Ricardo Fort Meyer
Senior Researcher
PhD in Economic Development - Wageningen University
Ricardo Fort is an economist with a Master in Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He currently works as a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), where he works on projects related to the economic development of rural areas as well as marginal urban neighborhoods in Peru and in several other countries.
In recent years he has been Visiting Researcher at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands and The University of Chicago in the United States. He is the author of several books and academic articles on these subjects and has worked as a consultant for institutions such as the World Bank, the United Nations, FAO, the Inter-American Development Bank, IFAD, among others.
El impacto de la pandemia en el sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú: los mercados de abastos minoristas
2022 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
Durante el año 2020, la emergencia sanitaria del COVID-19 puso a prueba la efectividad y la capacidad de resiliencia del sistema de distribución de alimentos del Perú, en particular, en su pieza más importante: los mercados de abastos tradicionales, donde se concentra más de la mitad del gasto de los hogares en alimentos. El shock […]
Resilience in a pandemic: the case of community pots in Lima, Peru
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Ricardo Fort
Due to the food crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, community pots have made a comeback in Lima’s vulnerable areas, as an alternative mechanism to fight hunger. They have become a symbol of resilience and solidarity, as well as spaces where women can support each other and become empowered. In this context, community pots have […]
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Ricardo Fort
A raíz de la crisis alimentaria generada por el COVID-19, las ollas comunes han resurgido en las zonas más vulnerables de Lima como una alternativa para enfrentar el hambre. Se han convertido en un símbolo de resiliencia y solidaridad, a la vez que han propiciado la creación de espacios de acompañamiento y empoderamiento femenino. En […]
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
Reorganizar el Perú: ciudades intermedias y desarrollo
2022 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
This essay addresses the discussion of “Lima centralism” and the enormous imbalance of resources and opportunities between the capital and the rest of the country’s cities. The lack of territorial planning and specific policies that promote the potential of each region generates inequalities and inefficiencies in the current growth model and, therefore, it is essential […]
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
2022 Maria Balarin, Santiago Cueto, Ricardo Fort
The essays that make up this book have been written to commemorate the first 40 years of GRADE’s institutional life, which coincides not only with the Bicentennial of Peru’s Independence, but also with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its profound economic, social and political consequences. From different conceptual and methodological perspectives, […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Ricardo Fort en la categoría Working paper
JournalEconomía y Sociedad
El impacto de la inversión pública en el desarrollo regional
2015 Ricardo Fort
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JournalWorld Development
The Impact of Fair Trade Certification for Coffee Farmers in Peru
2011 Ricardo Fort, Ruerd Ruben
This study uses a balanced sample of Fair Trade farmers and likewise nonFair Trade producers of organic and conventional coffee from Peru to compare the net effects on production, income and expenditures, wealth and investments, and attitudes and perceptions.
JournalWell-Being and Social Policy
Effect of Natural Disasters on Poverty Transitions and Consumption Growth. Evidence For Rural Perú
2010 Ricardo Fort, Manuel Glave
JournalNJAS wageningen journal of life sciences
The homogenization effect of land titling on investment incentives: evidence from Peru
2008 Ricardo Fort
We explored this relationship for a sample of Peruvian farmers who were part of a state-led land titling programme that shared the aforementioned characteristics.
JournalAgricultural Economics
Land inequality and economic growth: a dynamic panel data approach
2007 Ricardo Fort
The growing body of literature devoted to studying the impact of inequality on economic growth has centered its attention on the income distribution effect, even though the theoretical relationships are more related to assets distribution.
Determinantes de la fragmentación de la inversión pública urbana: evidencia empírica en los barrios populares de Lima
Otro urbanismo para Lima: más allá del mejoramiento de barrios2017 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort
El artículo presenta una investigación empírica que analiza los factores sociales, políticos y administrativos que disminuyen la eficiencia y eficacia del Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública (SNIP), lo cual tiene como consecuencia el alcance limitado y la inadecuada priorización de las obras públicas en los asentamientos humanos.
Estrategias de articulación de los productores agrarios en la costa peruana: ¿asociatividad, vinculación con empresas o ambas?
Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el censo agropecuario2015 Ricardo Fort, Ricardo Vargas
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El proceso de certificación del pisco peruano: una propuesta de medición de sus principales efectos
Midiendo el impacto de la infraestructura de la calidad en América Latina: experiencias, alcances y limitaciones2014 Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza
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Políticas de inversión pública y su impacto sobre el desarrollo rural: estrategias y mecanismos de implementación en la última década
Perú: el problema agrario en debate. Sepia XV2014 Ricardo Fort
The impact of fair trade certification on coffee producers in Peru
The impact of fair trade2008 Ricardo Fort, Ruerd Ruben
This study presents important empirical evidence to understand the effects of FT certification on coffee farmers in the center region of Peru.
Mejor inversión pública para evitar más desastres: brechas y prioridades de infraestructura en los barrios vulnerables de Lima
2017 Álvaro Espinoza, Ricardo Fort
Documento de política que brinda aportes para el diseño e implementación de planes de infraestructura con enfoque territorial a través del análisis de las brechas y prioridades de infraestructura y calidad de la inversión pública de tres barrios urbanos vulnerables de Lima.
¿Agroindustria en la Amazonía? Posibilidades para el desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible de la palma aceitera en el Perú
2016 Ricardo Fort, Elena Borasino
Aportes para el diseño de políticas bajo un modelo de planeamiento territorial de la cadena de la palma aceitera.
El esquivo desarrollo social en las localidades mineras / ¿Tiene algún efecto la titulación de tierras en la inversión agrícola?
2008 Gerardo Damonte, Ricardo Fort
El esquivo desarrollo social en las localidades mineras / ¿Tiene algún efecto la titulación de tierras en la inversión agrícolas?
¿Es necesaria una Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Rural en el Perú? Aportes para el debate y propuesta de implementación
2015 Ricardo Fort, María Isabel Remy, Héctor Paredes
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Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
2015 Javier Escobal, Ricardo Fort, Eduardo Zegarra
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Property rights after market liberalization reforms: land titling and investments in rural Peru
2007 Ricardo Fort
This study discusses the links between land access, property rights, and economic development, analyzing the results and limitations of a public intervention- Land Titling and Registration- that constitutes one of the main instruments for contemporary land policy in P
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Ricardo Fort en la categoría Mimeo
- Effects of the Rainforest Alliance certification on the banana sector in EcuadorJuly 2020
- Characterization and quantification of recent urbanization and housing construction processes in PeruDecember 2018
- Mechanisms for articulated management and intersectoral and intergovernmental coordination with a territorial approach for the implementation of the National Family Agriculture Plan 2019-2021December 2019
- Effects of the agrarian reform on human capitalNovember 2019
- VRAEM DiagnosisFebruary 2019
- Impact evaluation of Work for Progress (W4P) program in QuispicanchisOctober 2018
- Improving municipal tax collection through new technologiesMarch 2018
- Typology of provincial and district municipalities of PeruNovember 2017
- Institutions and competitiveness: the case of Lima’s supply marketsOctober 2017
- Institutions and competitiveness: the case of Lima’s wholesale marketsOctober 2017
The Agrarian Reform versus the Shining Path, by Roxana Barrantes and Ricardo Fort
February 15, 2023 Poverty and equality
“This research gives suport to those who usually affirm that, if it had not been for the Agrarian Reform, the Shining Path would have been able to come to power. However, it is also possible to give respond to other economic and social effects, where the results are not encouraging”. New op-ed by Roxana Barrantes (IEP) and Ricardo Fort (GRADE) via Jugo de Caigua. […]
Ricardo Fort in El Comercio: “You are fulfilling an expectation that land traffickers take advantage of”
August 3, 2022 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“Every ten, fifteen years, sometimes five years, from the Congress of the Republic a law is approved that gives the State the possibility of formalizing informally occupied property. You are fulfilling an expectation that land traffickers take advantage of.” Our senior researcher Ricardo Fort shared his opinion in a recent episode of El Comercio’s #PasaEnLaCalle […]
Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru, by Karine Gatellier (IDS) and Ricardo Fort
July 22, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation, Poverty and equality
The pandemic has aggravated the food insecurity situation of people. In Peru, the most vulnerable are facing great difficulties in accessing food, while food market vendors are also struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Read this Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) story of change to know how the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Migrate to survive. Ojo Público’s reportage gathers GRADE findings
December 12, 2021 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Between March and December 2020, approximately 248.311 Peruvians returned to their rural areas of origin from the cities. According to the study from our researchers Ricardo Fort, Mauricio Espinoza, and Alvaro Espinoza for the Inter-American Development Bank, this is the first mass return process in the history of Peru. Read OjoPúblico’s reportage. DOWNLOAD THE STUDY here.
