Manuel Glave joined the French-Peruvian Scientific Forum “New perspectives on climate change in the Amazon”
Our Senior Researcher, Manuel Glave, joined the French-Peruvian Scientific Forum “New perspectives on climate change in the Amazon”, held by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec), the University of the Pacífico, the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD), and the French Embassy in Peru together with the French Institute of Andean […]
GRADE researchers join the presentation of the results of the SPSD pilot project “Valuing diversity in schools”
The Peruvian Society for Down Syndrome presents the results of its pilot project, “Valuing diversity in school”. The project aimed to strengthen the capacities of the different actors of the educational community in relation to their policies, practices and inclusive culture. The active participation of managers, support staff, teachers, students and families of two public […]
Ricardo Fort presented innovative tools for local territorial governance at the IADB
Our Senior Researcher, Ricardo Fort, met with officials of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to discuss the findings of four GRADE research projects that yielded innovative tools for local territorial governance: a mobile application for automated lottery plans, a virtual cadastre with drone images, and an investment prioritization tool based on satellite images.
Evidence Week 2019| Gabriela Guerrero and Santiago Cueto joined MINEDU’s event on education and early childhood
Our Senior Researchers, Gabriela Guerrero and Santiago Cueto, joined in the opening day of the Evidence Week 2019, “Education and early childhood”, held by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU). During her presentation, Gabriela addressed the relevance of ensuring quality services in two dimensions: structural quality, as key inputs for the deliver of the service; and quality of processes, linked to the way […]
Synergies between Education and Employment: who is being left behind and what can be done about it?
Research on the effects of access to education and on employment conditions is abundant. However, the effects of basic education of quality on labour opportunities remain an elusive black box in many countries of the Global South. Particularly, in regard to the disadvantaged groups. As part of the UN Global Goals Week 2019, Southern Voice, […]
GRADE and CAF held a discussion on the findings of the book Institutions for Productivity
The low prices of feedstocks in the international market have returned, together with an uncertain environment of “commercial wars”. This trend has highlighted the need to redouble efforts to promote a sustained increase in productivity as a path towards sustainable economic growth that will allow the level of welfare of the most developed nations to […]
Apuesta por las CCSS: How to promote research on social sciences in Peru?
Hemos iniciado la discusión sobre la necesidad de crear un programa específico de apoyo estatal a la investigación en ciencias sociales. Hace algunos días, especialistas locales e internacionales vinculados a la ciencia y a las políticas públicas identificaron barreras y exploraron mecanismos concretos para el logro de este objetivo. El apoyo a la investigación científica en […]
GRADE, IEP and Colat Antitabaco held a seminar on tax policy and demand for tobacco in Peru
The “Tax Policy and Demand for Tobacco in Peru” seminar, held by GRADE, the Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP) and the National Permanent Anti-Tobacco Control Commission (Colat) brought together forty specialists on health and tobacco control. The event began with the presentation of Oscar Boggio, national consultant for chronic diseases of the Pan American Health Organization, […]
María Balarin: “La respuesta que la ley plantea es promover una mayor transparencia de parte de los proveedores de servicios educativos privados hacia los padres de familia”. Pensiones de colegios particulares en debate
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Santiago Cueto talks about GRADE’s work in PUCP’s Master in Social Management radio
“In GRADE we produce research studies that reach relevant conclusions for the development and review of public politics, and for decision-making that contributes to the wellbeing of the Peruvian population”. Listen to the full interview with Santiago Cueto, Executive Director and Senior Researcher at GRADE, in Space for Management, radio of the Master in Social […]