External Event
Mauricio Espinoza was a speaker at the Lima Geographical Society conference on disaster risk, prevention and health in times of COVID-19
Why did the food markets become the transmission sources of COVID-19? What is the situation and importance of the markets in Peru? What measures were carried out to prevent and contain the infections? Watch the presentation by Mauricio Espinoza, adjunct researcher at GRADE, at the Lima Geographical Society XXVIII Conference on disaster risk, prevention and health […]
Hugo Ñopo joined an IDB Group dialogue on post COVID-19 economic recovery
The pandemic tested the strength of the Peruvian economy and has led to acceleration of structural reforms pending for decades. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group organized a dialogue on the leftovers for economic recovery and the reform agenda for returning to a path of resilient growth and development in the long term. PANELISTS Tomás […]
Patricia Arregui will be a speaker at Fe y Alegría book launch: “Public education: everyone’s responsibility in civic education”
This Wednesday 7th, join the virtual book launch of Fe y Alegría del Perú, “Public education: everyone’s responsibility in civic education”. Patricia Arregui, coordinator of our Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER) project and senior researcher at GRADE, will be one of the speakers, along with Flor Pablo and Eduardo Vega. LIVE BROADCAST Connect to Fe y […]
Lorena Alcázar will be a panelist at CIES-UNDP Peru dialogue on youth action against the pandemic
Youth has been one of the hardest hit not only by the direct impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young people, their families or their communities, but also by a reduction of spaces, funding and opportunities to play an active role in the response and recovery process. To discuss this issue, the Consortium for […]
Members of GRADE’s CREER project joined Fundación Telefónica dialogue on educational evaluation
Santiago Cueto, Executive Director at GRADE and General Coordinator of the Growing with Multigrade Rural Schools in Peru (CREER), Jéssica Tapia, Pedagogical Coordinator for CREER, and Liriama Velasco, Consultant for CREER, joined the Fundación Telefónica Perú dialogue, “2020 School Year: What, how and why we evaluate?”.
María Balarin is a speaker at a PUCP School of CCSS roundtable on education in the Bicentennial
María Balarin, senior researcher at GRADE, is one of the speakers of “Education in the bicentennial: agendas of equal opportunities and the quality of education”, fourth table of the cycle of the School of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), The Republic as a promise: the aspirations of the new generations. This series of […]
Santiago Cueto was a speaker in CNE virtual dialogue on the challenge of full citizenship in the PEN to 2036
The National Education Council (CNE) addressed the challenge of full citizenship in the National Educational Project to 2036, in order to discuss the purpose “Citizen life”, focused on a Peruvian education that contributes to free and fair coexistence in a Rule of law. Santiago Cueto, executive director at GRADE, general coordinator of the Project Growing with […]
Miguel Jaramillo and other experts will discuss the current economic recession in Ojo Público Ask
The country is in a technical recession, that is, one step away from the economic crisis. How to reactivate the economy when you have a 70% labor informality? What social programs are a priority at this juncture? These issues will be discussed in a new edition of Ojo Público Ask, organized by Ojo Público. DISCUSSANTS […]
Eduardo Zegarra will join the Dialogue Chavimochic and Majes Siguas: Are they pertinent now?
CEPES, IPROGA and Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana, with the support of Pan para el Mundo, Diaconía, Eclosio – Zona Andina and the Platform for Responsible Governance of the Land, organize the Dialogue Chavimochic and Majes Siguas: Are they relevant now? The event will address the government’s announcement of the execution of the major irrigation works Chavimochic […]
Javier Escobal was a speaker at the FAO Online Conference “Reducing rural poverty: A transformative agenda post COVID-19”,
“Closing the digital gap, which helps the provision of other services such as telemedicine or greater financial inclusion, will allow governments to better position themselves to provide services or cash transfers to households. It can also open opportunities for income generation in rural territories, in sectors linked to telework that could appear in the post-pandemic […]