Miguel Jaramillo: “The recovery of employment is reaching its limits”
“The recovery of employment is reaching its limits”. According to Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, a correction in the deterioration of the Peruvian labor market is not expected in view of the bad outlook for the economy and investment. He questioned the measures taken by the Congress that affect the labor market. Interview under […]
[RESULTS] CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Care Economy Public Policy Innovations Collaborative Action-Research Fund Latin America and the Caribbean
The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), in collaboration with United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) and the Global Alliance for Care, and supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), launch the call for proposals for the: Care Economy Public Policy Innovations Collaborative Action-Research Fund Latin America and the Caribbean […]
Javier Escobal on The Dialogue’s Latin America Advisor: What Can Be Done to Reduce Peru’s Rate of Poverty?
“Urgent action is needed to overhaul the Peruvian civil servant system, which will help curb rampant corruption and enable the public sector to focus on fostering growth and reducing poverty”. Read the full commentary by our Senior Researcher Javier Escobal in the Inter-American Dialogue’s daily Latin America Advisor. Javier’s text is part of the article […]
Alvaro Espinoza: “What most modern cities are trying to do is to have more integrated cities”
“What most modern cities are trying to do is to have more integrated cities, where you have people from different socioeconomic sectors and walks of life living in a more mixed way. That makes the city more efficient and people are closer to where they study and where they work.” Our Adjunct Researcher Alvaro Espinoza […]
MATRÍCULA EXTEMPORÁNEA. Curso online Fundamentos para el diseño y evaluación de programas sociales 2023
Los interesados podrán inscribirse hasta el sábado 26 de agosto de 2023 completando el formulario de inscripción y enviando la copia del DNI y el voucher de pago al correo electrónico de la coordinación del curso. El curso online iniciará el lunes 28 de agosto. Descarga el BROCHURE con la información detallada del curso aquí. La evaluación es parte fundamental […]
Commentaries by Martín Valdivia on the illicit cigarettes market in Peru
“To claim that 62.2 % of the cigarettes sold in the national market are of ilicit origin as a result of taxes, is to want to overturn the tax policy for the control of tobacco consumption”. Read the commentaries by Martín Valdivia, Senior Researcher at GRADE, on the recent report by the consulting firm Euromonitor, […]
Does politics affect the uptake of social policies? Post by Martín Valdivia and others in The Journal of Politics’ blog
Martin Valdivia and coauthors examine whether policy preferences affect the uptake and learning from government programs in the context of Brazil’s Individual Microentrepreneur Program, which provides subsidized access to social security coverage and business-related incentives. To this end, they report the results of a field experiment in low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro. Blog based on […]
Miguel Jaramillo’s commentary on poverty reduction in the Inter-American Dialogue’s daily Latin America Advisor
“Going back to a path of poverty reduction requires a more promising business environment and a modicum of political stability”. Read the full commentary by our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo in the Inter-American Dialogue’s daily Latin America Advisor.
JUNTOS and the foundational fundamental skills. GRADE Conversa 19 featuring Alan Sánchez
Foundational cognitive skills are key elements in both the learning process and the ability to retain knowledge. We spoke with Alan Sanchez, co-author of a recent Niños del Milenio study on the relationship between the age of the child at the time of joining Programa Juntos and the development of a set of cognitive skills. […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on the impact of the climate crisis on Peruvian agriculture. Via La República
“Farmers usually use a fraction of their production for their own food and with the resources obtained from the sale of their products they purchase other foods to complete their diet. Therefore, lower production means lower sales and, therefore, less income to cover their living expenses”. Read the comments of Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at […]