
October 19, 2020

Minedu, UNIR and GRADE will give a Training Course for University Professors in Online Didactics

The Ministry of Education (Minedu), the University of La Rioja (UNIR), in collaboration with GRADE, organize a course to train public university professors in an online environment. The aim is for the participants to acquire the necessary knowledge about education in online mode, criteria and pedagogical recommendations for teaching in online didactics. All those professors from public universities who wish to acquire the necessary skills to teach online can apply, as well as professors in practice who want to improve their teaching and digital skills.

Deadline to request an inscription: November 3.
Week 0 (introduction to campus): November 9.
Week 1 (start of classes): November 16.
End of the course: November 11.

The course will have 60 hours equivalent to 2 ECTS. Four weeks of virtual face-to-face classes.

Check the conditons here.
