Javier Escobal D`Angelo
Senior Researcher
PhD in Economic Development - Wageningen University
Javier holds a PhD in Economic Development from Wageningen University, in the Netherlands, and a Master’s degree from New York University, where he also carried out doctoral studies in Economics. He is currently a Senior Researcher at GRADE. He is also Co-Researcher in the Young Lives/Niños del Milenio longitudinal study, which follows more than 2000 children during the first twenty years of their lives and which is also carried out in parallel in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam.
His research has focused on rural development, poverty, agricultural policies and the sectoral impact of macroeconomic policy. On these topics he has published more than a dozen books and more than 40 academic articles in specialized journals. His research has won several international awards such as the Prize for the best doctoral thesis in International Development awarded by the World Bank and the Amsterdam Institute for International Development; the Award for Excellence in Development Research awarded by the Global Development Network and the Guggenhaim Fellowship.
In the public sector, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Central Reserve Bank, member of the Fiscal Council, an autonomous commission attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, member of the Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, member of the Advisory Commission for Poverty Estimation of INEI, and on two occasions member of the Board of Directors of the Lima Wholesale Markets Firm.
JournalWorld Development
Linkage to dynamic markets and rural territorial development in Latin America
2015 Javier Escobal, Arilson Favareto, Francisco Aguirre, Carmen Ponce
Linkage to dynamic markets is a key factor in understanding why different rural territories in Latin America perform differently. This paper combines two conceptual frameworks (from the new economic geography and economic sociology) for an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that operate in this linkage and to identify key factors that allow for inclusive economic […]
JournalWorld Development
Conceptualizing spatial diversity in Latin American rural development: structures, institutions, and coalitions
2015 Julio Berdegué, Anthony Bebbington, Javier Escobal
This article is the introduction to a volume containing findings from a program conducted over five years in 11 Latin America countries, to answer three questions: (1) Are there rural territories that have experienced simultaneous economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved distribution of income?; (2) What factors determine these territorial dynamics?, and; (3) What can […]
Chapter in BookAgricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el censo agropecuario
El uso de encuestas y censos agropecuarios para desarrollar una tipología de la pequeña y mediana agricultura familiar en el Perú
2015 Javier Escobal, Carmen Armas
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Chapter in BookAgricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el censo agropecuario
Cambio climático, uso de riego y estrategias de diversificación de cultivos en la sierra peruana
2015 Carmen Ponce, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Javier Escobal
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JournalPolicy in Focus
Combining social protection with economic opportunities in rural Peru: Haku Wiñay
2015 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
The authors assess the impact of the Haku Wiñay programme (Mi chacra emprendedora), an intervention that provides productive technical assistance and a small asset transfer to rural households in the districts that are also covered by the Juntos programme, Peru’s conditional cash transfer (CCT). Haku Wiñay focuses on the development of productive and entrepreneurial skills […]
El beneficio de los caminos rurales: ampliando oportunidades de ingreso para los pobres
2002 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Con hogares de algunos de los distritos más pobres del Perú, se compara hogares conectados a caminos rurales rehabilitados con hogares de control escogidos, mediante técnicas de propensity score matching.
The benefits of rural roads: enhancing income opportunities for the rural poor
2002 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce
Looking at rural households living in some of the poorest districts of Peru, this study compares (using propensity score matching techniques) households located near rehabilitated roads to suitable controls.
Un sistema de indicadores líderes del nivel de actividad para la economía peruana
2002 Javier Escobal, Javier Torres
Presentación de metodología para construir un Indicador Líder Compuesto del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI). Las ponderaciones han sido escogidas asegurando que minimicen el error cuadrático medio de la predicción.
The assets of the poor in Peru
2000 Maximo Torero, Javier Escobal
The document analyzes the possession and access to assets on the part of the poor in Peru.
Does geography explains differences in economics growth in Peru?
2000 Javier Escobal, Maximo Torero
The major question this paper tries to answer is: what role do geographic variables, both natural and manmade, play in explaining per capita expenditure differentials across regions within Peru?
El sector agrario ante el proceso de liberalización: posibilidades y limitaciones en una economía de mercado
1993 Javier Escobal, Martin Valdivia
Principales políticas agrarias desde el inicio del programa de liberalización, desempeño del sector agrario durante 1992 y marco conceptual de las fallas del mercado para describir la evolución de las reformas estructurales.
JournalSocialismo y participación
Precios, costos y desequilibrio monetario: la experiencia peruana 1981-1988
1990 Javier Escobal, Jaime Saavedra
Este artículo presenta una versión resumida del Documento de Trabajo 6.
JournalDebate agrario
Las variaciones del tipo de cambio real y el ingreso agrícola
1990 Javier Escobal, Jaime Saavedra
Para analizar correctamente la determinación de los precios y de la producción en el sector agrícola se utilizan tres premisas fundamentales.
Los determinantes de la diversificación del ingreso no agrícola en el Perú rural
Lecturas sobre el empleo rural no agrícola en América Latina2003 Javier Escobal
Vinculaciones entre pobreza y deterioro ambiental: el caso de los extractores de castaña en Madre de Dios, Perú
Pobreza y deterioro ambiental en América Latina2003 Javier Escobal, Úrsula Aldana
New institutions for agricultural and rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Current and emerging issues for economic analysis and policy research2003 Javier Escobal
Promoting strategic linkages between the farm/non-farm sectors: the peruvian case
Promoting farm/non-farm linkages for rural development: case studies from Africa and Latin America2002 Javier Escobal, Víctor Agreda
The central objective of this chapter is to analyse the linkages between comercial agriculture and agro-industry in two of the most important agricultural valleys of Peru.
Distribution, access and complementarity: capital of the poor in Peru
Portrait of the poor: an assets-based approach2001 Javier Escobal, Maximo Torero
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El 30% de asalariados es pobre en Perú
May 5, 2014 Poverty and equality
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Casi medio millón dejó de ser pobre
May 3, 2014 Poverty and equality
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Un millón de personas salieron de la pobreza durante este Gobierno
May 3, 2014 Poverty and equality
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Acceso a bienes y servicios aumenta oportunidad de empleo para los más pobres
May 2, 2014 Poverty and equality
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Juntos y lo productivo
February 28, 2014 Rural development and agriculture
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Selected Publications
Combinando protección social con generación de oportunidades económicas: una evaluación de los avances del programa Haku Wiñay
2016 Javier Escobal, Carmen Ponce, José Alfonso Heredia, María Isabel Remy