
Martín Benavides will discuss his book The (im)possible reform at Columbia University

Date : 17/11/2021
Hour : 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location:Zoom de Columbia University

“When I was Minister of Education, I told my colleagues that I would remain in silence for at least five months after leaving my position. Out of respect for my successor, since I believed that we were somewhat responsible for what we leave behind. I kept my vow, and these have not been months when I did not want to defend the administration from unfair, imprecise, or false statements. But I remained in silence. Instead, I wrote this book to tell my story as a public servant: first, as a superintendent at SUNEDU and then, as a state Minister. This is not an academic book, but a narrative, documented by interviews of the time, public documents, and facts reconstructed along with some colleagues.”

-Martín Benavides

The Latinx and Latin American Faculty Working Group at Teachers College and the Institute of Latin American Studies at Columbia University organize the book presentation and discussion with Peru’s Former Minister of Education and Senior Researcher at GRADE Martin Benavides. Regina Cortina, Professor of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, will be discussant.

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