Eduardo Zegarra Méndez
Senior Researcher
PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics - University of Wisconsin
Eduardo Zegarra is an economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and has a PhD in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Wisconsin, specializing in rural development and natural resource management. His dissertation explores the workings and failures of the water market in Chile.
He has researched and published on a wide variety of topics, such as land and water management in Peruvian agriculture, the workings of agricultural markets and institutions providing agricultural services, risk management and market failures. He has also led impact evaluations into large-scale public sector projects in Peru, such as the Special Land Titling Program (PETT), the Sub-sectorial Irrigation Program (PSI), the social fund FONCODES and the agricultural health development program PRODESA of the SENASA. He has participated in consultancies on agricultural and rural issues in Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Nicaragua. He possesses extensive experience in the design, implementation and analysis of economic-productive surveys in rural and urban areas, and has held lecturing positions at the Catholic University and the La Molina Agrarian University, both in Peru. Between 2001 and 2003, he was the General Manager of Agricultural Information for the Ministry of Agriculture, where he was responsible for producing and disseminating agricultural statistics and for implementing the agricultural information system nationwide.
He has been a Senior Researcher at GRADE since 2004.
Diagnosis on the situation and potential of irrigation sector in Nicaragua
2016 Eduardo Zegarra, Orlando Chirinos
Nicaragua ha tenido una importante expansión de la superficie provista para riego en las últimas dos décadas. No obstante, la superficie irrigada ha tenido una importancia limitada y fluctuante en las últimas cinco décadas, llegando a cubrir entre un mínimo de 1% (a principios de los 1960s y 1990s) y un máximo 6% (fines de los 1980s y en […]
JournalEconomía y Sociedad
Impactos del programa Juntos en las decisiones productivas de los hogares rurales del Perú
2015 Eduardo Zegarra
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Chapter in BookAgricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el censo agropecuario
Cambios en la agricultura y deforestación en la selva peruana: análisis basado en el IV Censo Agropecuario
2015 Eduardo Zegarra, Juan Pablo Gayoso
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Agricultura peruana: nuevas miradas desde el Censo Agropecuario
2015 Javier Escobal, Ricardo Fort, Eduardo Zegarra
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No se han encontrado publicaciones de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Working paper
JournalWorld Development
Determinants and impacts of rural land market activity: evidence from Nicaragua
2003 Klaus Deininger, Eduardo Zegarra, Isabel Lavadenz
Use of data from Nicaragua to examine the performance of land rental and sales markets during 1995-98 which coincide with the implementation of major macroeconomic and sectoral reforms leads to three main conclusions.
JournalDebate agrario
Mercado de aguas y desarrollo agrario: explorando límites y posibilidades
2003 Eduardo Zegarra
Se argumenta que la difícil relación entre agricultura y mercados se origina en parte en las particularidades del sector agrario en general, con complicaciones adicionales para países en desarrollo como el Perú.
JournalDesarrollo productivo
El mercado de tierras en el Peru: análisis institucional y económico
1999 Eduardo Zegarra
En el primer volumen se analizan de manera sistemática algunos de los elementos conformantes del "contexto institucional" en que funciona el mercado de tierras en el Perú.
Land markets and the persistence of rural poverty: post-liberalization policy options
Rural poverty in Latin America: analytics, new empirical evidence and policy2000 Eduardo Zegarra, Michael Carter
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Policy brief
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Book
No se han encontrado publicaciones de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Mimeo
- Consolidation and training regarding supports for the Agricultural SectorSeptember 2010 - November 2011
- Agriculture and climate change in Latin AmericaAugust 2010 - December 2011
- Monitoring and Evaluation Design for Agricultural Competitiveness in JamaicaMarch 2010 - May 2010
- Términos de referencia para el estudio de competitividad y retornos a la inversión pública agropecuaria en El SalvadorFebruary 2010 - February 2010
- Food Safety MonitoringJanuary 2010 - December 2010
- Final Assessment of the Fruit Fly Program of SENASADecember 2009 - March 2010
- Guidance and development of the food safety strategic programNovember 2009 - March 2010
- Agriculture and Climate ChangeSeptember 2009 - December 2009
- Study about the target population and system for impact assessment of the Agricultural Competitiveness ProgramJune 2009
- Sustainable earth and water management technologies in JequetepequeAugust 2008 - November 2009
Decapitalization of Peruvian small-scale farming, by Eduardo Zegarra
January 2, 2024 Rural development and agriculture
“The overall picture is that of a small-scale farming with declining trends in critical assets (value of livestock stock), but especially in access to fundamental services, with declining access to titling, training, credit and technical assistance, which do not reach more than 10% of farmers nationwide.” In his new article for Noticias SER, our Senior […]
Eduardo Zegarra on A Pensar Más with Rosa María Palacios: an outlook of Peruvian agriculture and food price increases
September 5, 2023 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
“Basically three processes have aggravated the agricultural crisis. First COVID, then the fertilizer crisis, very poorly managed, and the last has been the climate crisis, with a drought in the highlands and the coastal El Niño. If you add all this up, agricultural production has fallen 5% in the first six months of this year, […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Latina Noticias: “For two years we have had food inflation levels that exceed 10-12%. This hits the poorest households the hardest”.
