Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
Senior Researcher
PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile.
He has researched and published on a wide variety of topics, such as land and water management in Peruvian agriculture, the workings of agricultural markets and institutions providing agricultural services, risk management and market failures. He has also led impact evaluations into large-scale public sector projects in Peru, such as the Special Land Titling Program (PETT), the Sub-sectorial Irrigation Program (PSI), the social fund FONCODES and the agricultural health development program PRODESA of the SENASA. He has participated in consultancies on agricultural and rural issues in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Nicaragua. He possesses extensive experience in the design, implementation and analysis of economic-productive surveys in rural and urban areas, and has held lecturing positions at the Catholic University and the La Molina Agrarian University, both in Peru. Between 2001 and 2003, he was the General Manager of Agricultural Information for the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was responsible for producing and disseminating agricultural statistics and for implementing the agricultural information system nationwide.
He has been a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 2004.
Minería y economía de los hogares en la sierra peruana: impactos y espacios de conflicto
2007 Eduardo Zegarra, José Carlos Orihuela, Maritza Paredes
Este estudio es una exploración cuantitativa del impacto de la actividad minero-metálica en los hogares de la sierra peruana, en el que hemos empleado métodos estándares de evaluación de impactos.
Chapter in BookInvestigación, políticas y desarrollo en el Perú
Gasto público, productividad e ingresos agrarios en el Perú: avances de investigación y resultados empíricos propios
2007 Eduardo Zegarra, Verónica Minaya
Chapter in BookPolíticas públicas y desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe: el papel del gasto público
Gasto público, productividad e ingreso rural en los países de la comunidad andina: un análisis de determinantes e impactos
2006 Eduardo Zegarra, Patricia Vane
Se busca establecer las relaciones entre el nivel y estructura del gasto público orientado a zonas rurales/agricultura y variables de productividad agraria e ingresos rurales en países de la CAN.
Reforma del agua y competitividad / Las diferencias de género en los mercados de trabajo peruano
2005 Eduardo Zegarra, Hugo Ñopo
Reforma del agua y competitividad: la necesidad de una nueva estrategia / Las diferencias de género en los mercados de trabajo peruano.
JournalRegas, Revista de Gestión del Agua en América Latina
Mercado de aguas: viabilidad y potencialidades de un instrumento para la reforma de la gestión hídrica en el Perú
2004 Eduardo Zegarra
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- Preparación de Agenda Priorizada de Reformas o Tareas Pendientes en la Administración Pública del Sector AgriculturaJune 2005
- Public expenditure, rural growth and poverty in the countries of the Andean CommunityMay 2005
- Social movement around water access in a decentralization context: the case of Olmos project at the Peruvian North CoastMay 2005
Eduardo Zegarra in La República: international price of urea shows decline
June 11, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The international price of urea has started to decline, which is good news. The problem is that this drives demand in preparation for the next campaign. Acquiring urea in the commercial circuit in this context is even more complicated.” Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, shared his opinion in La República on the second call to obtain an […]
Eduardo Zegarra on Canal N: political and productive measures in the face of the agricultural crisis
June 9, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“About 500,000 small and medium-sized producers use fertilizers more intensively. The hardest hit of this crisis is concentrated on them and policies should focus on them. In the approach that is being made there there is a first mistake, because it is being said that this is a program to alleviate poverty, when we are […]
Fertilizer acquisition process was unclaimed. Opinion of Eduardo Zegarra RPP News
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The crisis that could be generated is much more serious because for the first time an international price crisis would be joining a deep agrarian crisis, due to the lack of fertilizers. It is of extreme concern. The government has to take urgent measures and extraordinary”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, analyzes in RPP Noticias the […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on food insecurity in Peru for a UK project
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The main vacuum in the Peruvian case is that we do not have an official measurement of food insecurity. It is almost impossible to organize policies if you do not have a clear understanding of what is happening and the factors behind the issue. Peru has a long tradition of measuring poverty and other social […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “Many people are buying less quality and quantity (of food), especially in the poorest strata”
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The increase in annualized food inflation is around 15%. This data is very strong because it is a year in which Peruvian families have seen their income stagnant or falling. People have a little less income and now they have to go to buy food that is more expensive. Many people are buying less quality […]
La inflación de los alimentos
July 22, 2008 Rural development and agriculture
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Quien titula soy Yo
July 12, 2008 Rural development and agriculture
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¿Cae la pobreza pero aumenta el hambre?
