• Goodbye demographic bonus: the sudden aging of the Peruvian labor market, by Miguel Jaramillo
    Monday, 17 de June de 2024

    Goodbye demographic bonus: the sudden aging of the Peruvian labor market, by Miguel Jaramillo

    “The size of the drop in labor supply is similar to that of the drop in youth employment. Thus, the propensity to hire young people has not changed, but the supply of young people in the labor market has fallen. The causes of this lie in the conjuncture, not in some structural factor.” Our senior […]

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  • The long-term effect of a job training programme for youths in Peru
    Friday, 31 de May de 2024

    The long-term effect of a job training programme for youths in Peru

    This paper evaluates the long-term impact of Projoven, a job training programme for vulnerable youths in Peru, on formal labour market outcomes. Covering a 10-year period, this evaluation offers one of the longest evaluations of a training programme in developing countries. Exploiting an experimental design and administrative data, we find that Projoven improved formal employment […]

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  • Labour day: Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the state of the labour market in Peru
    Thursday, 2 de May de 2024

    Labour day: Miguel Jaramillo shares his thoughts on the state of the labour market in Peru

    “I would not say that the employment has improved, but it has worsened in relation to pre-pandemic. Underemployment grew by more than 50%, the participation of young people in the labour market has fallen sharply and incomes have barely been able to keep up with inflation, thanks to the formal sector”. Our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo and other experts share […]

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  • Final Evaluation of the “Project to Improve the Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level” – FINCYT III
    Monday, 15 de April de 2024

    Final Evaluation of the “Project to Improve the Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level” – FINCYT III

    The “Improving Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level” project has been underway since August 2016 and aims to contribute to the growth of business productivity by increasing levels of innovation. For its implementation, more than US$ 90 million has been committed through different instruments, such as competitive grants for innovation projects and ventures from a variety of public, private and academic actors; resources to […]

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  • Miguel Jaramillo is a panelist at IPE event on pension reform law
    Thursday, 4 de April de 2024

    Miguel Jaramillo is a panelist at IPE event on pension reform law

    What pension reform law do we need? Miguel Jaramillo participates in this event of the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). Our senior researcher will be part of the panel on the changes needed to have a system where more people contribute and have access to better pensions. ON LIVE Join the event on live on […]

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  • Regional Heterogeneities in Labor Markets: A World to Explore, by Miguel Jaramillo
    Monday, 1 de April de 2024

    Regional Heterogeneities in Labor Markets: A World to Explore, by Miguel Jaramillo

    “It is not necessarily the largest cities where the highest activity rates are observed. In fact, Metropolitan Lima, by far the largest city in the country, is toward the middle of the distribution, with two-thirds of its working-age population active in the labor market.” Our senior researcher Miguel Jaramillo writes about the importance of having […]

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  • Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.
    Friday, 1 de March de 2024

    Unveiling barriers to women’s access to decent work in Peru.

    Peru suffers from a serious gender inequality problem in the labor market that cannot be understood by considering employment rates alone. Rather, it is also necessary to analyze the conditions under which women participate in the labor market. This study seeks to identify economic, legal, and socio-cultural barriers that women face in accessing decent employment. […]

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  • The labor market in 2023, on a downward path, by Miguel Jaramillo
    Monday, 15 de January de 2024

    The labor market in 2023, on a downward path, by Miguel Jaramillo

    “At the end of the third quarter, according to the Permanent National Employment Survey, the labor force was stagnant, while inactivity had increased considerably, particularly in rural areas, where it increased by 20%.” Our Senior Researcher Miguel Jaramillo analyzes the labor market in 2023 and shares his expectations for this new year. Read his full […]

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  • GRADE, PEP and WIEGO held the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar
    Thursday, 30 de November de 2023

    GRADE, PEP and WIEGO held the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar

    Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP) and Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) organize the Decent Work for Women in Peru: Barriers and Policy Options Seminar, as part of a research project led by our Senior Researcher Lorena Alcázar on December 1st at 09:00 a.m., in GRADE’s headquarters. REGISTRATION […]

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  • Abordando los estereotipos de género y políticas públicas para facilitar el acceso a un trabajo decente en las mujeres en el Perú
    Monday, 27 de November de 2023

    Abordando los estereotipos de género y políticas públicas para facilitar el acceso a un trabajo decente en las mujeres en el Perú

    A pesar de años de esfuerzos promoviendo la igualdad de género y cierto progreso, la desigualdad laboral entre mujeres y hombres persiste en el Perú. En 2022, un equipo de investigadores del PEP (Partnership for Economic Policy) analizó los factores detrás de esta persistente brecha y, más específicamente, las barreras que impiden el acceso de […]

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