GRADE held the International Webinar Governance of water and mining in Latin America
The Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) held the International Webinar Governance of Water and Mining in Latin America, on Wednesday, August 26. The event aims to discuss the problems of mining and water in the region based on the findings of a two-year research project on water governance in territories with large-scale mining in […]
Hugo Ñopo discussed the challenges of human development in the face of the pandemic at a KAS Peru event
“The world has applauded that we have good financial backs, which have been built on the basis of a very well done macroeconomy. Unfortunately, we have forgotten to invest in the most important thing: people. In health and education” (El Comercio, April 30 2020). Hugo Ñopo, Senior Researcher at GRADE, discussed the challenges of human […]
Espacio Público y GRADE organizan el Webinar “Participación en territorios con minería a gran escala”
In recent decades, Chile and Peru have achieved sustained economic growth from the exploitation of their natural resources and the expansion of their extractive industries. In this development model, mining has played a central role, specifically that both countries have large copper reserves and are leaders in its production, being the first and second producer […]
Ricardo Fort will present at the 2030 Series FAO Online Conference “Infrastructure, private investment and rural development”
Today at 11:00 AM in Peru, watch on live the Ninth 2030 Series Online Conference “Infrastructure, Private Investment and Rural Development”, held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Presenting: Carlos Pomareda, Chair of the CONDESAN Board of Directors, and Ricardo Fort, Senior Researcher at GRADE. Moderator: Carolina Trivelli, IEP Principal Investigator. REGISTRATION AND DOWNLOAD […]
Wilson Hernández will join a McGill WED Lab panel on Covid-19 and gender-based violence in the Global South
COVID-19 has become an unprecedented global crisis. The pandemic and its associated economic crisis have exposed deep structural inequalities around the world, with disproportionate effects on women and girls. This webinar will discuss current issues around COVID-19 and gender based violence for women in the Global South. A diverse panel of experts from the worlds […]
Serie de Webinars: Covid-19 y la respuesta de política en el Perú
GRADE presenta la Serie de Webinars: COVIDー19 y la respuesta de política en el Perú. En esta serie abordaremos diversos desafíos económicos y sociales de nuestro país frente a la pandemia. Cada tema contará con la presentación de un documento de investigación, seguido de los comentarios de investigadores. El ingreso es libre, previa inscripción aquí. Webinar […]
Lorena Alcazar was a panelist at Gender Matters: COVID-19 and the labour market in the Global South Webinar
As with other pandemics in recent history, women are particularly vulnerable. COVID-19 has further aggravated structural inequalities that systematically disadvantage women, specifically in the economic system. Economically, women are disproportionately impacted by the financial effects of the pandemic as the majority work in low-paid or informal jobs with few social protections. Around the globe, 740 […]
Upcoming webinar. Synergies between Education and Employment: who is being left behind and what can be done about it?
On September 27, Southern Voice, GRADE and ARU Foundation will host a webinar to discuss the synergies between education and employment. It will focus on the lessons that can be drawn from the Southern Voice’s “State of the SDGs” cases studies of Bolivia and Peru. The presentations will be addressed by Lorena Alcázar, Senior Researcher […]