Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
Senior Researcher
PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile.
He has researched and published on a wide variety of topics, such as land and water management in Peruvian agriculture, the workings of agricultural markets and institutions providing agricultural services, risk management and market failures. He has also led impact evaluations into large-scale public sector projects in Peru, such as the Special Land Titling Program (PETT), the Sub-sectorial Irrigation Program (PSI), the social fund FONCODES and the agricultural health development program PRODESA of the SENASA. He has participated in consultancies on agricultural and rural issues in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Nicaragua. He possesses extensive experience in the design, implementation and analysis of economic-productive surveys in rural and urban areas, and has held lecturing positions at the Catholic University and the La Molina Agrarian University, both in Peru. Between 2001 and 2003, he was the General Manager of Agricultural Information for the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was responsible for producing and disseminating agricultural statistics and for implementing the agricultural information system nationwide.
He has been a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 2004.
Economía del agua: conceptos y aplicaciones para una mejor gestión
2014 Eduardo Zegarra
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Chapter in BookOpciones de política económica en el Perú 2011-2015
Seguridad alimentaria: una propuesta de política para el próximo gobierno
2010 Eduardo Zegarra
Chapter in BookGestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos. Instrumentos Financieros y Económicos
Hacia un nuevo esquema de fijación de tarifas de agua para fines agrarios en la costa del Perú
2010 Eduardo Zegarra
JournalLa reconnexion agricole Nord-Sud. Quels enjeux pour les pays en développement?
La libéralisation commerciale agricole au Pérou: marchés, comportements et institutions entre ruptures et continuités
2010 Eduardo Zegarra, Álvaro Espinoza
Shock de precios y vulnerabilidad alimentaria de los hogares peruanos
2009 Eduardo Zegarra, Jorge Tuesta
En el estudio se cuantifica los efectos económicos del súbito aumento de los precios de alimentos en los hogares peruanos durante 2007-2008 e identifica a los hogares en situación de vulnerabilidad alimentaria.
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- Analysis of the Potential of the Agricultural and Livestock and Rural Development Sector in Dominican RepublicJune 2008
- Impacts of rising international food prices in the vulnerable Peruvian householdsJune 2008
- Sub-regional Irrigation ProgramApril 2008 - June 2008
- Baseline of the Sub-sectorial Irrigations Program (PSI)January 2008
- Study on Public Expenditure in Agriculture in GuatemalaJanuary 2008
- Agenda para el desarrollo agrario de la sierra peruanaMay 2007
- Manual para capacitación en el uso de instrumentos económicos y financieros para la gestión del aguaJune 2007
- Monitoreo de Sierra ExportadoraJune 2007
- Programa de Desarrollo de la Sanidad Agropecuaria – PRODESA” – (II Fase)June 2007
- Programa de Desarrollo de la Sanidad Agropecuaria – PRODESAJune 2007
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in a Spanish TV channel laSexta reportage on the jam in Panama Canal
August 28, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Panama is a country where rainfall is very intense, it is tropical climate country and they are going through a rain scarcity, a drought that has been going on for two or three years”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, joined a Spanish news channel laSexta reportage about the ship traffic jam in Panama Canal.
Eduardo Zegarra discusses in El País the drought affecting Panama Canal
August 24, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
According to Eduardo Zegarra, climate change is the main cause of the problems in the Panama Canal, but it is not the only one: “There is a serious problem with the very inefficient use of water for human consumption in Panama City. The rates paid by the population are quite low. They do not even […]
Food prices are going up: why? Interview with Eduardo Zegarra in LR+ Economía de La República
August 24, 2023
“We are facing an agricultural crisis that we have not seen for a long time. In no year in the last decade has agricultural production fallen to this extent. A key explanatory factor is the drought in the Peruvian highlinds between August and December last year”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra talks to Rumi Cevallos of LR+ Economía about the fall […]
Eduardo Zegarra comments on measures to face a water crisis in the newscast La Encerrona
August 21, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
The central measure is to generate a different institutional scheme to face these phenomena. There should be contingency reserves explicitly assigned to regional and local governments that are automatically activated once a state of emergency is declared. […] Help farmers with specific support: seeds, veterinary kits. Also direct economic support that will allow them to […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on the impact of the climate crisis on Peruvian agriculture. Via La República
May 22, 2023 Rural development and agriculture
“Farmers usually use a fraction of their production for their own food and with the resources obtained from the sale of their products they purchase other foods to complete their diet. Therefore, lower production means lower sales and, therefore, less income to cover their living expenses”. Read the comments of Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at […]
La gestión del agua: cambiamos o perdemos
December 17, 2014 Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
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¿Sabemos que el agua es un bien especial?, por Eduardo Zegarra
October 10, 2014 Rural development and agriculture, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
¿Cuánto contenido de azúcar existe en los productos industrializados que consumen niños y adolescentes?
