Lorena Alcázar Valdivia
Senior Researcher
PhD in Economics - Washington University
Lorena has a BA in Economics from the Pacific University in Peru, a Master’s Degree in Political and International Economy from the Kiel Institute of World Economics, and a PhD in Economics from Washington University. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE).
Previously, she served as Vice-President of the Supervisory Board for Investment in Public Transport Infrastructure (OSITRAN), Research Director of the Apoyo Institute, Professor and Researcher at the Pacific University, Economist for the World Bank, Visiting Researcher at the Brookings Institution and Advisor to the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the field of social policy. She has implemented various projects and consultancies and has published numerous works on topics such as social policy, education, health, poverty, and design and evaluation of social programmes.
Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.
2024 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara, Shirley Huerta
Peru suffers from a serious gender inequality problem in the labor market that cannot be understood by considering employment rates alone. Rather, it is also necessary to analyze the conditions under which women participate in the labor market. This study seeks to identify economic, legal, and socio-cultural barriers that women face in accessing decent employment. […]
Abordando los estereotipos de género y políticas públicas para facilitar el acceso a un trabajo decente en las mujeres en el Perú
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara, Shirley Huerta
A pesar de años de esfuerzos promoviendo la igualdad de género y cierto progreso, la desigualdad laboral entre mujeres y hombres persiste en el Perú. En 2022, un equipo de investigadores del PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) analizó los factores detrás de esta persistente brecha y, más específicamente, las barreras que impiden el acceso de […]
JournalIDS Bulletin
Resilience in the time of a pandemic: developing public policies for ollas comunes in Peru
2023 Ricardo Fort, Lorena Alcazar
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created economic, social, and food security crises in many countries throughout the world. Faced with growing hunger in Peru, and the government’s delayed and inadequate reaction, the most important response came from the citizens themselves, particularly the women, in the form of thousands of social care initiatives known as ollas […]
Barreras para la integración laboral de migrantes venezolanos en el Perú: identificación y análisis de opciones de política
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara
La población migrante venezolana presenta mayores niveles de desempleo y precariedad laboral (ej. informalidad laboral, menores ingresos) que sus pares nacionales. La literatura disponible y las entrevistas con expertos sugieren que existen múltiples factores o barreras a la base de esta problemática, las cuales se pueden clasificar en los siguientes grupos: barreras para la regularización […]
Promoviendo el empleo y la empleabilidad durante el COVID-19: evaluación de cuatro experiencias en América Latina
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Miguel Jaramillo, Fernando Távara
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures to control it had a strong impact on the Latin American labor market. As a result of this crisis, the region experienced a rapid decline in its employed population and a significant rise in unemployment, which hit women and youth the hardest. In this context, Latin American countries implemented […]
Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.
2024 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara, Shirley Huerta
Peru suffers from a serious gender inequality problem in the labor market that cannot be understood by considering employment rates alone. Rather, it is also necessary to analyze the conditions under which women participate in the labor market. This study seeks to identify economic, legal, and socio-cultural barriers that women face in accessing decent employment. […]
Barreras para la integración laboral de migrantes venezolanos en el Perú: identificación y análisis de opciones de política
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara
La población migrante venezolana presenta mayores niveles de desempleo y precariedad laboral (ej. informalidad laboral, menores ingresos) que sus pares nacionales. La literatura disponible y las entrevistas con expertos sugieren que existen múltiples factores o barreras a la base de esta problemática, las cuales se pueden clasificar en los siguientes grupos: barreras para la regularización […]
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Vanessa Rojas, Emilio López de Romaña
In the current context, where the pandemic still persists, but whose health impacts are reduced by the increasing application of vaccines, it is important to analyze what the State has done to protect the population, especially children and adolescents, from poverty. This analysis makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and relevance of the State’s […]
El derecho a estudiar: Inclusión de niñas, niños y adolescentes migrantes venezolanos al sistema educativo peruano
2021 Lorena Alcazar, Maria Balarin
Perú es, después de Colombia, el país a donde más familias venezolanas han emigrado en búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Al ingresar al país, las niñas, niños y adolescentes venezolanos y sus familias se enfrentan a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social debido a su condición de personas migrantes. Si bien el Estado peruano ha hecho importantes esfuerzos […]
Evaluation of the design and implementation of high performance schools – COAR
2021 Maria Balarin, Lorena Alcazar
This report shows the results of the Evaluation of the Design and Implementation of High Performance Schools (COAR), a service model implemented by the Ministry of Education of Peru in 22 regions of the country.
