Gerardo Damonte Valencia (on leave)
Senior Researcher
PhD in Anthropology - Cornell University
Gerardo Damonte Valencia has an MA and PhD in Anthropology from Cornell University. He carries out research in the field of natural resources at the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) (currently on leave) along with his teaching position in the Department of Political Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University in Peru.
Gerardo leads projects in three interrelated fields: extractive industries and rural society; local knowledge and climate change; and territories and social movements. The geographical focus of his work is Latin America, and in particular the Central Andes region.
Among his publications are “The Constitution of Political Actors: Peasant Communities and Mobilization in Bolivian and Peruvian Andes” (2008), as well as various articles on the social impacts of extractive development in the Andes
Chapter in BookTransiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales : lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile
Impactos y desafíos del monitoreo comunitario ambiental en contextos de industria minera en el Perú y Chile
2024 Ana Paula López, Gerardo Damonte, Julieta Godfrid
In this chapter, the authors explore the impact of community environmental monitoring (MCA) in territories with a long history of mining in Peru and Chile. They find that this initiative has a positive impact on the political empowerment of local communities, which turn it into a tool to regain control of their environment through environmental […]
Chapter in BookEl Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar
Políticas de gobierno en territorios con extracción minera: cuestionamientos y oportunidades
2022 Gerardo Damonte
The latest extractive boom, which to a large extent has been the driving force behind the country’s economic growth, has brought with it serious governance complications that are manifested in recurring socio-environmental problems. The rejection of the central government’s mining policies in extractive territories is significant and exacerbates the disaffection of local populations with respect […]
JournalJournal of Environmental Policy & Planning
Materialities, discourses and governance: scallop culture in Sechura, Peru
2022 Lotta Clara Kluger, Achim Schlüter, Maria Garteizgogeascoa, Gerardo Damonte
This paper looks at the institutional emergence, particularly space rights, within the culture of the Peruvian bay scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) in Sechura Bay. The institutional system developed within a period of 20 years from an open-access, gold rush scenario to a rather structured, formal activity – however, still relies on a lot of informality. This […]
JournalEstudios Atacameños
La apuesta por la infraestructura: inversión pública y la reproducción de la escasez hídrica en contextos de gran minería en Perú y Colombia
2022 Gerardo Damonte, Astrid Ulloa, Catalina Quiroga Manrique, Ana Paula López Minchán
Las políticas públicas y privadas típicamente consideran la construcción de infraestructuras como la respuesta más apropiada a los problemas de escasez y disputas por el agua en contextos de minería a gran escala. Sin embargo, la infraestructura en sí misma no siempre trae soluciones. En este contexto, nos preguntamos: ¿Cuáles son las lógicas que gobiernan […]
JournalRevista de Ciencia Política.
Institutional Innovations in Mining Contexts: the Experience of Community Water Monitoring in Argentina and Peru
2022 Julieta Godfrid, Gerardo Damonte, Ana Paula López
In the context of institutional transformations that resulted from the mining expansion in Latin America, this article explores the emergence of a social institutional innovation: community based water monitoring. From a qualitative perspective the emergence of a new community form of environmental control in Argentina and Peru is analyzed. The article contributes to the debate […]
Hallazgos y recomendaciones para mejorar la calidad de la participación en territorios con minería a gran escala
2020 Violeta Rabi, Matías Valenzuela, Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave,
In recent decades, Chile and Peru have achieved sustained economic growth from the exploitation of their natural resources and the expansion of their extractive industries. In this development model, mining has played a central role, specifically that both countries have large copper reserves and are leaders in its production, being the first and second producer […]
Hybrid Institutions Institutionalizing Practices in the Context of Extractive Expansion
2019 Gerardo Damonte
States face the challenge of developing institutions to govern the activities of social actors when an area under their control becomes the target of increased extractive activities. National and local public regulations safeguarding the environment, the assignment of extractive rights to individuals or companies, and handling of ensuing conflicts are developed in an institutional gray […]
Problemas vinculados al cambio y variabilidad climáticos y modelos ejemplares de adaptación por regiones en el Perú
2017 Gerardo Damonte, Andrea Cabrera, Fabio Miranda
