Juan León Jara-Almonte
Senior Researcher
PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education - Pennsylvania State University
Juan has a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative & International Education from Pennsylvania State University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences with mention in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher at GRADE.
His research interests are inequality in education, intercultural bilingual education, early childhood, testing policies and school effectiveness.
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
2019 Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Claudia Felipe
The study on which this policy brief is based analyzes which factors are associated with the fact that girls and boys born in contexts of relative poverty in rural areas not only remain in school, but also register high educational performance in tests of mathematical and verbal knowledge at 15 years of age. For this, […]
Venciendo la adversidad: trayectorias educativas de estudiantes pobres en zonas rurales del Perú
2019 Santiago Cueto, Claudia Felipe, Juan Leon
The Peruvian education system is characterized by high levels of access, low levels of learning and high inequality. There are several reasons why some students access a high level of education and learning, while others do not. In general, it can be affirmed that there is a connection between socioeconomic characteristics and student performance, and […]
El conocimiento del contenido por parte de los docentes y su relación con el rendimiento de los estudiantes de sexto de primaria: una mirada a las tres regiones naturales del Perú
2019 Juan Leon, Claudia Sugimaru, Ana Salas
Literature has shown the importance of both the figure of the teacher and the variables associated with the educational context, since they directly affect learning and can be influenced by short-term policies. This study determines the knowledge of the content —level of knowledge regarding the disciplinary area taught— of the teachers of Mathematics of the […]
Chapter in BookEarly Childhood Matters
Drone photography improves understanding of spaces for children in Lima
The objective is to provide local and central governments with tools that will enable them to monitor and improve public spaces. These tools include indicators – such as the quality of the environment, ease of access for pedestrians, and level of use by families – and instruments for assessing them, such as checklists and drone […]
Capital social y logro ocupacional en contextos de segregación
2019 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Álvaro Paredes, Diana La Riva
This study explores the influence of socioeconomic segregation in neighborhoods of Metropolitan Lima on the occupational achievement of heads of households, as well as the relevance of social capital in this relationship. Using the databases of the Nopoor project, a direct, negative and statistically significant relationship is identified between segregation and occupational achievement. In addition, […]
Asistencia docente y rendimiento escolar: el caso del Programa META
2008 Santiago Cueto, Maximo Torero, Juan Leon, José Deustua
Impacto y efecto del programa de incentivos META implementado por el Ministerio de Educación para incrementar la asistencia diaria y la permanencia en clase de los docentes en algunas zonas rurales del Perú.
Social capital and education outcomes in urban and rural Peru
2005 Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Sharon Huttly, Mary Penny
The results of the study confirmed poor educational outcomes for many Peruvian school children. High proportions were unable to master simple tasks and were in a lower school grade
Las actitudes de los estudiantes peruanos hacia la lectura, la escritura, la matemática y las lenguas indígenas
2003 Santiago Cueto, Fernando Andrade, Juan Leon
Resultados de la administración de diversas escalas de actitudes a estudiantes de cuarto y sexto de primaria y cuarto de secundaria durante la evaluación nacional del rendimiento estudiantil a fines del 2001.
Oportunidades de aprendizaje y rendimiento en matemáticas en una muestra de estudiantes del sexto grado de primaria de Lima
2003 Santiago Cueto, Cecilia Ramírez, Juan Leon, Oscar Pain
Las oportunidades de aprendizaje (ODA) de matemática en estudiantes de sexto de primaria de escuelas públicas así como la relación entre ODA y el rendimiento de los estudiantes basado en el currículo peruano.
JournalRevista Peruana de Investigación Educativa
Ausentismo docente en Perú: Factores asociados y su efecto en el rendimiento
2015 Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon
The objective of this study is twofold. First, to describe how teachers’ and schools’ characteristics are associated with teacher absenteeism. Second, to explore the relationship between teacher absenteeism and student achievement (mathematics and language), after holding constant student, school and contextual variables. The study uses the Young Lives’ School Survey database which has information for […]
JournalCurrent HIV Research
The role of objective numeracy and fluid intelligence in sex-related protective behaviors
2015 Nathan Dieckmann, Ellen Peters, Juan Leon, Martín Benavides, David Baker, Alison Norris
A wealth of studies has indicated that greater cognitive ability is related to healthier behaviors and outcomes throughout the lifespan. In the present paper, we focus on objective numeracy (ability with numbers) and present findings from a study conducted in the Peruvian Highlands that examines the relations among formal education, numeracy, other more general cognitive […]
JournalJournal of Family Violence
The Co-Occurrence of Domestic and Child Violence in Urban Peru: Evidence from Three Regions
2015 Martín Benavides, Juan Leon, Marcela Ponce de León
Using a unique dataset collected from three regions in Peru (Huancavelica, Lima and Loreto), this study explores the co-occurrence of domestic and child violence within households; that is, the situation where a victim of domestic violence (mother) becomes a perpetrator towards other family members (children) in the same household. Secondly, the study seeks to analyze […]
The cognitive impact of the education revolution: A possible cause of the Flynn Effect on population IQ
2015 David Baker, Paul Eslinger, Martín Benavides, Ellen Peters, Nathan Dieckmann, Juan Leon
JournalOxford Review of Education
The relationship between socioeconomic status at age one, opportunities to learn and achievement in mathematics in fourth grade in Peru
2014 Santiago Cueto, Gabriela Guerrero, Juan Leon, Mayli Zapata, Silvana Freire
Utilizando información longitudinal de Young Lives para Perú, se explora la relación entre el NSE medido desde el primer año de edad, las oportunidades de aprendizaje y los logros de aprendizaje en matemáticas 10 años después.
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- Baseline of the Project “Parenting guidelines that promote good treatment to children 3 to 5 years old”November 2012 - January 2013
- Evaluation of the implementation of the Coverage Expansion Program for Early Years Education – Alternative 4October 2012
- Equality and equity in learning in PeruSeptember 2012 - December 2012
- Indicators on violence against children in PeruMay 2012 - January 2013
- Teacher absenteeism: Associated factors and effect on performanceFebruary 2012 - February 2013
- Individual and family characteristics, educational opportunities and school performance: a longitudinal study in PeruDecember 2011 - December 2012
- Young Lives – quantitative component 2009 – 2010July 2009
- Impact evaluation on the AprenDes project (2008)September 2008
- Young Lives – QuantitativeApril 2008 - June 2009
- Instruments for the measure of educational qualityJanuary 2006
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Selected Publications
Is education a risk factor or social vaccine against HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa? The effect of schooling across public health periods
2017 Juan Leon, David Baker, Daniel Salinas, Adrienne Henck
The population education transition curve: education gradients across population exposure to new health risks
2017 David Baker, William C. Smith, Ismael G. Muñoz, Haram Jeon, Tian Fu, Juan Leon, Daniel Salinas, Renata Horvatek