Manuel Glave Testino
Senior Researcher
PhD in Economics - University of Illinois en Champaign
Manuel Glave has a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Researcher at GRADE where he specialises in rural development, environmental economics and natural resources, and where he undertakes analysis of public policy relating to agriculture and the environment.
He is a Senior Professor in the Department of Economics at the Pontifical Catholic University in Peru. His research projects include campesino (rural farmer) production systems in mountainous ecosystems, community participation in protected areas, economic valuation of biological diversity and environmental services.
He has served as a Lecturer in environmental economics and natural resources in Ecuador and Paraguay, as part of the Seminar on Economic Policy for Latin America (SPEAL) program. He is currently investigating the social impacts of large-scale mining on rural development in the Peruvian Andes.
He was President of the Permanent Seminar for Agricultural Research (SEPIA) from 1997 to 1999 and, together with Juana Kuramoto, National Coordinator for the project “Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development” (MMSD) in 2001.
Gobernanza forestal y sostenibilidad en la Amazonía: avances y desafíos de políticas en el Perú
2018 Manuel Glave, Elena Borasino
Despite the change in the legal regime of 2001, forest management is still not very sustainable. In 2011, a new forestry law was approved (No. 29763). Which aspects of forest governance have improved and which are still a challenge are questions that this research seeks to answer. While this new law has brought substantial changes, […]
Derechos colectivos sobre la tierra: Un activo esencial para la sostenibilidad de las comunidades pastoriles y el medio ambiente en el Altiplano Andino
2017 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodríguez
Los regímenes de tenencias de tierra comunales o de condominio hacen posible la reproducción de modelos de producción pastoril sostenibles; por ello, las políticas públicas deben ser reorientadas para permitir a las familias pastoras el acceso a derechos colectivos sobre la tierra.
Collective land rights: an essential asset for Pastoral communities in order to sustain their livelihoods and the environment in the Andean Altiplano
2017 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodríguez
Considering communal or condominium land tenure regimes enable sustainable pastoral production systems, public policy should be re-oriented to support pastoralist families’ collective land right access.
Chapter in BookInvestigación para el desarrollo en el Perú: once balances
Cambio global, alta montaña y adaptación: una aproximación social y geográfica
2016 Manuel Glave, Karla Vergara
The present study documents main advances in three areas: institutional, scientific knowledge production, and adaptation projects for confronting climate change in Peru. The analysis of a case study in the Cordillera Blanca brings to light the problems and constraints that can be faced by adaptation projects implemented under a sectorial viewpoint lacking sufficient scientific and […]
The Evolution of Collective Land Tenure Regimes in Pastoralist Societies: Lessons from Andean Countries
2016 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodriguez, Andrea Ramos
This paper analyses how land tenure regimes of pastoralist societies living in the Andean altiplano have transformed over the last 50 years. It also discusses the implications of these transformations for the sustainability of resource management in these areas. Building on the framework proposed by Schlager and Ostrom (1992), this study employs a historical institutional analysis […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Manuel Glave en la categoría Working paper
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Manuel Glave en la categoría Journal
Paisaje, territorio y recursos
Imágenes de la Tierra, Archivo Pintura Campesina2006 Manuel Glave
Small farmers economic organizations: producer associations and agricultural development in Peru
Economic liberalization and evolution of rural agricultural sector in Peru2003 Manuel Glave, Ricardo Fort
The main objective of this study is to identify which factors increase (or decrease) the competitiveness of small farmers in the Peruvian Agriculture.
¿Cuánto valen las altas montañas?
Islas en el cielo: conservación de ecosistemas, afirmación de la cultura y prosperidad en las montañas del Perú2003 Manuel Glave
Land Use Planning for Extractive Industries
2012 Manuel Glave
This brief presents land use planning as a tool to mitigate these risks.
Maximising Investment and Rent Capture Through Extractive Industries Investment Policies: the Latin American Experience
2012 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave
This Guide presents a concise introduction to the different Latin American policy models applied to promote development in the oil, mining and gas sectors, while at the same time, laying the foundation for sustainable economic development.
Accessing Land for Extractive Industries: Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Approaches
2012 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave
This Guide considers this question by presenting and analysing different policy responses related to land use and extractive industries in Latin America today.
CCT Programmes: An Overview of the Latin American Experience
2011 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave
This guide provides an overview to CCT programmes in Latin America, including their history, objectives and use, evidence of their impact, and finally, the main lessons coming out of Latin America that can be useful for policymakers considering implementing CCTs in their own countries.
