In Memoriam: Shane Hunt and Barbara Hunt
We, the members of GRADE who trained as economists, economic historians, and sociologists, came to know and appreciate Shane Hunt’s work long ago. He was a professor at Boston University, a key contributor to our economic history, a careful analyst of our national development process, and a great lover of Peru.
He accompanied and assessed GRADE’s institutional development as part of the Economic and Social Research Consortium (CIES), and he played a key role in the initial training and the personal and professional development of many of us.
Other social scientists, academics, and educators at GRADE were also fortunate to meet and work alongside Barbara Carey Hunt, his partner for nearly 70 years, an expert in pedagogy and reading competency development.
Barbara passed away on November 16 of last year, and Shane passed on February 8 of this year. Their three children, as well as dear Peruvian friends, were able to be with them and accompany them, both in person and virtually, during the final months of their rich, joyful, and fulfilling lives.
We can only mourn the loss of these two outstanding professionals, wonderful people, and true practitioners of the art of conversation, respect, affection, and friendship. We deeply value their contributions to the knowledge of our country, and their generous sharing of it over many decades with Peruvian students and professionals. But most importantly, and paraphrasing what one of their daughters wrote recently, it is now up to us to follow their example. To be that friend to those in need. To care for others, to ask how they are doing. To be that wise advisor, that voice of wisdom, intelligence, humor, and kindness that is so needed today.