2030 Agenda: Promoting Global South research within international debates
On Tuesday, November 26, the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) and Southern Voice will discuss the challenges and opportunities to strengthen the participation of public policy experts and researchers from the Global South in international development debates. Southern Voice is a network of more than 50 think tanks from countries in Africa, Latin […]
Presentación del libro “Violencias contra las mujeres: la necesidad de un doble plural”
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Santiago Cueto was a panelist at the 7th DRELM International Pedagogical Congress “In citizen schools, Lima learns”
“We need an education for Peru, which forms citizenship thinking about its big problems.” Santiago Cueto, Executive Director at GRADE, was a panelist at the VII International Pedagogical Congress “In citizen schools, Lima learns”, organized from November 14 to 16 by the Regional Bureau for Education of Metropolitan Lima (DRELM). Panel video:
Evidence Week 2019 | Agro-exporting in Peru: which products and firms survive and why?
In the last twenty years, Peru has enjoyed a remarkable agricultural export boom. We export more than US $ 3 billion of fruits and vegetables and more than US $ 6 billion if we consider all agricultural products. However, we still know very little about the characteristics of products and companies that have shown a […]
Evidence Week 2019| Gabriela Guerrero and Santiago Cueto joined MINEDU’s event on education and early childhood
Our Senior Researchers, Gabriela Guerrero and Santiago Cueto, joined in the opening day of the Evidence Week 2019, “Education and early childhood”, held by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU). During her presentation, Gabriela addressed the relevance of ensuring quality services in two dimensions: structural quality, as key inputs for the deliver of the service; and quality of processes, linked to the way […]
GRADE’s researchers at the 30th Annual CIES Research Seminar
Several of our researchers will be presenters and panelists at the 30th Annual Research Seminar of the Consortium of Economic and Social Research (CIES), on November 4-7 . The annual event will address the general topic “Towards the sustainability of development in Peru”. In addition, in this issue, GRADE is coorganizing the research session on youth employment and gender. AGENDA You may […]
Manuel Glave will be a speaker at the 3rd Peru in Dialogue Forum: Women, territory and social conflict
Women, territory and social conflict will be the issues addressed at the III Peru in Dialogue Forum 2019, held by the Peruvian Ombudsman’s Office, on October 28. According to the event website, the forum aims to promote a debate from new perspectives, in order to understand the social conflict in our country. Although the Peruvian […]
Miguel Jaramillo joins the 19th GDN Global Development Conference
From October 23 to 25, Global Development Network (GDN) hosts its 19th Global Development Conference on “Knowledge for sustainable development: the Research-Policy Nexus”. The two-and-a-half days event will bring together 400 participants, drawn from a diverse group of researchers, policymakers, representatives of international organizations, civil society, development practitioners and the private sector. The conference will address four interrelated conference […]
Ricardo Fort presented the work of GRADE on informal urban expansion at the Institute of Development Studies
Our Director of Institutional Projects, Ricardo Fort, visited the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), one of the most important development think tanks worldwide, to explain the work of GRADE and to explore further collaboration between both institutions. In front of an audience made up of students and IDS staff, Ricardo shared the results of GRADE’s research projects that […]
Geneva: Martín Valdivia will be a presenter at the EGAP Policy Workshop
Our Senior Researcher, Martín Valdivia, will be a presenter at the EGAP (Evidence in Governance and Politics) policy workshop in Geneva, Switzerland. During the workshop, findings of recent experimental research on drivers of migration, conflict, and peace with a focus on actionable insights and policy recommendations will be discussed. Because successful uptake of evidence benefits […]