Educación Inicial y rendimiento en la escuela / Reforma institucional en la gestión pública ambiental
2007 Juan Jose Diaz, Manuel Glave
Educación Inicial y rendimiento en la escuela / Reforma institucional en la gestión pública ambiental.
Valoración económica de la diversidad biológica y servicios ambientales en el Perú
2002 Manuel Glave, Rodrigo Pizarro
Entrega de utilidad para la aplicación de técnicas sobre valoración económica de la diversidad biológica, los sumideros y la fijación de carbono. Un aporte para el diseño de políticas estatales en este terreno.
Minería, minerales y desarrollo sustentable en Perú
2002 Juana Kuramoto, Manuel Glave
La minería peruana es el sector que más contribuye en la balanza comercial pero por su encadenamiento productivo e intensidad de mano de obra, representa apenas entre 4 a 5% del PIB nacional y entre 2 a 3% del empleo.
Recursos naturales y desarrollo: un diálogo canadiense latinoamericano
2000 Manuel Glave, Donald Brean
El diálogo entre investigadores latinoamericanos y canadienses deja temas claves sobre el diseño de políticas y el rol de los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente en el desarrollo de los países de la región.
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Manuel Glave en la categoría Mimeo
- Report for the mapping of the previous consultation process for Block 1AB – Region of LoretoNovember 2012 - March 2013
- Participation in the program evaluation panel “Natural Areas Preservation” (EDEP: Design Evaluation and Public Budget Execution)June 2012 - October 2012
- Amazon region and development in Peru: visions and policies in the Transportation and Energy sectorsApril 2012 - June 2013
- Extractive industries and rural territorial development in the Peruvian Andes: the dilemmas of political representation and management capacity for decentralizationNovember 2011 - November 2012
- Social and Economic Baseline of the Juprog CommunityOctober 2011 - February 2012
- Participation in the preparation of the report on “Green economy within the context of sustainable development and of poverty eradication and institutional framework for sustainable development in Peru”September 2011 - November 2011
- Economic Analysis of the Alto Huayllabamba Conservation ConcessionJune 2011 - September 2011
- Economic analysis of the Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul highwayMarch 2011 - June 2011
- Evidence and Lessons from Latin AmericaMarch 2011 - June 2013
- Map of Actors and Social Organizations in the area of influence of Project La GranjaOctober 2010 - January 2011
Manuel Glave: vía ferroviaria Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul no sería viable económicamente
July 30, 2015 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Entrevista a Manuel Glave sobre análisis costo beneficio social de alternativas de interconexión entre Pucallpa y Cruzeiro do Sul
July 13, 2015 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Agricultura vs. minería: ¿conflicto sin solución? Artículo de Poder con opinión de Manuel Glave
July 7, 2015 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Nuevas tecnologías mejoran la gestión pública del territorio: resumen de evento de DAR y propuesta de Sistema de Información Territorial presentada por Manuel Glave
July 6, 2015 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
¿Podemos decir no a la mina?, artículo de El Comercio recoge opiniones de Manuel Glave y Juana Kuramoto
June 15, 2015 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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No se han encontrado novedades de Manuel Glave en la categoría Comment
No se han encontrado novedades de Manuel Glave en la categoría Interview
No se han encontrado novedades de Manuel Glave en la categoría Reference
Limits and opportunities of liberal capitalism: lessons from the implementation of free and prior informed consent in indigenous territories in Peru
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 17 November, 2017
Indigenous (Latin) America: Territories, Knowledge, Resistance and Voices. 2017 Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and American Indian Studies Symposium.
Políticas de protección social adaptativa frente al Cambio Climático. Lecciones desde la Mancomunidad de Tres Cuencas, Áncash
GRADE, 13 July, 2017
Taller de presentación de resultados finales
Selected Publications
The Evolution of Collective Land Tenure Regimes in Pastoralist Societies: Lessons From Andean Countries
2016 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodríguez, Andrea Ramos
De la Amazonía su palma. Aportes a la gestión territorial en la región Loreto
2016 Roxana Barrantes, Elena Borasino, Manuel Glave, Miguel La Rosa,
Análisis económico y socioambiental de los proyectos de interconexión Pucallpa-Cruzeiro do Sul
2015 Álvaro Hopkins, Alfonso Malky, Manuel Glave, Rocío Ventocilla, Juan Carlos Ledezma, Alexs Arana