Martín Benavides y Jéssica Tapia participaron en el IX Seminario de Análisis y Perspectivas de la Educación en el Perú 2021
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Carmen Ponce joined a GEO Mountains, MRI and CONDESAN workshop on mountain data across the Andes
Carmen Ponce joined a workshop that sought to better understand the current interdisciplinary ‘data landscape’ across the Andes region. Our Associated Researcher focused on sub-national socio-economic and demographic datasets that are available online, highlighting issues of data comparability. It was suggested that a lack of systematic data hinders understanding governance at local and regional levels. […]
Martín Valdivia will be a speaker at the Seminar on Applied Microeconomics in Peru
What is the effect of group savings programs on household poverty and vulnerability? Do they increase or decrease formal financial inclusion? Our Senior Researcher Martin Valdivia will present the paper “Savings Groups Reduce Vulnerability, but Have Mixed Effects on Financial Inclusion” (together with Verónica Frisancho), at the Seminar on Applied Microeconomics in Peru (MAP Seminar). Marcos Agurto […]
Martín Benavides discussed the progress and challenges of going back to school at a PUCP event
Our Senior Researcher Martín Benavides was a panelist at the discussion Going back to school in Peru, analysis and challenges, held by the School of Social Sciences and the School of Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Martín joined the virtual evento together with Regina Moromizato (PUCP) and Elena Vizurraga (The British International […]
Manuel Glave will be a discussant of a study on COVID-19 and food systems. Marcela Cavassa is co-author
Although the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis differ in their causes, both affect both agri-food systems and rural livelihoods that demand joint solutions. As part of its online conference series COVID-19: Recovery with transformation, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presents the study “Synergies and trade-offs between bailout and economic […]
Ricardo Fort will be a panelist at a SV, WFP and UNF event on COVID-19 and food system in the Global South
Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, rethinking our food systems, we can protect nature, tackle climate challenges, and address people´s health and well-being, nutrition and food security Southern Voice, World Food Programme, the United Nations Foundation and the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations will organize a discussion on: Resilient Local Food Systems Solutions for […]
GRADE and Sodis will launch the research ‘The education of children with disabilities in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic’
How has the offer of inclusive public education services at the EBE and EBR primary level changed in the context of the pandemic? What has been the impact on the right to education of students with disabilities? GRADE and Sociedad y Discapacidad (Sodis) organize the launch the research paper: “The education of children with disabilities […]
Gabriela Guerrero was a panelist at the Seminar of the Regional Network for the Measurement of Child Development
What do we know about the situation of children during the pandemic and what challenges are there in Latin America? Our Senior Researcher Gabriela Guerrero was a panelist at the Seminar of the Regional Network for the Measurement of Child Development (Remdi). Gabriela joined the panel Impacts of the pandemic on child development: implications and urgencies for […]
Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at Minedu webinar on innovation research at school
Our Executive Director and Senior Researcher at GRADE Santiago Cueto will be a speaker at the pedagogical webinar Research and innovation in school, organized by the Ministry of Education (Minedu). The event will discuss on innovation from educational research, oriented to processes and experiences applicable in the classroom. In addition, sources of information available to […]
Conference Economic Reactivation and Public Investment: Building Back Better
La pandemia del COVID-19 ha expuesto debilidades estructurales de la economía peruana. Entre ellas sobresalen un alto nivel de informalidad (tanto en el autoempleo como en el trabajo asalariado) y la ausencia de mecanismos de protección social universales. Así mismo, la tasas de inversion privadas, alrededor del 20% del PBI, son bajas, alrededor de la […]