JournalIDS Bulletin
Resilience in the time of a pandemic: developing public policies for ollas comunes in Peru
2023 Ricardo Fort, Lorena Alcazar
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created economic, social, and food security crises in many countries throughout the world. Faced with growing hunger in Peru, and the government’s delayed and inadequate reaction, the most important response came from the citizens themselves, particularly the women, in the form of thousands of social care initiatives known as ollas […]
Propuestas de reformas para la integración laboral de la población migrante venezolana en el Perú
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara
El mayor nivel de desempleo y precariedad laboral que experimentan los migrantes venezolanos, en comparación con la población local, se debe a distintas barreras que enfrentan para participar en el mercado de trabajo. Facilitar la regularización migratoria, retirar limitaciones para que micro y pequeñas empresas contraten extranjeros, expandir los servicios públicos de empleo para que […]
JournalJournal of Youth Studies
Fractured lives: understanding urban youth vulnerability in Perú
2020 Lorena Alcazar, Maria Balarin, Cristina Glave, María Fernanda Rodríguez
The paper reports on a mixed methods study that sought to analyse determinants of youth labour market and educational disengagement in Peru. It begins by questioning the widespread focus on NEET – youth not in employment, education or training – as a measure of youth vulnerability in countries with extensive informal labour markets where labour […]
JournalPublic Health Nutrition
Effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements v. micronutrient powders on nutritional and developmental outcomes among Peruvian infants
2017 Susana L. Matías, Alejandro Vargas-Vásquez, Ricardo Bado Pérez, Lorena Alcazar, Oscar Aquino Vivanco, Amelia Rodriguez Martín, Jose Pedro Novalbos Ruiz
The objective of this article is to determine the effects of lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS) on children’s Hb, linear growth and development, compared with supplementation with micronutrient powder (MNP). Regarding its design, the study was a two-arm parallel-group randomized controlled trial, where participants received either LNS or MNP for daily consumption during 6 months. Supplements […]
JournalPolicy in Focus
Impacts of the Peruvian Conditional Cash Transfer Programme on women’s empowerment: a quantitative and qualitative approach
2015 Lorena Alcazar, Karen Espinoza
The authors present the early findings from an ongoing evaluation that seeks to identify the impact of Peru’s Juntos programme on women’s empowerment. The study focuses on three empowerment dimensions: decision-making on household resources; freedom of movement; and gender roles and ideology (including perceptions of rights, rejection of male domination, and domestic violence).
The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance Through Global Goals?2022 Carol-Anne Senit, Chukwumerije Okereke, Lorena Alcazar, Dan Banik, Mairon Bastos Lima, Frank Biermann, Rongedzayi Fambasayi, Ibrahima Hathie, Annica Kronsell, Hanna Leonardsson, Navam Niles, Karen M. Siegel
How and to what extent have the Sustainable Development Goals helped to achieve more inclusion and better support for poor and vulnerable groups within countries? And internationally, have the Sustainable Development Goals led to a fairer global economic system and given least developed countries a stronger voice in global governance? These are the key questions […]
The case for enhanced childcare provision in a post-pandemic Peru
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Lorena Alcazar, Sonia Laszlo
In this essay we explore the relationship between childcare and maternal labour market outcomes by reviewing the existing worldwide evidence and reflect on potential ways forward for Peru. The global challenge of balancing work and care has been long-drawn, especially for women and girls, who are disproportionately burdened with care responsibilities. Lack of access to […]
The case for enhanced childcare provision in a post-pandemic Peru
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Lorena Alcazar, Sonia Laszlo
In this essay we explore the relationship between childcare and maternal labour market outcomes by reviewing the existing worldwide evidence and reflect on potential ways forward for Peru. The global challenge of balancing work and care has been long-drawn, especially for women and girls, who are disproportionately burdened with care responsibilities. Lack of access to […]
Los caminos de la exclusión: las transiciones hacia la vida adulta entre jóvenes urbanos vulnerables
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Lorena Alcazar, Maria Balarin
This essay details the transitions to adulthood experienced by vulnerable urban youth. This is the most important transition towards productivity improvements, as young people should begin to apply the learning gained from their human capital investments in the labor market. However, one phenomenon limiting this realization is the high proportion of young ninis: neither studying […]
