
July 22, 2024

Eduardo Zegarra is an expert member of the Multidisciplinary Committee on Water Stress convened by CEPLAN

The National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN) formalized the creation of the Multidisciplinary Commitee on Water Stress, with the aim of making strategic proposals to guarantee the availabilty, quality and sustainability of water resources.

Among its main actions are the prioritization of strategic proposals in the integrated management of water resources, the identification of relevant issues at national and regional level to promote their implementation, the formulation of recommendations for the implementation of strategies focused on the reduction water stresss, and the mapping of alliances and key actors to address water insecurity.

Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra is one of the members of th Commitee, along with experts from the public, private and civil society sectors convened by CEPLAN.

Ceplan instaló el Comité multidisciplinario sobre estrés hídrico (Andina, 21/07/2024)