Lorenzo López Garnier
Master in Environmental Technology - Imperial College London
Lorenzo holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Technology with a specialization in Environmental Resources Management from Imperial College London and a Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from King’s College London in UK. He rejoins GRADE as a Consultant in the ‘Transitions to Sustainability’ project led by Manuel Glave.
Chapter in BookTransiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales : lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile
Conflictos y consensos: los múltiples matices de la exclusión minera en el Perú
2024 Manuel Glave, Lorenzo López, Susana Higueras
This chapter seeks to demonstrate that the delimitation of areas with mining restrictions promoted by the Peruvian state apparatus does not always enjoy the social legitimacy and institutional effectiveness necessary to guarantee the exclusion of mining in areas of high economic, cultural or socio-ecosystemic value. In contrast, exclusion zones established by social movements with high […]
Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales: lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile
2024 Manuel Glave, Susana Higueras, Lorenzo López, Mireya Bravo
In the context of a growing demand for critical minerals for the global energy transition, a new mining boom is expected in the Andean sub-region. This book explores initiatives for socio-institutional change promoted by citizen movements in mining territories in Peru, Colombia and Chile. The cases presented analyze the opportunities and limitations of these initiatives […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Lorenzo López en la categoría Working paper
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Lorenzo López en la categoría Journal
Conflictos y consensos: los múltiples matices de la exclusión minera en el Perú
Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales : lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile2024 Manuel Glave, Lorenzo López, Susana Higueras
This chapter seeks to demonstrate that the delimitation of areas with mining restrictions promoted by the Peruvian state apparatus does not always enjoy the social legitimacy and institutional effectiveness necessary to guarantee the exclusion of mining in areas of high economic, cultural or socio-ecosystemic value. In contrast, exclusion zones established by social movements with high […]
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Lorenzo López en la categoría Policy brief
Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales: lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile
2024 Manuel Glave, Susana Higueras, Lorenzo López, Mireya Bravo
In the context of a growing demand for critical minerals for the global energy transition, a new mining boom is expected in the Andean sub-region. This book explores initiatives for socio-institutional change promoted by citizen movements in mining territories in Peru, Colombia and Chile. The cases presented analyze the opportunities and limitations of these initiatives […]
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