Oportunidades y barreras en la trayectoria de las científicas sociales peruanas
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales2018 Lorena Alcazar, Maria Balarin, Andrea Román
El presente capítulo se enmarca en estos esfuerzos y es resultado de esa agenda del Grupo Sofía, que pretende profundizar en el análisis de las disparidades entre las experiencias de mujeres y hombres en el mundo laboral académico de las ciencias sociales. Específicamente, analizamos las oportunidades y barreras a las que se enfrentan las científicas sociales peruanas durante su […]
Abordando los estereotipos de género y políticas públicas para facilitar el acceso a un trabajo decente en las mujeres en el Perú
2023 Lorena Alcazar, Fernando Távara, Shirley Huerta
A pesar de años de esfuerzos promoviendo la igualdad de género y cierto progreso, la desigualdad laboral entre mujeres y hombres persiste en el Perú. En 2022, un equipo de investigadores del PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) analizó los factores detrás de esta persistente brecha y, más específicamente, las barreras que impiden el acceso de […]
Resilience in a pandemic: the case of community pots in Lima, Peru
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Ricardo Fort
Due to the food crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, community pots have made a comeback in Lima’s vulnerable areas, as an alternative mechanism to fight hunger. They have become a symbol of resilience and solidarity, as well as spaces where women can support each other and become empowered. In this context, community pots have […]
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Ricardo Fort
A raíz de la crisis alimentaria generada por el COVID-19, las ollas comunes han resurgido en las zonas más vulnerables de Lima como una alternativa para enfrentar el hambre. Se han convertido en un símbolo de resiliencia y solidaridad, a la vez que han propiciado la creación de espacios de acompañamiento y empoderamiento femenino. En […]
Social protection, economic opportunity strategies and women’s empowerment in Peru
2018 Lorena Alcazar, Juan Jose Diaz
This article presents results from two evaluation studies aimed at providing evidence of the impact of social protection programmes on women’s well-being. Specifically, the studies evaluate the impacts of the Peruvian programmes Haku Wiñay and Juntos on women’s empowerment dimensions, such as decision-making on household resources, gender roles and ideology, self-esteem and domestic violence. Findings from […]
¿Tiene el presupuesto participativo algún impacto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector del agua y saneamiento
2013 Miguel Jaramillo, Lorena Alcazar
El efecto de la participación ciudadana en las decisiones presupuestarias sobre la calidad del servicio público a través del análisis del vínculo entre el PP e indicadores de cobertura y calidad del servicio de agua y saneamiento en el Perú
Desigualdad en la academia: mujeres en las ciencias sociales peruanas
2018 Lorena Alcazar, Maria Balarin
El libro recoge estudios de investigadoras del Grupo Sofía en torno a las desigualdades entre mujeres y hombres en el mundo de la investigación y de la docencia universitaria en las ciencias sociales. Las autoras presentan evidencia rigurosa, hasta ahora no disponible, que muestra las disparidades entre hombres y mujeres con una trayectoria profesional en […]
Inclusión social: diálogos entre la investigación y las políticas públicas
2014 Martín Benavides, Miguel Jaramillo, Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Nestor Valdivia, Lorena Alcazar, Manuel Glave, Maria Balarin, Juan Jose Diaz, Juana Kuramoto, Gerardo Damonte
Esta publicación recoge el espíritu del seminario internacional "Cambios Institucionales para un Estado más Inclusivo" (julio de 2012), y apunta a lo más relevante y valioso de cada exposición, intervención y comentario.
The economic impact of anaemia in Peru
2013 Lorena Alcazar
The aim of this study is to identify and estimate the economic costs for the Peruvian state and economy caused by the current prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia among adults; to estimate the future economic costs for the Peruvian economy of the current prevalence of anaemia among children and to estimate the
Impacto económico de la anemia en el Perú
2013 Lorena Alcazar
Este estudio pretende identificar y estimar los costos económicos para el Estado y la economía peruanos como consecuencia de la prevalencia de la anemia entre los adultos; estimar los costos económicos futuros en la economía peruana que arrastrará la anemia actual en los niños; y estimar los costos en que incurre el Estado para atender la anemia y los pr
Salud, interculturalidad y comportamientos de riesgo
2011 Lorena Alcazar, Santiago Cueto, Martin Valdivia, Ismael G. Muñoz
Tres Mimeos del Seminario Desigualdad, salud y educación realizado en Lima en noviembre del 2010 con el auspicio de la Fundación Ford, a través del Instituto de Educación Internacional y del IDRC.
