
Lorena Alcázar will be a panelist at a PNUD dialogue on local governance to address gender-based violence through community action

Date : 28/10/2021
Hour : 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location:Zoom de PNUD Perú
Area/s : Ethnicity, gender and citizenship


Our Senior Researcher Lorena Alcázar will join the presentation of the methodological notebook “Local governance to address gender-based violence through community action. Case: The Justa network of leaders”, prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

This methodological notebook proposes a set of steps for the creation and strengthening of networks of organizations of women leaders interested in working to reduce gender-based violence at the local level, based on the experience of the Justa project located in the district of Villa El Salvador.

You can register for Zoom here.