October 1, 2014 Health and nutrition
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¿Manipulando cifras?
May 26, 2009 Rural development and agriculture
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Boom agrícola y persistencia de la pobreza rural
April 1, 2009 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion in AgroNoticias about food imports
November 29, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
“There is a total abandonment of the protection of national production. It is a trend of the last 30 years of successive governments, which have favored the importation of subsidized food and unprotected our agriculture, and that is passing bills. That is why we have very high agrarian poverty rates”. Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at […]
Eduardo Zegarra in El Comercio: FAE Agro will go to auction with 70% of the agricultural season advanced
September 24, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
The Business Support Fund for Agriculture (FAE Agro) will enter the auction with a trust contract approved yesterday by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. These resources seek to finance the agricultural campaign that began in July. However, according to Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, “three months into the season, we already have between 60% and 70% […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts in Caretas on food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic
June 18, 2020 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“In May a INEI report came out showing 14% of households in Metropolitan Lima and Callao could not buy meat, fish and eggs. The main reason has a lot to do with many families —socioeconomic levels D and E— don’t have enough money”. Our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, shares his thoughts in this Caretas‘ article that addresses the […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
The Guardian interviews Eduardo Zegarra about contagions in wholesale markets in Lima
May 17, 2020 Health and nutrition
“Markets were probably the biggest vector of infection which is why Peru’s quarantine did not work as it should have”. The Guardian interviews our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, for an article on contagions in wholesale markets in four Latin American cities: Lima, São Paulo, Mexico City and Bogotá.
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Eduardo Zegarra discusses the state of Peruvian agriculture in times of the coronavirus
March 31, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
“We calculate how many have a cell phone to access the voucher and no member of more than 300,000 agricultural families has a cell phone […] They do indeed require resources to be able to even eat, because they do not themselves produce all the food they require for their own food. There is need for […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion in Exitosa about the delay of fertilizers and Fertibono
September 1, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The Fertibono is a monetary transfer for the balance of the amount that is not going to be spent on the purchase of urea. A fairly small amount where a fixed amount of money is going to be given to farmers in a register and it is not going to have more relationship with whether […]
Eduardo Zegarra on Canal N: political and productive measures in the face of the agricultural crisis
June 9, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“About 500,000 small and medium-sized producers use fertilizers more intensively. The hardest hit of this crisis is concentrated on them and policies should focus on them. In the approach that is being made there there is a first mistake, because it is being said that this is a program to alleviate poverty, when we are […]
Fertilizer acquisition process was unclaimed. Opinion of Eduardo Zegarra RPP News
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The crisis that could be generated is much more serious because for the first time an international price crisis would be joining a deep agrarian crisis, due to the lack of fertilizers. It is of extreme concern. The government has to take urgent measures and extraordinary”. Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, analyzes in RPP Noticias the […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his thoughts on food insecurity in Peru for a UK project
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The main vacuum in the Peruvian case is that we do not have an official measurement of food insecurity. It is almost impossible to organize policies if you do not have a clear understanding of what is happening and the factors behind the issue. Peru has a long tradition of measuring poverty and other social […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “Many people are buying less quality and quantity (of food), especially in the poorest strata”
June 6, 2022 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“The increase in annualized food inflation is around 15%. This data is very strong because it is a year in which Peruvian families have seen their income stagnant or falling. People have a little less income and now they have to go to buy food that is more expensive. Many people are buying less quality […]
No se han encontrado novedades de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Reference
Guerra, crisis agraria y alimentaria en el Perú
Hotel Meliá, 4 August, 2022
Presentación de Eduardo Zegarra en conversatorio de CooperAcción y RedGE Peru sobre los impactos del conflicto Rusia-Ucrania en América Latina y el Perú.
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas de los hogares rurales del Perú
MIDIS, 26 August, 2016
Diálogo Ministerial MIDIS-CIES