
Lina Arenas Romero

Master in International Development - Mánchester University

Lina is a Doctoral Researcher in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. Through mixed methodologies, her research aims to understand the role of evidence in social policy, using as an illustrative case the conditional cash transfer programs in three countries in the region: Peru, Chile and Argentina. The project seeks to deconstruct the narratives behind the use of evidence and the coloniality of knowledge in social policy.

She is the former Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. With more than 14 years of work experience in the public and private sector, she has experience in strategic planning with interdisciplinary teams and multilevel stakeholders. Lina has experience in Budgeting for Results, leading the design of the first multisectoral programs. She has worked as an official in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and in the Education and Interior sectors.

She holds a Master’s degree in International Development from the University of Manchester, and is a Social Psychologist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with studies at the Blavatnik School of Government (Oxford, UK), Hyderabad (India) and Abo (Finland).  Her research focuses in other relevant areas such as public opinion and political psychology.