El presente informe describe seis problemas vinculados al cambio y variabilidad climática, así como ejemplos de proyectos ejemplares de adaptación y educación referidos a dichos problemas. En particular, se presentan los problemas vinculados a: (1) desglaciación, (2) escasez hídrica, (3) “heladas”, (4) deforestación, (5) inundaciones y (6) contaminación hídrica. El objetivo de la investigación en […]
Análisis de confluencia de enfoques y expectativas de aprendizaje entre las evaluaciones de rendimiento (internacionales y nacionales) y el CN, en relación al tema ambiental
2017 Gerardo Damonte, Andrea Cabrera, Fabio Miranda
El presente informe muestra los resultados del análisis y comparación de las secciones que abordan el tema ambiental en las pruebas internacionales SERCE (2006), TERCE (2013), PISA (2006 y 2015) ICCS (2015) y la prueba nacional ECE (2016) con lo prescripto en el enfoque ambiental peruano del Currículo Nacional. Los objetivos del estudio son: hacer […]
The Evolution of Collective Land Tenure Regimes in Pastoralist Societies: Lessons from Andean Countries
2016 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodriguez, Andrea Ramos
This paper analyses how land tenure regimes of pastoralist societies living in the Andean altiplano have transformed over the last 50 years. It also discusses the implications of these transformations for the sustainability of resource management in these areas. Building on the framework proposed by Schlager and Ostrom (1992), this study employs a historical institutional analysis […]
JournalJournal of Environmental Policy & Planning
Materialities, discourses and governance: scallop culture in Sechura, Peru
2022 Lotta Clara Kluger, Achim Schlüter, Maria Garteizgogeascoa, Gerardo Damonte
This paper looks at the institutional emergence, particularly space rights, within the culture of the Peruvian bay scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) in Sechura Bay. The institutional system developed within a period of 20 years from an open-access, gold rush scenario to a rather structured, formal activity – however, still relies on a lot of informality. This […]
JournalEstudios Atacameños
La apuesta por la infraestructura: inversión pública y la reproducción de la escasez hídrica en contextos de gran minería en Perú y Colombia
2022 Gerardo Damonte, Astrid Ulloa, Catalina Quiroga Manrique, Ana Paula López Minchán
Las políticas públicas y privadas típicamente consideran la construcción de infraestructuras como la respuesta más apropiada a los problemas de escasez y disputas por el agua en contextos de minería a gran escala. Sin embargo, la infraestructura en sí misma no siempre trae soluciones. En este contexto, nos preguntamos: ¿Cuáles son las lógicas que gobiernan […]
JournalRevista de Ciencia Política.
Institutional Innovations in Mining Contexts: the Experience of Community Water Monitoring in Argentina and Peru
2022 Julieta Godfrid, Gerardo Damonte, Ana Paula López
In the context of institutional transformations that resulted from the mining expansion in Latin America, this article explores the emergence of a social institutional innovation: community based water monitoring. From a qualitative perspective the emergence of a new community form of environmental control in Argentina and Peru is analyzed. The article contributes to the debate […]
JournalThe Extractive Industries and Society
Mining and urbanization: Ways of generating water insecurity in Andean territories
2021 Gerardo Damonte, Julieta Godfrid, Ana Paula López
Mining has historically facilitated urban growth, and water access in towns and cities has become one of the most prevalent and divisive of the unresolved problems surrounding mining. Urban areas in the vicinity of large-scale mining ventures endure chronic water shortages, and these areas often turn to remote water sources to meet their needs even […]
JournalEstudios Atacameños
Presentation: new capitalisms and territorial transformations in the Andean region
2019 Michiel Baud, Rutgerd Boelens, Gerardo Damonte
This presentation introduces a special issue that analyzes the new territorial configurations taking shape in the Andean region under the developmentalist governments of the 21st century. The new territorial projects seek to increase the extraction of resources, the transference of crucial products on local level, and economic development. This remodeling transforms the techno-natural, cultural and […]
Impactos y desafíos del monitoreo comunitario ambiental en contextos de industria minera en el Perú y Chile
Transiciones, movilización ciudadana y cambios institucionales : lecciones desde territorios con minería a gran escala en el Perú, Colombia y Chile2024 Ana Paula López, Gerardo Damonte, Julieta Godfrid
In this chapter, the authors explore the impact of community environmental monitoring (MCA) in territories with a long history of mining in Peru and Chile. They find that this initiative has a positive impact on the political empowerment of local communities, which turn it into a tool to regain control of their environment through environmental […]
Políticas de gobierno en territorios con extracción minera: cuestionamientos y oportunidades
El Perú pendiente: ensayos para un desarrollo con bienestar2022 Gerardo Damonte