Descentralización funcional y presupuestal de la educación pública en el Perú: un balance de avances y desafíos
2011 Lorena Alcazar, Nestor Valdivia
Un diagnóstico de la gestión presupuestal de la educación pública en un contexto de descentralización política que ha implicado la transferencia de competencias y funciones educati
- Comprehensive care systems and fair jobs in Latin America and the CaribbeanJuly 2024
- Comprehensive care systems and fair jobs in Latin America and the CaribbeanJuly 2024
- Mid-term evaluation of project for economic inclusion of Venezuelan migrantsOctober 2023
- Mid-term evaluation of a project for economic inclusion of Venezuelan migrantsOctober 2023
- Partnerships for Change in the Care EconomyOctober 2022
- Identification of barriers to women’s participation in the labor market and policies to address them in PeruMarch 2022
- Supporting the European Union’s external actions – Demonstrating the impact of effectiveness – Research, learning and dissemination componentDecember 2021
- Analysis of the Peruvian government’s social protection measures to COVID-19April 2021
- Evaluation of two projects aimed at the Venezuelan migrant population in Peru and Ecuador for their economic insertion and the achievement of decent employmentMarch 2021
- Community participation in the prevention of gender-based violence: The case of the Red de Lideresas Justa of the Justa Project, Villa El Salvador for Justice and Equality of the UNDPNovember 2020
Research on public investment and inequality by Lorena Alcázar and Miguel Jaramillo is highlighted in RPP Noticias
September 24, 2021 Poverty and equality
Public investment could be a driver for economic reactivation, however it is not fulfilling its purpose of reducing inequality in the country. RPP Noticias highlighted a study by our Senior Researchers Lorena Alcázar and Miguel Jaramillo, whose findings we discussed last week.
Lorena Alcázar joined a REDES podcast about the drama of the “ninis” in Peru
December 7, 2020 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The vulnerability of young people in the context of a pandemic is usually associated only with the ‘NEETs’, but in reality the problem is more complex and heterogeneous. There are almost a third of women who, in most cases, are dedicated to maternity or domestic work “. Our senior researcher Lorena Alcazar joined the fifth episode of ‘Hablemos […]
Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19, Reference
Lorena Alcázar joined a CIES-UNDP dialogue on the transformative role of young people in the pandemic. Note from La Mula
September 30, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“A dropout shock in education is going to be an important determinant that in the future young people have a higher probability of having a precarious job.” Lorena Alcázar was one of the panelists of the virtual dialogue held by the Consortium for Economic and Social Research and the United Nations Development Program Peru on youth and […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
The other victims: Covid-19 expone la desigualdad, por Lorena Alcázar vía Ojo Público
April 21, 2020 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Poverty and equality
More than a month after the quarantine started, the situation is uncertain and worrying for thousands of families. The impact of measures to tackle the pandemic is not the same for everyone. Women have a greater presence in the sectors hardest hit by the crisis: commerce (26% versus 13% of men) and services (44% versus […]
Southern Voice: Precariousness still affects education and employment in Peru and Bolivia
August 20, 2019 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation
On the sidelines of the 2019 annual congress of the Peruvian Association of Economics (APE), Southern Voice hosted a panel on the precariousness of education and employment in Peru and Bolivia. Our senior researcher Lorena Alcázar, Werner Hernani, researcher at Fundación ARU and economist Hugo Ñopo discussed their findings. In this article we share key takeaways from the discussion. Precariousness […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
The other victims: Covid-19 expone la desigualdad, por Lorena Alcázar vía Ojo Público
April 21, 2020 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship, Poverty and equality
More than a month after the quarantine started, the situation is uncertain and worrying for thousands of families. The impact of measures to tackle the pandemic is not the same for everyone. Women have a greater presence in the sectors hardest hit by the crisis: commerce (26% versus 13% of men) and services (44% versus […]
The Consequences of Gender Discrimination in Work and Education in Peru, by Lorena Alcazar
June 5, 2019 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
In Peru, gender is one of the main factors contributing to disparities in education and employment. In this new article for Southern Voice, Lorena Alcázar, Senior Researcher at GRADE, outlines the many ways in which young Peruvians struggle to access decent work. Lorena leads Peru’s study case as part of the Southern Voice’s ‘State of […]
Meeting the Left Behind Youth in Peru, by Lorena Alcazar
April 3, 2019 Poverty and equality
Young people in Peru face tremendous challenges in both qualities of education and access to decent work. In this Southern Voice article, our Senior Researcher Lorena Alcázar shares relevant findings on the conditions of those left behind in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our country and how to help them.
