Publicaciones de Desarrollo rural y agricultura
Spotlight on organisations: smallholder farmers and rural development
This document highlights some of the key organisations that focus on small-scale farming in the Latin American context. Together, these organisations cover a wide range of themes, including institutional rural development, land access and use, market access, value chains, food security, and smallholder market integration, and a variety of issues related to rural life, such […]
Spotlight on publications: smallholder farmers and rural development
The publications presented below represent some of the key resources dealing with a variety of issues related to rural development and small-scale farming in Latin America. The selected publications focus on: Market Access; Territorial Development; Rural Development; Agricultural Productivity; Reality of Smallholder Farmers; and Land Use and Rights. Case Studies addressing these themes in a […]
Land grabbing in Latin America: opportunity or threat?
This ELLA Brief presents cases of land grabbing in Latin America and explores the controversy around this phenomenon. It reviews the causes and characteristics of land grabbing around the world and specifies the ways in which land grabbing in Latin America differs from typical scenarios in Africa and Asia. In particular, this Brief explains the […]
Latin America’s rural family farmers: evolutions in access to markets and rural income structure
In order to understand Latin America’s current experience with small-holder farming, it is helpful to understand two key changes in the region’s rural areas that have been evolving mainly over the past two decades: farmers’ increased access to markets and diversification of their income sources. This Brief takes a closer look at these two key […]
América Latina hacia la inclusión social. Avances, aprendizajes y desafíos
Los estudios que conforman este libro se inscribieron dentro de cuatro áreas temáticas que la Iniciativa Latinoamericana de Investigación para las Políticas Públicas (ILAIPP) decidió promover, por estar vinculados en niveles y proporciones diferentes a la inclusión social como la cuestión principal a discutir. Estas áreas temáticas estaban referidas a las experiencias exitosas (o buenas […]
Economía del agua: conceptos y aplicaciones para una mejor gestión
Este libro ha sido pensado como un texto de apoyo para un curso de economía del agua, orientado a economistas y no economistas interesados en mejorar la gestión de un recurso tan importante como este. Es conocido que el agua es uno de los recursos más difíciles de gestionar. Trasladarla de sus fuentes naturales, generalmente […]