June 12, 2008 Poverty and equality
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Inseguridad alimentaria
May 6, 2008 Rural development and agriculture
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La errática estadística avícola
February 27, 2008 Rural development and agriculture
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The cost of cheap water. An IPE article highlights Eduardo Zegarra’s opinion
March 27, 2017 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
The Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE) gathers, on El Comercio newspaper, the recommendations of our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, to identify adequate water tariffs that guarantee its supply and efficient human consumption. According to Zegarra, “agricultural tariffs should multiply 3.5 times to cover the costs of operation and mainteance”. In the case of Sedapal, “the average tariff in […]
Peruvians pay up to ten times more for drinking water
February 21, 2017 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
Peruvians do not perceive the complexity of the management of a water company, said Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, in a Instituto Integración article on the management of drinking water service companies in Peru. “Despite its vital relevance, we pay little for it. It is a huge challenge for fares to finance all of its production”, added Zegarra.
Reinvierten 30% de lo que reciben de Juntos
December 1, 2015 Rural development and agriculture, Methodologies for research and evaluation of policy and programmes
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GRADE: Transferencias de Juntos van a actividades productivas
November 10, 2015 Rural development and agriculture
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Platos vacíos: informe sobre transgénicos en el Perú, de la revista Poder, recoge opinión de Eduardo Zegarra
April 25, 2015 Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
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Eduardo Zegarra on water management in Peru: a case study of the Ica Valley
April 15, 2022 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“El estudio apunta a entender el vínculo entre el agua, la alimentación y la energía en un espacio específico en el que hay varios problemas con el uso del agua. Uno de los principales problemas es que la agricultura en el Valle de Ica básicamente usa el agua del acuífero. Hay evidencia de que el […]
TV Perú: Eduardo Zegarra’s on the VAT exemption for five foods
April 14, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“It is a measure with problems. One is that the reduction will not necessarily go to the final consumer. It is also quite regressive, because it favors those with greater purchasing power. It is better to make a program of direct economic support to families in poverty or in vulnerability, more or less 50% of […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in RPP Noticias about food items that would be exempt from VAT
April 11, 2022 State reform and public institutions, Health and nutrition
“The most serious thing has not been to include the pheasant or some other elements that are quite ridiculous, but to extend the rule until December 31 and include a VAT and tax credit refund mechanism that could involve very complicated tax fraud problems” . Listen to the opinion of our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra on […]
Eduardo Zegarra explains in RPP Noticias the labor conditions of agro-export workers
December 2, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
“The labor part of the Agrarian Promotion Law does not create a specific type of contract for the agricultural sector. Firms use the general regime in the form of temporary employment, but what this law does is to degrade some basic rights of workers in the use of these temporary contracts. For example, CTS, bonuses and […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Ideeleradio: “Among Peruvian farmers there is a feeling of helplessness”
November 3, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
“In the farmers there is a feeling of helplessness. As a result of the agricultural strike and some negotiating tables, this Government told them that it was going to start making policies in favor of family farming: propose a new Ministry of Agriculture with a vice-ministry of family farming, financing the National Family Farming Plan, […]
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Guerra, crisis agraria y alimentaria en el Perú
Hotel Meliá, 4 August, 2022
Presentación de Eduardo Zegarra en conversatorio de CooperAcción y RedGE Peru sobre los impactos del conflicto Rusia-Ucrania en América Latina y el Perú.
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas de los hogares rurales del Perú
MIDIS, 26 August, 2016
Diálogo Ministerial MIDIS-CIES