
Carmen Ponce will be a speaker at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association

Date : 04/06/2022
Location:Carleton University, Ottawa, Canadá
Area/s : Rural development and agriculture

Carmen Ponce, associated researcher at GRADE, will be a speaker at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (ACEA 2022). The event will be held from June 3rd to  5th 2022 in an on-line and in-person format. The annual meeting brings together academic works, conferences on the state of the art and special sessions. This year, the host university will be Carleton University, Ottawa.

On June 4th, Carmen will share her research (together with GRADE’s senior researcher Javier Escobal), Heterogeneous Effects of International Food-price Shocks on Household Welfare: The Peruvian Case. Read more details on Carmen’s session here.

Check the full agenda here aquí