Miguel Jaramillo Baanante
Senior Researcher
PhD in History - University of California
Miguel Jaramillo has a degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He completed his graduate studies in Economics and History at the University of California, where he received a PhD in History. His areas of interests are labor economics, social policy and institutional analysis. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE.
He has taught classes in economics at the Pontifical Catholic University and at the Pacific University. He has served as Advisor to Vice Ministers and Ministers in the fields of labor, social promotion and industry, having been Vice Minister of Social Promotion as well as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion.
Miguel has conducted research projects and consultancies for the International Labor Office, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the Ministry of Labor and Social Promotion, the Andean Development Corporation, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Ministry of Education, and the United Nations Development Program, to name but a few. He was Project Director and Senior Researcher at the APOYO Institute, an Executive Board member of the National Industrial Work Training Service (SENATI) between 1997 and 2000, a member of the Non-permanent Specialized Committee (CENPES) for Development and Productive Employment of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Founding Director of the Executive Board of the National Fund for Professional Training and Employment Promotion (FONDOEMPLEO), and a member of the Poverty and Inequality Research Network (NIP) where he also held a seat on the Executive Board between 2009 and 2011.
He is currently a member of the National Labor Council and Vicepresident of the Peruvian Economic Association..
Chapter in BookCompendio de historia económica: entre la gran depresión y el reformismo militar
Los sectores no primarios y el mercado interno, 1930-1980
2014 Miguel Jaramillo, Rosa Huamán
Crecimiento y segmentación del empleo en el Perú, 2001-2011
2014 Miguel Jaramillo, Bárbara Sparrow
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El modelo de la caja municipal en Perú
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Expansión de las microfinanzas en zonas rurales de América Latina
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Innovaciones institucionales y normativas para el desarrollo de las microfinanzas en América Latina
2014 Miguel Jaramillo
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Is the increase in the minimum wage an impromptu decision? Miguel Jaramillo’s opinion
April 10, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
Is the increase in the minimum wage an impromptu decision? According to Miguel Jaramillo, principal investigator at GRADE, “it is very difficult to justify this type of measure in the current context of depressed formal employment and growing informal employment. The decision is opportunistic, not technical.” Read his full comment in La República.
Minimum wage: an ineffective instrument to redistribute income, by Miguel Jaramillo
March 4, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“As an instrument to redistribute income to the least favored, the Minimum Vital Remuneration is not a potentially effective policy.” In this article from the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE), our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo shares evidence on the operation and effects of minimum wage policies in Peru.
Interview, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
University graduates and employment: Interview with Miguel Jaramillo in RPP’s Así somos
February 16, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The time for emergency employment has passed. A year ago, one could think of using temporary employment through public investment to generate more jobs. But what is needed now is that the engines of regular employment growth are put in place. Policies are needed to promote employment in the private sector. Unfortunately, none aim to […]
Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Public policies, economic recovery and structural weaknesses, by Miguel Jaramillo
January 10, 2022 Employment, productivity and innovation
“A first conclusion of this analysis is that, although public investment can be key to reviving economic growth, it does not go very far when it comes to addressing the structural challenges that arise in the country. In contrast, public spending on health and other social sectors can do it. ” Read the new op-ed […]
Miguel Jaramillo shared his thoughts in Forbes Peru about the increase in the minimum wage announced by Pedro Castillo
November 11, 2021 Employment, productivity and innovation
“The recovery of employment has basically been due to the informalization of labor relations. Formal employment is stagnant. Raising the minimum wage is not understanding what the problem in the economy is”. Miguel Jaramillo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, shared his opinion at Forbes Peru about the economic effects of President Castillo’s announcement.
Sin pan para mayo
December 26, 2011 Education and learning
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Los ingresos en el país, menos desiguales
September 30, 2011 Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
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Urgencia de la reforma de la educación técnica
October 9, 2008 Education and learning
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¿Ley para Mypes o para Pymes?
March 21, 2008 Employment, productivity and innovation
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Capacitación e ingresos
August 15, 2007 Employment, productivity and innovation
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Alza del sueldo mínimo beneficiaría solo a 200 mil trabajadores
February 12, 2015 Employment, productivity and innovation
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Informalidad laboral seguirá afectando al país por 50 años más
October 15, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation, State reform and public institutions
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Rigidez laboral reduce el empleo formal y aplasta a la mediana empresa
September 22, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation
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No hay interés en pasar a la formalidad por los altos costos y la fiscalización
September 18, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation
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El mejor ‘gancho’ de empresas para retener trabajadores es pagarles más
August 19, 2014 Employment, productivity and innovation
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No se han encontrado novedades de Miguel Jaramillo en la categoría Interview
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¿Tiene el Presupuesto Participativo efecto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector de agua y saneamiento en el Peru
Lima-Perú, 15 June, 2017
Presentación del libro "Mejorando el acceso y la calidad de los servicios públicos en América Latina: gobernar y servir”
Selected Publications
Contratos laborales en el Perú: dinámica y determinantes
2019 Miguel Jaramillo, Daniela Campos
Los efectos desprotectores de la protección del empleo. El impacto de la reforma del contrato laboral de 2001
2019 Miguel Jaramillo, Julio Almonacid, Luciana de la Flor