#WorldWaterDay Eduardo Zegarra and the current challenges of water management in Peru
Although Peru ranks first in per capita water supply , the reality is different: more than three million people do not have access to drinking water. In Lima, a prolonged drought will be enough to leave our capital city completely without water for months. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra explains the challenges of water management in our […]
GRADE, PEP and WIEGO held the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar
Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) organize the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar, as part of a research project led by our Senior Researcher Lorena Alcázar on December 1st at 09:00 a.m., in GRADE’s headquarters. REGISTRATION […]
Education as and for Justice: Launch of the JustEd Project
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) organizó la presentación de JustEd, un proyecto de investigación colaborativa e internacional que busca entender de qué forma los sistemas educativos de países del Sur Global vienen contribuyendo con las agendas de justicia y sostenibilidad vinculadas con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. JustEd se desarrolló entre el […]
GRADE and trAndeS held the international seminar Transitions to sustainability: lessons learned in territories with a large-scale mining presence in Colombia, Chile and Peru.
El Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) y trAndeS Programa de Posgrado en Desarrollo Sostenible y Desigualdades Sociales en la Región Andina, con el apoyo de la Fundación Ford, organizaron el Seminario Internacional Transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad: lecciones aprendidas en territorios con presencia de minería a gran escala en Colombia, Chile y Perú, los días […]
Eduardo Zegarra on A Pensar Más with Rosa María Palacios: an outlook of Peruvian agriculture and food price increases
“Basically three processes have aggravated the agricultural crisis. First COVID, then the fertilizer crisis, very poorly managed, and the last has been the climate crisis, with a drought in the highlands and the coastal El Niño. If you add all this up, agricultural production has fallen 5% in the first six months of this year, […]
How can we move towards inclusive rural development? Ricardo Fort via CIES
“Instead of looking at what is currently there and what the problems are to improve the type of production, we look at the potential of the territories in terms of their resources along with the connectivity of those spaces to the main markets in Peru and abroad.” Our senior researcher Ricardo Fort shares a proposal […]
How to reverse the price increase in products such as lemons? Eduardo Zegarra reflects in Canal N
“We are having the worst of all worlds. Expensive food because we produce less and because despite the fact that imported food prices have fallen, the industry does not pass this reduction on to consumers. The final effect is that especially the poorest and most vulnerable have lost purchasing power. I estimate a 15-20% loss […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in a Spanish TV channel laSexta reportage on the jam in Panama Canal
“Panama is a country where rainfall is very intense, it is tropical climate country and they are going through a rain scarcity, a drought that has been going on for two or three years”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, joined a Spanish news channel laSexta reportage about the ship traffic jam in Panama Canal.
Food prices are going up: why? Interview with Eduardo Zegarra in LR+ Economía de La República
“We are facing an agricultural crisis that we have not seen for a long time. In no year in the last decade has agricultural production fallen to this extent. A key explanatory factor is the drought in the Peruvian highlinds between August and December last year”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra talks to Rumi Cevallos of LR+ Economía about the fall […]
Eduardo Zegarra comments on measures to face a water crisis in the newscast La Encerrona
The central measure is to generate a different institutional scheme to face these phenomena. There should be contingency reserves explicitly assigned to regional and local governments that are automatically activated once a state of emergency is declared. […] Help farmers with specific support: seeds, veterinary kits. Also direct economic support that will allow them to […]