September 2, 2023
“We have had food inflation levels exceeding 10-12% for two years now. This hits the poorest households the hardest. A poor household has lost purchasing power to buy food by almost 20% in this period. People are having to buy less food, of lower quality, and face situations of reduced food security”. Eduardo Zegarra, senior […]
How to reverse the price increase in products such as lemons? Eduardo Zegarra reflects in Canal N
September 1, 2023
“We are having the worst of all worlds. Expensive food because we produce less and because despite the fact that imported food prices have fallen, the industry does not pass this reduction on to consumers. The final effect is that especially the poorest and most vulnerable have lost purchasing power. I estimate a 15-20% loss […]
Eduardo Zegarra’s interview with EESP Pukllasunchis on the threats and opportunities of transgenics
August 28, 2023 Health and nutrition
“The ancestral knowledge of producers comes from many generations of trial and error: managing crops so that they adapt adequately to the climate, to the fertility and capacities of the soil, or to the availability of water. This knowledge is often more useful in generating a portfolio of crops that are more protective against climate […]
Opinion Article, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Our family farming in times of coronavirus, by Eduardo Zegarra
March 24, 2020 Rural development and agriculture
“Our family farming, abandoned to its fate for so long, today becomes a bastion of our economy to face the crisis, have food security and look forward with hope.” Our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, writes in OtraMirada about the importance of smallholder agriculture in the times of the coronavirus.
Water is not the problem, it is us, by Eduardo Zegarra
April 6, 2017 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict, State reform and public institutions
Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, proposes in Ojo Público to raise the National Water Authority (ANA) to a status similar to that of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru: “Without a strong authority at the central level, and without real water authorities, what remains is a weak eggshell and hesitant of state officials who have no […]
Agrarian poverty and income shock in Puno: an ENAHO analysis, by Eduardo Zegarra
July 25, 2016 Rural development and agriculture, Poverty and equality
Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra analyzes data from the National Household Survey and suggests that a negative income shock (and demand) in urban areas of Puno, with adverse effects on agricultural income, explain the increase of poverty in this region between 2013-2015. Read the full article (in Spanish) here.
Lima and the water scarcity risk for private sector, by Eduardo Zegarra
July 5, 2016 Employment, productivity and innovation, Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
“Dado el enorme peso de Lima en el PBI nacional (cerca del 50%), las cifras indican que una grave sequía afectando a Lima puede afectar directamente y en forma dramática al 25% del producto nacional, además de impactar potencialmente en más de 1 millón de empleos.” Lea el artículo de nuestro investigador Eduardo Zegarra en […]
Public expenditure on agriculture: centralism and regional inequities, by Eduardo Zegarra
July 2, 2016 Rural development and agriculture, State reform and public institutions
“Aunque el sector agrario tiene una participación de solo 5.6% en el PBI nacional, tiene a más del 25% de la PEA ocupada y en muchas regiones el peso sectorial es de entre 20 y 30%.” Eduardo Zegarra, Investigador principal de GRADE, analiza la evolución y composición del gasto público agropecuario del gobierno saliente, a […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Peru 21: risks that could aggravate the food crisis
May 2, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
According to Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, we are already in a food crisis due to rising food prices, but this could worsen due to the shortage of fertilizers: “Family farming supplies 60% of food and having two important sources of food – which are imported products and those produced (in Peru) – at risk, […]
Eduardo Zegarra: “There is already a high risk that Peru will run out of fertilizers in the next three months”
April 27, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“There is already a high risk that Peru will run out of fertilizers in the next three months”, said Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, in a Nativa reportage on the risk of a food crisis due to the shortage of this product.