The latest extractive boom, which to a large extent has been the driving force behind the country’s economic growth, has brought with it serious governance complications that are manifested in recurring socio-environmental problems. The rejection of the central government’s mining policies in extractive territories is significant and exacerbates the disaffection of local populations with respect […]
Los límites de la implementación de la Ley de Consulta Previa en los Andes peruanos
Épicas del neoliberalismo: subjetividades emprendedoras y ciudadanías precarias en el Perú2020 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave
The authors discuss the impact of prior consultation policies in Peru, implemented in 2012 in response to the social conflicts that occurred in Bagua in 2009 and based on the conclusions of Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Políticas públicas, relaciones de poder y conflicto de intereses en la gestión de aguas subterráneas en Ica
Aguas en disputa: Ica y Huancavelica, entre el entrampamiento y el diálogo2018 Gerardo Damonte, isabel E. Gonzales
¿Cuáles son los principales instrumentos de política pública generadas por el Estado para palear o resolver el problema de escasez hídrica en Ica? ¿En qué medida su implementación se ha visto influida por los distintos poderes locales y nacionales? Y, ¿qué nos dice esto sobre el rol del Estado y el poder hídrico? Estas son […]
Escasez de agua en la cuenca del río Ica y el Alto Pampas en Huancavelica: un intento de mirada interdisciplinaria
Aguas en disputa: Ica y Huancavelica, entre el entrampamiento y el diálogo2018 Gerardo Damonte, Iris Domínguez, Ismael Muñóz, María Teresa Oré
El presente artículo intenta realizar una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre la problemática de la escasez de agua en la cuenca del río Ica y del Alto Pampas, en las regiones de Ica y Huancavelica, respectivamente.
Perú | Construcción de infraestructuras: no perder las oportunidades de reducir las desigualdades en el acceso al agua
2020 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Ana Paula López, Diego Navarro,
The construction of water infrastructure by itself does not solve the problem of water stress and scarcity in territories with large-scale mining and can generate unwanted collateral effects such as increases, conflicts and disputes in access to water. Based on the evidence from the cases of La Guajira in Colombia and Espinar in Peru, this […]
Colombia | Producción de desigualdades en las relaciones con el agua: consecuencias de la construcción de infraestructuras
2020 Astrid Ulloa, Catalina Quiroga, Liza Gaitán, Gerardo Damonte
The construction of water infrastructure by itself does not solve the problem of stress and water scarcity in territories with large-scale mining and can generate and increase socio-environmental inequalities, conflicts and disputes in access to water. Based on the evidence of the case of La Guajira in Colombia, authors recommend that the construction of infrastructure […]
Chile | Nuevos atributos en los protocolos de emergencia ambiental a considerar en el ámbito de la minería
2020 Julieta Godfrid, Gerardo Damonte, Alex Godoy Faúndez
Repeated incidents in mining operations in the Aconcagua river basin have generated uncertainty in the population about water quality, which has deepened the water crisis in the Valparaíso region. In this context, it is necessary for the State to improve its crisis management protocols against environmental accidents, through the inclusion of local actors. A coordinated […]
Argentina | Propuestas para mejorar los mecanismos de evaluación ambiental minera
2020 Julieta Godfrid, Gerardo Damonte, Ana Paula López, Lautaro Clemenceau
Based on research on mining and water resources in Andean countries, this document provides public policy recommendations to help improve environmental monitoring of mining. In Argentina, the Veladero project located in San Juan was studied, and in Peru, the Antapaccay – Tintaya Expansion project, located in Espinar. The cases analyzed show that it is necessary […]
Perú | Propuestas para mejorar los mecanismos de evaluación ambiental minera
2020 Julieta Godfrid, Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Ana Paula López, Diego Navarro
Based on research on mining and water resources in Andean countries, this document provides public policy recommendations to help improve environmental monitoring of mining. In Argentina, the Veladero project located in San Juan was studied, and in Peru, the Antapaccay – Tintaya Expansion project, located in Espinar. The cases analyzed show that it is necessary […]
Crecimiento, desigualdad y los retos para la sostenibilidad en un escenario post-boom en la región andina
2018 Gerardo Damonte, Bettina Schorr, Iván Velásquez
El progreso en términos de desarrollo humano, i.e. la mejora de indicadores de educación, salud e ingresos económicos, ha sido extremadamente lento en los países de la región andina. Sin embargo, en las últimas dos décadas (desde el comienzo del año 2000) la región experimentó una fase de auge económico resultante de un boom en […]
Industrias extractivas y desarrollo rural territorial en los Andes peruanos. Los dilemas de la representación política y la capacidad de gestión para la descentralización
2016 Manuel Glave, Gerardo Damonte