Inequality in academy, by Lorena Alcázar and María Balarin
May 11, 2018 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
In the Peruvian social sciences, half of the university students are women. However, only one in three teachers and one in five media experts are women. Why do we see fewer women in academic events, media and in teaching and management positions? What can be done about it? We share the op-ed by Lorena Alcázar and María Balarin, […]
Sobre la reforma de los programas sociales
May 15, 2007 Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
‘Ninis’: the number of young Peruvians who not study nor work has increase
October 5, 2016 Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Qali Warma en la tormenta
November 3, 2013 Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
La pobreza y la anemia desafíos pendientes del país
May 9, 2013 Health and nutrition
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Por cada niño que sufre desnutrición crónica en Lima Metropolitana, ocho sufren de anemia
April 4, 2013 Health and nutrition
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Mesa de concertación de lucha contra la pobreza solicitó realizar acciones urgentes para acabar con anemia en niños
April 4, 2013 Health and nutrition
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Lorena Alcázar joined a REDES podcast about the drama of the “ninis” in Peru
December 7, 2020 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation, Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“The vulnerability of young people in the context of a pandemic is usually associated only with the ‘NEETs’, but in reality the problem is more complex and heterogeneous. There are almost a third of women who, in most cases, are dedicated to maternity or domestic work “. Our senior researcher Lorena Alcazar joined the fifth episode of ‘Hablemos […]
MIDIS 4th Social Inclusion Week: Lorena Alcázar discussed The Lancet proposals for early childhood public policies
October 18, 2017 Poverty and equality, Health and nutrition
Our senior researcher, Lorena Alcázar, shared the main messages of The Lancet proposals for early childhood public policies discussed at the VI Social Inclusion Week (15-19 October), held by the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS): “A message is the relevance of investing in the early years of children, showing the cost of the effects of this group not achieving […]
Qali Warma debería enfocarse en corregir sus problemas estructurales
September 30, 2014 State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Lorena Alcázar: A pesar del crecimiento económico, las cifras de anemia y desnutrición son relativamente peores que otros indicadores del Perú
August 18, 2014 State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Research on public investment and inequality by Lorena Alcázar and Miguel Jaramillo is highlighted in RPP Noticias
September 24, 2021 Poverty and equality
Public investment could be a driver for economic reactivation, however it is not fulfilling its purpose of reducing inequality in the country. RPP Noticias highlighted a study by our Senior Researchers Lorena Alcázar and Miguel Jaramillo, whose findings we discussed last week.
Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19, Reference
Lorena Alcázar joined a CIES-UNDP dialogue on the transformative role of young people in the pandemic. Note from La Mula
September 30, 2020 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
“A dropout shock in education is going to be an important determinant that in the future young people have a higher probability of having a precarious job.” Lorena Alcázar was one of the panelists of the virtual dialogue held by the Consortium for Economic and Social Research and the United Nations Development Program Peru on youth and […]
Southern Voice: Precariousness still affects education and employment in Peru and Bolivia
August 20, 2019 Education and learning, Employment, productivity and innovation
On the sidelines of the 2019 annual congress of the Peruvian Association of Economics (APE), Southern Voice hosted a panel on the precariousness of education and employment in Peru and Bolivia. Our senior researcher Lorena Alcázar, Werner Hernani, researcher at Fundación ARU and economist Hugo Ñopo discussed their findings. In this article we share key takeaways from the discussion. Precariousness […]
PUCP’s weekly highlights Grupo Sofia’s new book on inequality in academia
May 22, 2018 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
PuntoEdu, the weekly of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), highlights Grupo Sofia’s new book, “Inequality in academia: women in the Peruvian social sciences“, edited by our senior researchers and members of Sofía, Lorena Alcázar and María Balarin. ►Download the book here. ►Read the full weekly here.
Lorena Alcázar’s findings on the economic impact of anaemia in Peru are highlighted by Instituto Integración
March 15, 2018 Health and nutrition
The latest report of Integration Institute (Instituto Integración) highlights a study conducted by Lorena Alcázar, senior researcher at GRADE, on the economic impact of anaemia in Peru, which finds that “anaemia costs Peruvian society approximately S./ 2.777 billion (0.4% of GDP in 2016)”.
Evaluación de Impacto del Programa de Mejoramiento de la Educación Inicial en Ayacucho, Huancavelica y Huánuco
15 August, 2018
15 June, 2017
Evaluación de las EDEP: la mirada desde la perspectiva del evaluador
Lima-Perú, 3 May, 2016
Conversatorio "Evaluaciones de Diseño y Ejecución Presupuestal: una herramienta para la mejora de la gestión pública"
Selected Publications
Medidas de protección social del gobierno peruano en época de la Covid-19
2022 Lorena Alcazar, Vanessa Rojas, Emilio López de Romaña