Ricardo Fort: What agriculture expects from the next government. An interview by Agro Peru Informa
July 1, 2021 Rural development and agriculture
“The key is to help the country come out of the economic crisis as quickly as possible and that is done through the engine of public investment. It is necessary to continue with small projects that help the continuity in the demand for local labor in rural areas, cleaning roads and irrigation canals, construction of […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Por un Modelo Peruano: capital social para enfrentar la crisis
April 28, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
El esfuerzo inicial del gobierno para enfrentar la crisis por la pandemia —cuarentena y asistencia social— va llegando inevitablemente a su fin. Sin embargo, el Perú no es ajeno a experiencias que han combinado muerte y recesión económica a gran escala. Nuestras respuestas ante estas crisis han construido un “Modelo Peruano” caracterizado por la organización […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
COVID-19: Fighting against the virus from the territory, by Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza
April 8, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“Prevention and control measures should be established for those geographical areas where the risks and consequences of the spread of the disease are greatest”. Read the new article by Ricardo Fort and Alvaro Espinoza for El Comercio. Our researchers explain their analysis to identify the supply centers located within the priority areas in Lima: those with the largest number […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Potenciales focos de contagio del COVID-19: mercados y supermercados
April 5, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
Los mercados de abasto y supermercados son, y seguirán siendo por un tiempo, los principales puntos de aglomeración en la ciudad. Complementando nuestro análisis de áreas de alta vulnerabilidad ante el virus en Lima, presentamos aquí la identificación georeferenciada de mercados y supermercados que atienden a esta población, así como sugerencias para mejorar la estrategia […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en Lima
April 2, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
El equipo del área de Urbanización y Ciudades Sostenibles de GRADE1 ha elaborado una propuesta de identificación de zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en la ciudad de Lima, utilizando data geoespacial del Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2017. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir a la efectividad de las medidas del gobierno […]
Property tax: innovate for better governing, by Ricardo Fort and Alvaro Espinoza
February 14, 2019 Employment, productivity and innovation
Our researchers Ricardo Fort and Álvaro Espinoza shared a concrete and low cost proposal in order to improve the municipal governance and to increase the property tax collection using modern technology. Read the full text in Gestión Newspaper.
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Ricardo Fort in Ideeleradio: 10 measures to reduce crowds and contagions in the supply food markets
May 4, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“We need to reactivate neighborhood organizations to implement joint purchasing and delivery systems in neighborhoods […] We can strengthen community kitchens so that they can produce and distribute free menus in the most vulnerable areas.” Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, shared in Ideeleradio ten urgent measures to reduce crowds and contagions in the supply food markets. […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
La Mula: GRADE identifies at least 235 food markets in Lima as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
April 7, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
La Mula highlighted the findings and recommendations of the identification analysis of markets and supermarkets located in the areas most vulnerable to the spread of the virus. Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, shared his thoughts: “The idea is not only that we should try to restrict the exit of older people who live in that […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Ricardo Fort in 24 Hours: Food markets in Lima as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
April 7, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“These are the areas where the authorities should be doing preventive measures, ensuring that the food markets are properly cleaned, that the vendors handle the products well, that there is social distancing. One could even do rapid tests for temperature or virus transmission to prevent it from spreading through those territories. ” Our senior researcher, […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Gestión: 235 food markets in Lima are identified as potential sources of COVID-19 contagion
April 7, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“If people become infected in these areas, the virus will start to run very fast due to the existing conditions. So what is the area with the greatest potential for contagion in that territory? The markets and supermarkets.” Gestión.pe spoke with Ricardo Fort, senior researcher at GRADE, who explained that the research of GRADE’s Urbanization and Sustainable […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Ricardo Fort en Ideeleradio: Zonas prioritarias para la prevención y control del contagio del COVID-19 en Lima
April 6, 2020 Urbanization and sustainable cities
“Si pensamos en estas zonas, hay mucha movilidad de gente que sale a diario a tratar trabajar para conseguir ingresos, o incluso a hacer las comprar del diario, regresan a sus hogares donde hay población vulnerable, y se aumenta la posibilidad de contagio”. Ricardo Fort, investigador principal de GRADE, explicó en Ideeleradio el análisis de zonas prioritarias para la […]
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Selected Publications
¿Es necesaria una Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo Rural en el Perú? Aportes para el debate y propuesta de implementación
2015 Ricardo Fort, María Isabel Remy, Héctor Paredes