
GRADE’s researchers at CCSS PUCP seminar: “Social research in education”

Date : 18/09/2024 → 19/09/2024
Location:Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales PUCP
Area/s : Education and learning

Our researchers Santiago Cueto, María Balarin and Liliana Miranda, and consultant Katherine Sarmiento are participating in the seminar “Social Research in Education: Debates and Challenges in Peru today”, organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

During the first day, Santiago will be part of the panel Research in education in the country: Contributions and pending challenges, together with Patricia Ames (PUCP), Natalia Gonzáles (IEP) and Martín Santos (PUCP).

Maria and Liliana will then participate in the panel The present and future of an education in inequality, together with Cesar Guadalupe (UP) and Sandra Carrillo (IEP).

On the second day of the seminar, Katherine will be part of the panel Education, violence and gender, together with Fanni Muñóz and Julian Mezarina (PUCP) and Marisol Fernández (PUCP).

Check more information about the seminar here.

The event is open to the general public upon registration here.