• Long-term effects of early life rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru
    Monday, 17 de June de 2024

    Long-term effects of early life rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru

    Global warming is changing precipitation patterns, particularly harming communities in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Whilst the long-term effects of being exposed to rainfall shocks early in life on school-achievement tests are well-established, there is little population-based evidence from LMICs on the mechanisms through which these shocks operate. Executive functions (EFs) are key for children’s learning […]

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  • Young Lives Peru round seven: data cleaning, analysis and research
    Monday, 1 de April de 2024

    Young Lives Peru round seven: data cleaning, analysis and research

    The Young Lives Peru study follows the development of about 2750 children born in Peru around 1994 (older cohort) and 2001 (younger cohort). The study is being conducted simultaneously in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam, in addition to Peru, under the technical coordination of the University of Oxford. Having completed round seven of the surveys, the […]

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  • [Call] 2024 Methodological Workshop on the use of data from the Young Lives Longitudinal Study
    Thursday, 18 de January de 2024

    [Call] 2024 Methodological Workshop on the use of data from the Young Lives Longitudinal Study

    El taller anual de Niños del Milenio busca brindar las herramientas necesarias para que profesionales, que estén cursando sus maestrías o doctorados, aprendan a usar, descargar y analizar los datos que recolecta el estudio. El principal objetivo es aumentar el interés en la producción de trabajos de investigación con aquellos que desean utilizar los datos de […]

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  • Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru
    Tuesday, 19 de December de 2023

    Building safer and more sustainable food systems in Peru

    The Covid-19 pandemic has aggravated the food insecurity situation of people living in Latin American cities. In Peru, the most vulnerable are facing great difficulties in accessing food, while food market vendors are also struggling to keep their businesses afloat. Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) partner Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) – a […]

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  • Investigadoras e investigadores de GRADE participan en el XXXIV Seminario Anual de Investigación CIES 2023
    Monday, 4 de December de 2023

    Investigadoras e investigadores de GRADE participan en el XXXIV Seminario Anual de Investigación CIES 2023

    Del 5 al 7 de diciembre, investigadoras e investigadores de GRADE serán expositores, moderadores y comentaristas en el XXXIV Seminario Anual de Investigación CIES 2023. El evento, organizado por el Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social (CIES) de manera presencial, abordará el tema Cambios en la globalización y los retos del desarrollo sostenible en el Perú. A continuación, […]

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  • Edutainment, savings, and generational differences in rural areas of Peru
    Thursday, 9 de November de 2023

    Edutainment, savings, and generational differences in rural areas of Peru

    We wrote, produced, and implemented a randomized five-episode soap opera on financial inclusion targeted to women from poor, rural areas ravaged by terrorism in Peru. We go beyond measuring attitudes and perceptions but observe actual savings accounts using bank data. Older women, those who directly suffered from terrorist violence, respond very well and save more […]

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  • Resilience in the time of a pandemic: developing public policies for ollas comunes in Peru
    Sunday, 15 de October de 2023

    Resilience in the time of a pandemic: developing public policies for ollas comunes in Peru

    The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created economic, social, and food security crises in many countries throughout the world. Faced with growing hunger in Peru, and the government’s delayed and inadequate reaction, the most important response came from the citizens themselves, particularly the women, in the form of thousands of social care initiatives known as ollas […]

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  • Soap operas and pro-savings attitudes in poor rural areas of Peru.
    Wednesday, 9 de August de 2023

    Soap operas and pro-savings attitudes in poor rural areas of Peru.

    We wrote, produced, and implemented a randomized intervention of a five-episode soap opera focusing on attitudes related to trust and savings. It was shown to females living in poor and violence-scarred rural areas and who received the national conditional cash transfer. We find that one year after the intervention treated females significantly improve their attitudes […]

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  • Edutainment, savings and dwelling-related assets in poor rural areas of Peru
    Monday, 7 de August de 2023

    Edutainment, savings and dwelling-related assets in poor rural areas of Peru

    We exploit a field experiment by Chong and Valdivia (2023) and test whether por women from rural areas in developing countries that are able to save seek dwellingrelated assets and find causal evidence that this is indeed the case. Furthermore, we also find that the older cohort of women, those aged forty and higher, also […]

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  • Investigadores de GRADE serán expositores y comentaristas en el Congreso Anual 2023 de la Asociación Peruana de Economía (APE)
    Thursday, 3 de August de 2023

    Investigadores de GRADE serán expositores y comentaristas en el Congreso Anual 2023 de la Asociación Peruana de Economía (APE)

    Investigadores de GRADE serán expositores y comentaristas en el VIII Congreso Anual 2023 de la Asociación Peruana de Economía (APE). El evento, organizado por la la Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Privada del Norte, se llevará a cabo los días 11 y 12 de agosto de 2023 en la ciudad de Trujillo. Además de las conferencias magistrales […]

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