Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
Senior Researcher
PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile.
He has researched and published on a wide variety of topics, such as land and water management in Peruvian agriculture, the workings of agricultural markets and institutions providing agricultural services, risk management and market failures. He has also led impact evaluations into large-scale public sector projects in Peru, such as the Special Land Titling Program (PETT), the Sub-sectorial Irrigation Program (PSI), the social fund FONCODES and the agricultural health development program PRODESA of the SENASA. He has participated in consultancies on agricultural and rural issues in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Nicaragua. He possesses extensive experience in the design, implementation and analysis of economic-productive surveys in rural and urban areas, and has held lecturing positions at the Catholic University and the La Molina Agrarian University, both in Peru. Between 2001 and 2003, he was the General Manager of Agricultural Information for the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was responsible for producing and disseminating agricultural statistics and for implementing the agricultural information system nationwide.
He has been a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 2004.
Chapter in BookPerú, el problema agrario en debate: Seminario Permanente de Invetigación Agraria, (9º: Noviembre 2002. Oct. 22-24: Puno, Perú)
La investigación social sobre el manejo del agua de riego en el Peru: una mirada a conceptos y estudios empíricos
2002 Eduardo Zegarra
El desarrollo de la agricultura en el Perú tiene una evidente correlación con los avances en el manejo del agua para riego.
Chapter in BookRural poverty in Latin America: analytics, new empirical evidence and policy
Land markets and the persistence of rural poverty: post-liberalization policy options
2000 Eduardo Zegarra, Michael Carter
JournalDesarrollo productivo
El mercado de tierras en el Peru: análisis institucional y económico
1999 Eduardo Zegarra
En el primer volumen se analizan de manera sistemática algunos de los elementos conformantes del "contexto institucional" en que funciona el mercado de tierras en el Perú.
Crédito por ONGs: diagnóstico sobre situación de cartera (seis casos-Perú)
1998 Eduardo Zegarra, Maria Julia Méndez
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Eduardo Zegarra in Exitosa: “Peru is one of the countries most affected by this food crisis”
May 20, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“Peru is one of the most vulnerable countries facing a food crisis. We are an importer of basic foods, such as cereals and oilseeds, which are rising a lot in price internationally, and we are also total importers of chemical fertilizers, which they are scarce worldwide. There is enormous concern about this, because if we […]
Eduardo Zegarra on TV Peru: “We are passing the bill for many years of not thinking in terms of food security”
May 20, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“If the problem of the lack of fertilizers persists and if the measures that are being taken are not effective, because there is concern that this emergency decree has little effectiveness and efficiency, we would be facing a complicated situation. We have expensive imported food and national food that would also begin to be scarce. […]
Effect of the agrarian labor regime on the remuneration of unskilled workers and workers, by Eduardo Zegarra
May 5, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The extreme flexibility of the contracts (temporary terms), as well as the very low capacity for unionization and collective bargaining of wages, mean much lower incomes for workers than those they could receive if they enjoyed the same rights as their peers in the regime. general or civil construction regime”. We share the article by […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Peru 21: risks that could aggravate the food crisis
May 2, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
According to Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, we are already in a food crisis due to rising food prices, but this could worsen due to the shortage of fertilizers: “Family farming supplies 60% of food and having two important sources of food – which are imported products and those produced (in Peru) – at risk, […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “There is already a high risk that Peru will run out of fertilizers in the next three months”
April 27, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“There is already a high risk that Peru will run out of fertilizers in the next three months”, said Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, in a Nativa reportage on the risk of a food crisis due to the shortage of this product.
Deslindes. Solo la (gran) propiedad privada salvará al Perú
November 9, 2007 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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El censo y la Improvisación
October 17, 2007 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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¿Reforma sin nueva ley de aguas?
March 20, 2007 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
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El Censo soy Yo
January 16, 2007 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
¿Un nuevo censo de Población?
December 26, 2006 Ethnicity, gender and citizenship
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Eduardo Zegarra: The Congress and the Executive Branch have realized that agriculture is relevant
June 19, 2019
“I would say that the most interesting thing is what comes forward, that is, the Congress and the Executive Branche have realized that agriculture is relevant, and that rules and devices for agriculture have to be worked on”. Or Senior Researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, spoke with Noticias SER about the recent agrarian plenary, where several bills were […]
Rural poverty exacerbates in Peru and Latin America
February 21, 2019 Rural development and agriculture
Nuestro investigador principal, Eduardo Zegarra, fue entrevistado en la revista belga Sos Faim sobre pobreza rural en el Perú. A continuación, compartimos la reproducción traducida al español de la entrevista completa: El último informe de las Naciones Unidas sobre la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe señala que los países de estas regiones enfrentan […]
Countryman’s Day: Eduardo Zegarra gives his thoughts on the state of little agriculture in Peru
June 25, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
On the sidelines of the Countryman’s Day, our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, give his thoughts in on the state of small agriculture. He thinks that the Law for the Agrarian Promotion must homologate its labor regime with the general regime, in such a way that “the agricultural workers have guaranteed all they corresponding rights”. […]
Eduardo Zegarra explains the Agrarian Law, its benefits and the problems of its special labor regime
June 19, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
What is the Law for the Promotion of the Agrarian Sector or Agrarian Law? What worked and what did not? Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, explained in Ideeleradio its benefits and problems for which, he thinks, it must be reformed: “The labor regime of the law can not remain as the special one. The fundamental labor […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on the issues surrounding the strike of potato producers in Ideeleradio
February 2, 2018 Rural development and agriculture
“For more than two decades, there has been an absolute abandonment of family farming in Peru,” said Eduardo Zegarra in Ideeleradio about the strike of potato producers. Our senior researcher also explained that the challenges of potato cultivation can only be faced with strong and well-structured policies, such as a sowing information and management system […]
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Guerra, crisis agraria y alimentaria en el Perú
Hotel Meliá, 4 August, 2022
Presentación de Eduardo Zegarra en conversatorio de CooperAcción y RedGE Peru sobre los impactos del conflicto Rusia-Ucrania en América Latina y el Perú.
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas de los hogares rurales del Perú
MIDIS, 26 August, 2016
Diálogo Ministerial MIDIS-CIES