External Event
Ricardo Fort and Mauricio Espinoza shared their research findings included in the World Bank’s report on Peruvian agriculture
The World Bank released its report “Gaining Momentum in Peruvian agriculture”, of which our researchers Ricardo Fort and Mauricio Espinoza are collaborators. The results summarized in this report emerged from work undertaken to describe Peru’s agricultural sector, diagnose constraints that are negatively affecting the performance of Peruvian agriculture, and identify opportunities to improve productivity and enhance competitiveness in major agricultural […]
Hugo Ñopo will discuss a study on bullying in Peru at El Colegio de México
Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, will discuss his study (conducted together with Ítalo Gutiérrez from Rand Institute and Oswaldo Molina from University of the Pacific), “Stop Bullying: A Randomized Intervention in Peru”, at the El Colegio de México’ Center for Economic Studies. Regarding their preliminary findings, last year Gutiérrez wrote an op-ed in El Comercio (30.05.17).
Tacna: Álvaro Espinoza will be part of the world conference on public policies and good governance practices
Our adjunct researcher, Álvaro Espinoza, will be part of the 2018 World Municipal Conference “Public Policies and Best Practices of Good Government”, which will be held from January 29 to 31, 2018 in Tacna. Álvaro will be keynote speaker on “Urban Expansion and Territorial Planning”. The purpose of the event is to motivate a permanent […]
Ricardo Fort joins the 2017 annual conference of the Global Research Consortium for Economic Structural Transformation (GReCEST)
Our senior researcher, Ricardo Fort, joins the 2017 annual conference of the Global Research Consortium for Economic Structural Transformation (GReCEST), in Ethiopia. GRADE, together with 30 other institutions around the world, is founding member. Ricardo was part of the panel on rural transformation and agricultural value chains in developing countries. GReCEST promotes a research agenda on […]
Ricardo Fort shared lessons of Peru’s expansion in the exports of avocados for Kenya
Our senior researcher, Ricardo Fort, shared lessons for Kenya of Peru’s expansion in the exports of avocados. As one of the new competitors in the world market for avocados, our country is studied for comparative purposes. Ricardo joined knowledge sharing and dissemination workshops, held by the Partnership for Economic Policy, as part of the Productive […]
Santiago Cueto will discuss UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) publishes the Global Education Monitoring Report – GEMR, aimed to reporting to all the associated States on progress in their commitments to education, such as part of the monitoring and evaluation of the goals and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4), in the 2030 […]
Medellin: Santiago Cueto will discuss the challenges and opportunities of digital learning in Latin America
In order to analyze relevant experiences of educational innovation in the region and identify the challenges for the future of digital learning, the city of Medellin will host the International Meeting: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Learning in Latin America, on 20 and 21 of November. The meeting is held by the EAFIT University. During the first day, our […]
Manuel Glave shared the lessons learned from the implementation of free and prior informed consent in indigenous territories in Peru, at University of Illinois at UC
Our senior researcher, Manuel Glave, was a speaker at the Indigenous (Latin)America: Territories, Knowledge, Resistance and Voices Symposium, held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’ Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and American Indian Studies on November 17. Manuel shared with the audience the lessons from the implementation of the free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in indigenous territories in Peru, […]
Bogota: Gabriela Guerrero joined the Regional Agenda for the Integral Development of Early Childhood Forum
Our senior researcher, Gabriela Guerrero, joined the most relevant event on early childhood in Latin America and the Caribbean: the Regional Agenda for the Integral Development of Early Childhood Forum, on November 15 and 16, in Bogotá, Colombia. The event was made possible thanks to the partnership between the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, the […]
Madrid: Miguel Jaramillo joins CLAD 22nd International Meeting on State reform and public administration
Our Executive Director, Miguel Jaramillo, will be part of the most relevant meeting to share and discuss experiences and research on State reform and public administration in Iberoamerica: CLAD 22nd International Meeting on State reform and public administration, on November 14-17, in Madrid. From the perspective of GRADE, Miguel will discuss the inroads impact evaluation has made towards acceptance and […]