
La Noche de las Ideas: Eduardo Zegarra joins a film discussion on the paradox of hunger and small-scale agriculture

Date : 18/05/2023
Hour : 6:30 pm
Location:Sala de cine de la Alianza Francesa de Lima (Av. Arequipa 4595 – Lima)
Area/s : Rural development and agriculture

Eduardo Zegarra, Senior Researcher at GRADE, will participate in the film discussion Feeding Consciousness: the paradox of hunger and small-scale agriculture in a globalized world, organized by the French Embassy in Peru, the French Institute, the Alliance Française in Peru and Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans Frontières.

During this session, the short film “The Paradox of Hunger” will be screened, followed by a reflection on the complex relationships between food production, trade and rural poverty.

This event is free of charge upon registration here.

Check the agenda of all La Noche de las Ideas festival here.

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