta forma de desigualdad tiene raíces estructurales que no solo se manifiestan en los planos sociales y económicos, sino también […]
Access to reading in digital times, by Walter Alvarado from Crece Lee/Worldreader
The pandemic and the recent social crisis have highlighted the educational gaps in the country. Technology is presented as an opportunity to enhance access to knowledge. Walter Alvarado, regional director Peru/LATAM at Worldreader, writes about how digital technologies, with pedagogical and parental accompaniment, “can become an adequate solution to boost those aspects in which the […]
Food prices: how to benefit producers and consumers, by Carolina Trivelli and Javier Escobal
“Consumers are the main victims of high prices. We all consume food and those who have less spend a higher percentage -almost half of their total expenditure- on food. Expensive food translates – in a situation of stagnant incomes – into hunger and severe restrictions on household consumption. High food prices have partially translated into […]
An open letter from the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE)
Nos dirigimos a la opinión pública para rechazar las graves acusaciones e insinuaciones propagadas recientemente, relacionadas con los estudios que GRADE ha realizado para el Ministerio de Educación en los últimos años.
The Reform Agrarian versus children, by Roxana Barrantes and Ricardo Fort
“We found was a negative and persistent effect over time of the Agrarian Reform on children’s years of schooling in higher-affected districts, due, in good measure, to the particular type of reform that was implemented in Peru.” In their new article for Jugo de Caigua, Roxana Barrantes (IEP) and Ricardo Fort (GRADE) write about the […]