María Balarin will participate in Rankings and Higher Education Roundtable at the University of British Columbia
Our senior researcher, María Balarin, will participate in a 4-day roundtable at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, entitled: What do rankings tell us about higher education? International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. The Roundtable will take place from May 13 to May 17 2017 at the Peter Wall Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. University […]
Manuel Glave at the 3rd International Congress on Mining Law, in Brasilia
Our senior researcher, Manuel Glave, is joining the 3rd edition of the International Congress on Mining Law from May 8 to 10, 2017 in Brasília (DF). The event is held by the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM). The central objective of the Congress is to outline the outlook and debate perspectives of the mining industry, as […]
Hugo Ñopo will discuss on natural resources, redistribution y human capital, at Buenos Aires Seminars in Economics
On May 5, Hugo Ñopo, senior researcher at GRADE, wil discuss “Natural Resources, Redistribution and Human Capital Formation“, paper conducted together with Jorge M. Aguero, Carlos Felipe Balcázar and Stanislao Maldonado, as part of the Buenos Aires Seminars in Economics (BASE). BASE is a seminar series jointly organized by CAF’s Research Department, BCRA’s Economic Research and the Departments of Economics […]
Santiago Cueto will discuss research findings on visual acuity and children´s educational achievement in Peru, at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Our Research Director and Coordinator of Young Lives Peru, Santiago Cueto, will be part of the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), in San Antonio, Texas, on April 30rd to May 1st. Cueto will discuss the research findings of the study Is visual acuity related with children´s educational achievement? Evidence from Peru, as part of the session “Inclusion of […]
Javier Escobal se presentará en el “Taller de Experiencia Internacional en Finanzas Públicas de los Gobiernos Regionales y Gobiernos Locales y las Reformas en el Perú”, del BID, MEF, FMI y la Cooperación Suiza
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Investigadores de GRADE se presentarán en el XXXV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos LASA 2017 – Diálogos de Saberes
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Martin Valdivia will share “The Role of Social Skills and Networks in the Fight against Poverty”, at University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas event
Our senior researcher, Martín Valdivia, will share “The Role of Social Skills and Networks in the Fight against Poverty”, at the University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas, on Tueday, April 4. The presentation is part of the Institute’s Research Lunch Series. Development economics devoted decades to addressing key market failures and made some […]
Eduardo Zegarra discussed on the findings of the Inclusive Agri-Food Chains project, at Apega forum
Our senior researcher, Eduardo Zegarra, discussed on the lessons and recommendations to boost agri-food value chains, regarding the finalization of the Inclusive Agri-Food Chains promoted by the Peruvian Gastronomic Society (Apega), with support from the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The presentation was conducted by the Project Coordinator, Luis Ginocchio. During his speech, Zegarra […]
Hugo Ñopo will join an international forum on poverty and inequality in Mexico
In order to to discuss the reasons for the failure of social policies to fight poverty and inequality in Mexico, as well as to glimpse promising horizons in public policy to change this reality, the Social Sciences Department of the Ibero-American University Puebla will held the international forum Why poverty and inequality persist in Mexico? International perspectives and public policy […]
Manuel Glave will discuss the Post-commodities Super Cycle Regional Report and Peru Report
With the aim of moving towards a balance of the political-institutional, economic and social and environmental legacy of a long cycle of policies to foster investment in extractive industries, as well as to develop a policy engagement and research agenda along with civil society organizations and institutions to an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable society, the Natural Resource […]