GRADE’s researchers at the 31st CIES Annual Research Seminar 2020
Del 15 al 17 de diciembre, se llevará a cabo el XXXI Seminario Anual de Investigación 2020 del Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES), cuyo tema será “Perú 2021-2026: retos y oportunidades en el nuevo contexto mundial”. Como cada año, varios de nuestros investigadores e investigadoras participarán como expositores, comentaristas y conductores de las […]
Young Lives Peru will share findings on the second call of its COVID-19 telephone survey
The quarantine and the health crisis have impacted, in a very significant and unequal way, on the income and expenses of the households of the young people surveyed from Young Lives Peru. Furthermore, in the largest study cohort (26 years), employment fell from 81% to 39% during the isolation period. These are some of the findings of […]
Gabriela Guerrero will share findings on surveys to measure the impact of the pandemic on child development in the region
The pandemic has created difficulties in measuring the development of children in Latin America and the Caribbean. Traditional methods for measuring the growth of minors are not feasible since it is not possible to visit homes in person. Due to these obstacles, many countries in the region have sought new ways of evaluating development from […]
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at CONADIS 1st National Research Meeting on Disability
Santiago Cueto will be one of the speakers at the 1st National Research Meeting on Disability, organized by the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS). Our executive director and senior researcher will present “Coverage, opportunities, factors associated with access and perceptions about special education and educational inclusion in Peru”. LIVE BROADCAST Join the […]
Hugo Ñopo in TEDxTukuy: how to fight against inequality of opportunities amid the current crisis
“The layers of inequality are multiple. How can we become a society with a better quality of opportunities in the midst of this deep crisis? Two principles should guide us. The first is to design a sequence of changes that will lead us to that better society than The second is to make good use […]
3rd CREER virtual dialogue: Strategies to apply the multigrade methodology in mathematics
Este miércoles 25, the Project Growing with the Multigrade Rural Schools of Peru (CREER) will organize its third virtual dialogue “How many pictures fit ?: Strategies to apply the multigrade methodology in mathematics”. SPEAKERS Elsie Rockwell (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, México). Tatiana Mendoza (Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, México). Chair: Patricia Arregui […]
Santiago Cueto discussed the purpose of inclusion and equity of the PEN to 2036 in a Municipality of Lima event
Our Executive Director Santiago Cueto discussed the purpose of inclusion and equity of the National Educational Project PEN to 2036 in a virtual discussion held by the Municipality of Lima’s Office of Education and Sports.
Presentation of the book “The Keys of Education”, with studies in 6 Latin America countries, including Peru conducted by María Balarin
What are the “keys” to improving education on a large scale in Latin America and who made it happen? Participate in the international presentation of the book Las Llaves de la Educación, in which 17 researchers analyzed 12 subnational cases in 6 countries of the region, including Peru, led by our senior researcher María Balarin. The […]
Hugo Ñopo will be a panelist in the virtual launch of the IADB Gender and Diversity Knowledge Initiative
Our senior researcher, Hugo Ñopo, will be one of the panelists at the virtual launch event of the Gender and Diversity Knowledge Initiative (GDLab) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The GDLab produces cutting-edge applied research for the design of public policies in order to reduce inequalities of opportunity and economic development of vulnerable populations […]
Wilson Hernández shared analysis of the calls to 105 (PNP) during the pandemic in the III CCL Forum on Citizen Security
“During exceptional events, crime is highly sensitive to mobility and economic stress. When criminals lose in these types of events, their logic is to recover, diversify and expand.” Watch the presentation of our adjunct researcher Wilson Hernández at the III Forum on Citizen and Business Security 2020, organized by the Lima Chamber of Commerce. Wilson shared […]