Durante las últimas décadas, en el Perú se han producido cambios significativos en las formas de organización y representación local. Estos cambios han afectado el desarrollo de las políticas territoriales en el contexto de proyectos mineros a gran escala. El país ha hecho esfuerzos para contribuir a la gestión del territorio, para lo cual ha […]
Desigualdades en un mundo globalizado
2015 Narda Henríquez, Gerardo Damonte, Marianne Braig, Barbara Gobel
¿Escasez de agua?: retos para la gestión de la cuenca del río Ica
2014 Gerardo Damonte, María Teresa Oré
- Promotion and strengthening of proposals from civil society organizations for inclusive and sustainable development initiatives in mining regions of Colombia, Peru and Chile.January 2022
- Transition initiatives towards models of sustainable territorial development in territories with large-scale miningOctober 2020
- Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System: Economic Repercussions and Governance StrategiesMarch 2019
- Evaluating platforms of participation in extractive industries: a comparative analysis between Chile and PeruSeptember 2018
- How to improve the availability and equity in water access?March 2018
- Evaluación externa del Proyecto de Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PACC)June 2016
- Monitoring of Social Changes for the areas of influence of Project La GranjaJuly 2014
- Evidence and Lessons from Latin America (ELLA)September 2014
- Cohesión territorial para el desarrollo (RIMISP)November 2013 - April 2014
- How to include indigenous peoples of Latin America? Progress made, challenges and lessons learned with the Prior Consultation Act in PeruJune 2013 - November 2013
First Latin America Evidence Week: On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano?
November 3, 2016 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano? gathered the main conclusion from “Unusual comparative research and learning between countries: lessons from ELLA Programme” panel discussion, held by Practical Action and GRADE on October 2016. The panel, which was part of the First Latin America Evidence Week, showed the relevance of comparative research to understand global […]
Tambopata: the Peruvian nature reserve that begins to become a desert
October 27, 2016 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Evidence shows that a policy to control illegal mining based on coercion is not going to work”, said Gerardo Damonte, senior researcher at GRADE, in a BBC Mundo reportage on deforestation caused by illegal mining in Tambopata National Reserve. According to Damonte, the government need to formalize the miners, register them to know where they settle, and provide […]
La minería ilegal ha crecido por falta de gobernabilidad del Estado en zonas amazónicas
November 21, 2014 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
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En Perú la mayoría de conflictos medioambientales están ligados a la gestión del recurso hídrico
March 11, 2013 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Minería y agricultura: los retos de una difícil convivencia
December 1, 2012 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Minería y agricultura: los retos de una difícil convivencia
December 1, 2012 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Conflictos y políticas públicas
November 26, 2008 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Tambopata: the Peruvian nature reserve that begins to become a desert
October 27, 2016 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Evidence shows that a policy to control illegal mining based on coercion is not going to work”, said Gerardo Damonte, senior researcher at GRADE, in a BBC Mundo reportage on deforestation caused by illegal mining in Tambopata National Reserve. According to Damonte, the government need to formalize the miners, register them to know where they settle, and provide […]
La minería ilegal ha crecido por falta de gobernabilidad del Estado en zonas amazónicas
November 21, 2014 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
En Perú la mayoría de conflictos medioambientales están ligados a la gestión del recurso hídrico
March 11, 2013 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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Nueve meses de gobierno: aún no nace una política agraria inclusiva
April 24, 2012 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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First Latin America Evidence Week: On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano?
November 3, 2016 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
On what Kenya pastoralists resemble with the ones from the Peruvian Altiplano? gathered the main conclusion from “Unusual comparative research and learning between countries: lessons from ELLA Programme” panel discussion, held by Practical Action and GRADE on October 2016. The panel, which was part of the First Latin America Evidence Week, showed the relevance of comparative research to understand global […]
Políticas de protección social adaptativa frente al Cambio Climático. Lecciones desde la Mancomunidad de Tres Cuencas, Ancash
GRADE, 13 July, 2017
Taller de presentación de resultados finales
Selected Publications
The Evolution of Collective Land Tenure Regimes in Pastoralist Societies: Lessons From Andean Countries
2016 Gerardo Damonte, Manuel Glave, Sandra Rodríguez, Andrea Ramos