RPP Noticias: Eduardo Zegarra on the reduction of the entry of fertilizers to Peru
April 14, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
RPP Noticias highlighted the opinion of our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra in the newspaper Gestión on the current shortage of fertilizers and its impact on the agricultural sector. “Per month the producers require at least 40,000 tons and they were only entering 5,000 tons per month and now it is zero, everything has stopped. Future […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
Eduardo Zegarra: Two urgent actions against the food crisis
April 8, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The first (action) is to promote fertilizer imports, especially urea. There is already a deficit of more than 180,000 tons of fertilizers that could not be imported. If there is no more fertilizer in the coming weeks, Peruvian agriculture, especially commercial, is going to face a very serious crisis. Secondly, an immediate measure is needed […]
Comment, Media GRADE, GRADE frente al COVID-19
International Potato Day: Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion on the 2020 agrarian poverty figures reported by INEI
May 30, 2021 Rural development and agriculture, Health and nutrition
Regarding the agrarian poverty figures reported by the National Household Survey (ENAHO) 2020 of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), Eduardo Zegarra, senior researcher at GRADE, explains the problem of overproduction and dependence on industry food importation of inputs. Article of Convoca on the sidelines of the International Potato Day.
Food prices are going up: why? Interview with Eduardo Zegarra in LR+ Economía de La República
August 24, 2023
“We are facing an agricultural crisis that we have not seen for a long time. In no year in the last decade has agricultural production fallen to this extent. A key explanatory factor is the drought in the Peruvian highlinds between August and December last year”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra talks to Rumi Cevallos of LR+ Economía about the fall […]
Eduardo Zegarra comments on measures to face a water crisis in the newscast La Encerrona
August 21, 2023 Natural resources, extractive industries and social conflict
The central measure is to generate a different institutional scheme to face these phenomena. There should be contingency reserves explicitly assigned to regional and local governments that are automatically activated once a state of emergency is declared. […] Help farmers with specific support: seeds, veterinary kits. Also direct economic support that will allow them to […]
Eduardo Zegarra in RPP Noticias: “The most serious issue is that a subsidy is being managed without a complete registry”
October 23, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The register is incomplete. Midagri states that only 35% of the country’s farmers are registered. We have a serious issue, because it is a mechanism that is supposed to reach all farmers. In addition, the Comptroller’s Office has reviewed the first version and has found inconsistencies: underage people, farmers who do not belong to it, […]
Eduardo Zegarra in Exitosa: “Peru is the South American country most affected by food insecurity”.
October 8, 2022 Health and nutrition
“Peru is the most food insecure country in South America at this stage of the post-pandemic crisis. The number of people has doubled: before the pandemic there were 8 million, now FAO estimates 16 million of Peruvians with food insecurity”. Our Senior Researcher Eduardo Zegarra was interviewed in Exitosa Noticias about the increase in potato […]
Eduardo Zegarra shares his opinion on the delay in the purchase of fertilizers. Via RPP News
September 14, 2022 Rural development and agriculture
“The big campaign starts in August until December. Approximately 70% of the so-called transitory crops are sown, which require a crucial first fertilization in the first three months. Unfortunately, we are about to lose this opportunity. that this will lead to a drop in production in several crops, which will generate inflationary pressure on food […]
No se han encontrado novedades de Eduardo Zegarra en la categoría Reference
Guerra, crisis agraria y alimentaria en el Perú
Hotel Meliá, 4 August, 2022
Presentación de Eduardo Zegarra en conversatorio de CooperAcción y RedGE Peru sobre los impactos del conflicto Rusia-Ucrania en América Latina y el Perú.
Efectos dinámicos del programa Juntos en decisiones productivas de los hogares rurales del Perú
MIDIS, 26 August, 2016
Diálogo Ministerial MIDIS-CIES