Eduardo Zegarra will be joining an INTE-PUCP’s discussion on the water crisis in Chile
Our senior researcher Eduardo Zegarra will be joining the dialogue “The Chilean case of water management, current crisis and challenges for sustainability”, organized by the Institute of Nature, Land and Energy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (INTE-PUCP). This discussion seeks to analyze the different aspects that explain the water crisis situation in Chile, from […]
Alvaro Espinoza will be a presenter at the Expo Real Estate Perú 2024
As part of the Expo Real Estate Perú 2024, our Adjunct Researcher Alvaro Espinoza will be one of the presenters of the study “Quantification and characterization of self-construction in Peru”, conducted by GRADE, commissioned by the Association of Real Estate Developers of Peru (ADI Peru).
GRADE in partnership with Porticus organized the seminar “Using evidence on child development and early childhood education to inform the design and implementation of public policies”
“We seek to provide decision makers and policy makers with evidence that is useful for the formulation and implementation of public policies on early childhood care and education programs. […] To ensure that no child is left behind, a coordinated effort is needed among the different government sectors in order to offer comprehensive and quality […]
Public event Building care systems from the territories in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from the Program “Partnerships for Change in the Care Economy”.
Aunque se han producido importantes avances para promover la transformación de la economía del cuidado en América Latina y el Caribe, aún existe poca evidencia sobre sus impactos y aprendizajes. Para compartir los avances y desafíos de los sistemas de cuidados en la región, con especial foco en Colombia, la Universidad de Cartagena, el Ministerio […]
Santiago Cueto will join a Ruralia dialogue on rural education from the perspective of its opportunities
Our senior researcher Santiago Cueto will be one of the experts who will reflect on three themes of rural education from the perspective of its opportunities. In this Ruralia discussion, we will also learn about the work of eight interventions that have been transforming rural education from different approaches and territories, including our program Conecta […]
Liliana Miranda will be a panelist at UNESCO and UARM dialogue on rural adolescences
Our Adjunct Researcher Liliana Miranda will be a panelist in the first dialogue of the series Growing up in Equity: Agendas for rural adolescents in Peru, organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University Peruvian Education Observatory.
Miguel Jaramillo is a panelist at IPE event on pension reform law
What pension reform law do we need? Miguel Jaramillo participates in this event of the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). Our senior researcher will be part of the panel on the changes needed to have a system where more people contribute and have access to better pensions. ON LIVE Join the event on live on […]
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at the Inaugural Lecture 2024 of the PUCP Faculty of Psychology
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at the Inaugural Lecture 2024 of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Faculty of Psychology. Our senior researcher will present “The right to education in Peru today: a look from Psychology”. The event will take place on April 4th at the PUCP Humanities Auditorium.
Lorena Alcázar to speak at IEET webinar on care policies for decent work
Our senior researcher Lorena Alcázar will be a speaker in the webinar “Care policies as a tool for decent work”, organized by the Institute for the Study of Labor Economics (IEET). Inés Martens, National Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the “Opening Doors” project of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and Mirna Jara, Gender Secretary of […]
María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez will be speakers at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2024
Our researchers María Balarin and María Fernanda Rodríguez will be speakers at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2024. This year the event will address the theme The Power of Protest. On Tuesday, March 12, María Fernanda will present “Localising and historicising privatization: understanding education privatization’s links to enclosure, othering and urban spaces”, as part […]